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Internships in Special Collections

In addition to class sessions, Special Collections also periodically hosts interns. Internships in Special Collections tend to be public-facing work involving social media, outreach, or exhibition projects, although some interns have also worked in collaboration with Digital Services on digitization projects. Internships are typically a semester long and run 150 hours.

What to do if you are interested in an internship

To work as an intern in Special Collections, you will need to discuss the internship with your advisor to make sure that you can register  to earn course credit for the internship. All internships will also require a faculty supervisor in your department. We cannot accept interns who are not working for course credit.

Once your advisor and department are on board, you should contact Special Collections staff well in advance, at least two months prior to the start of the semester in which you would like to do your internship.

Information about specific internship opportunities can also be found here:

English and History Students

The majority of our interns have come from the English and History departments. Students from these departments should go through their departmental internship coordinators. More information on internships affiliated with these departments can be found here:

Graduate Student Practica

MLIS students interested in doing their practicum in Special Collections should contact Special Collections before they register for ISLT 7381.

Exhibits done by Interns

Interns have done exhibits using Special Collections materials on a variety of topics. Their exhibits are available below:

John T. McCutcheon: A Cartoonist in his Prime, 1930s


Works from American cartoonist John T. McCutcheon in the 1930s.

The Art of Cartography: Cartes-à-figures


Cartography is the art and science of map-making. During the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Cartography was experiencing a peak of...

Preservation Week 2021 and the Adopt-A-Book Program

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This exhibit contains information on preservation within the library and the Adopt-A-Book program. This was completed in preparation for Preservation...

Commercial Art: Travel Posters in Special Collections


This exhibit focuses on nine European travel posters from Spain, France, Italy, Britain, Germany, and Norway. In a century of...

Children’s Literature of the Harlem Renaissance by African American Women


The twenty-one books in the exhibit represent how invaluable the Harlem Renaissance was for African American children’s literature.

Hiller Collection


The Hiller Collection documents cities, industries, farming, and everyday life in China during the second phase of the Chinese Civil...