Fragmenta Manuscripta
The psalter was a specialized book containing only the 150 psalms, which were believed to have been written by King David. It is divided into the Divine Office, a routine used by ecclesiastics that involves the recitation and reading of religious texts at specified hours of the day. The canonical hours that divided the day into eight prayer hours are Matins (before dawn), Lauds (dawn), Prime (early morning), Terce (third hour, 9am), Sext (sixth hour, noon), None (ninth hour, 3pm), Vespers (sunset), and Compline (end of the day). The Psalter was used by the clergy for the liturgy and were also commissioned by private individuals for their personal devotion. For this reason, psalters are one of the most illuminated of all medieval books.
Sandler, Lucy Freeman. “Psalter.” Oxford Art Online. 2003, updated September 22, 2014.

Identifier: Fragmenta Manuscripta 016
Date: 1240-1260
Contents: Psalter, glossed
Language: Latin
Location: England
Identifier: Fragmenta Manuscripta 020
Date: 1100-1199
Contents: Psalter
Language: Latin
Location: England

Identifier: Fragmenta Manuscripta 028
Date: 1140-1160
Contents: Psalter, glossed
Language: Latin
Location: England

Identifier: Fragmenta Manuscripta 029
Date: 1240-1260
Contents: Psalter
Language: Latin
Location: England

Identifier: Fragmenta Manuscripta 045
Date: 1200-1250
Contents: Psalter, glossed
Language: Latin
Location: England

Identifier: Fragmenta Manuscripta 046
Date: 1050-1099
Contents: Psalter, glossed
Language: Latin
Location: England, Ramsey Abbey (?)

Identifier: Fragmenta Manuscripta 050
Date: 1240-1260
Contents: Psalter
Language: Latin
Location: England

Identifier: Fragmenta Manuscripta 061
Date: 1190-1210
Contents: Psalter
Language: Latin
Location: England

Identifier: Fragmenta Manuscripta 080
Date: 1300-1315
Contents: Psalter commentary
Language: Latin
Location: England

Identifier: Fragmenta Manuscripta 083
Date: 1240-1260
Contents: Psalter
Language: Latin
Location: England

Identifier: Fragmenta Manuscripta 084
Date: 1100-1199
Contents: Psalter
Language: Latin
Location: England

Identifier: Fragmenta Manuscripta 091
Date: 1300-1350
Contents: Psalter
Language: Latin
Location: England

Identifier: Fragmenta Manuscripta 093
Date: 1290-1310
Contents: Psalter
Language: Latin
Location: England

Identifier: Fragmenta Manuscripta 104
Date: 1200-1250
Contents: Psalter
Language: Latin
Location: England

Identifier: Fragmenta Manuscripta 126
Date: 1390-1410
Contents: Psalter, ferial
Language: Latin
Location: Low Countries (?)