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Travel and Exploration

Special Collections has a number of materials related to travel and exploration.  The three largest holdings consist of around 400 travelogues and other published accounts of travel throughout Europe, approximately 100 of which focus on travel within Great Britain; around 150 titles related to travel in North and South America, including emigrants’ guides, sea expeditions, and published accounts of western expansion; and a collection of maps and atlases dating from the 16th century to the present.

How to Use the Collection

With a few exceptions, the collections can be accessed and requested through the library catalog. Finding aids for individual collections are linked on this website. Materials are available for use in the Special Collections Reading Room (room 401) during regular hours. Materials do not circulate. 

Finding Aids for Travel and Exploration

Gary E. and Janet J. Venable Antiquarian Atlas & Map Collection


The Venable Collection documents the history of cartography, geography, and exploration from the sixteenth through the early twentieth century.…

John G. Neihardt Collection.


Biographical Sketch John Gneisenau Neihardt (1881-1973) accepted a position at the University of Missouri-Columbia's Department of English in 1949…

Martin and Margaret Hiller Collection of Audiovisual Materials on China, 1945-1948.


Scope and Contents The Hiller Collection documents cities, industries, farming, and everyday life in China during the second phase of the Chinese…

Poster Collection.


Scope and Contents The collection consists of posters from both World War I and World War II with a tourist and other miscellaneous posters from the…

Rare Books


The Rare Books Collection is the default designation for materials in Special Collections that are acquired as individual items. Like Special…

William Least Heat-Moon Papers.

Scope and Contents Material by Wililam Least Heat-Moon (b. 1939). Manuscripts and additional materials from the following books: PrairyErth (A…

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Henson Portrait Bust.jpg

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Selected Items

Hiller 09-087 : Jeep stuck in country road


Photograph of one of the jeeps stuck on a dilapidated bridge in Soochow. Some people are trying to get it loose as others watch.

Digitized from…

Various Plans and Draughts of Cities, Towns, Harbours &c . . .


[New York, Boston, Charleston, Delaware River to Philadelphia & Havana].

Hiller 09-094 : A boat on the river, two people rowing


Photograph of a boat with sails on a river in Soochow. Another boat with sail in the distance. Houses on far side of riverbank in…

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