French History, Politics, and Law
Special Collections holds French Revolutionary tracts as well as a large collection centering around the intersection between the history of French political institutions and the development of French law, but also includes many works on French and European history more generally. The majority of the collection dates from the 19th century, but it includes over 200 items from the 13th to 18th centuries.
How to Use the Collection
With a few exceptions, the collections can be accessed and requested through the library catalog. Finding aids for individual collections are linked on this website. Materials are available for use in the Special Collections Reading Room (room 401) during regular hours. Materials do not circulate.
Finding Aids for French History, Politics, and Law
Jacques Flach Collection.

Biographical Sketch GeoffroiJacques Flach(1846-1919) was born in Strasbourg, France, the capital of the Alsace region, on February 16, 1846. His…
Rare Books

The Rare Books Collection is the default designation for materials in Special Collections that are acquired as individual items. Like Special…
Related Exhibits
Geofroi Jacques Flach

This site documents the journey of the library of Geofroi Jacques Flach from France to Missouri. He collected books over...
Selected Items
Académie des sciences (France) Mémoires “Observations des différents effets que produisent sur les végétaux les grandes gelées d'hiver et les petites gelées du printemps.”

Vols. for 1816- numbered also as 2. sér., t. 1-(varies, lacking on some vols.)
Some volumes published out of chronological order.
Sauvons les bébés par l'allaitement maternel [graphic] / [dessin de] R. Stéphany.

1 print (poster) : black & white ; 79 x 60 cm
Encyclopédie : ou, Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers / par une société de gens de lettres ; mis en ordre & publié par M. Diderot ... & quant à la partie mathématique, par M. d'Alembert.

36 volumes : portraits
Vol. 30 has imprint: Neufchatel, Société typographique, 1779.
Système Social. : Ou Principes naturels de la morale et de la politique / Avec un examen de l'influence du gouvernement sur les moeurs.

3 volumes in 1. ; 21 cm
Reprint of London [i.e. Amsterdam] 1773 ed.