History of Printing
History of the Book and Printing
The history of printing and the book arts is one of the primary interests of Special Collections. Highlights include:
- A collection of two dozen incunabula including a splendid copy of Hartmann Schedel’s Liber Chronicarum (1493)
- Numerous sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth century titles from important printers such as Aldus Manutius, the Elzevirs, the Plantin-Moretus family, Baskerville, Bodoni, and others
These materials provide an essential learning laboratory for students and faculty interested in the history and technologies of the book. They also complement and provide a touchstone for a campus-wide interest in the history and future of media, communications, and disruptive technologies such as the Internet and the printing press.
Finding Aids for the History of Printing
Anthony C. DeBellis Collection of Humanistic Literature.
Biographical Sketch Anthony C. DeBellis taught Italian language and literature at the University of Missouri from 1966 to 1981. Most of his rare…
Dime Novels.

Dime novels were published from the middle nineteenth century through the early twentieth century and were largely pulp fiction aimed at a…
Frank Luther Mott Collection of American Best Sellers, 1662-1945.

Scope and Contents The earliest book Mott considered for inclusion was Michael Wigglesworth'sThe Day of Doom(Cambridge: Samuel Green, 1662), and the…

The Department of Rare Books and Special collections maintains a small collection of incunabula (European books printed before 1501) and early printed…
Pages from the Past Collection

Pages from the Past is a collection of original manuscript and rare book leaves compiled and sold by a New York book dealer Alfred W. Stites from 1964…
Press Ephemera Collection.
Scope and Contents The collection contains material on private and specialty presses, dating primarily from the 1980s to the present. Many items in…
Rare Books

The Rare Books Collection is the default designation for materials in Special Collections that are acquired as individual items. Like Special…
Related Exhibits
Engraved Throughout

This exhibition features engraved books housed in Special Collections & Rare Books, and includes some of the finest engraved books...
Many Happy Returns

This exhibit brings together a selection of items associated with the most important literary anniversaries celebrated in 2016.
Incunables in Special Collections

Printing with moveable type began in Europe in the 1450s in the German city of Mainz with the Gutenberg Bible...
Selected Items
Dialogus inter clerum et militem.

Caption title.
Imprint from colophon.
Signatures: a⁸.
The title on the piece contains medieval manuscript abbreviations not reproduced…
Bible. Old Testament Jeremiah XII-XIV, 1-19. Latin. Vulgate. 1455.

Leaf from an imperfect copy of the "Gutenberg Bible," separated and sold in: A noble fragment : being a leaf of the Gutenberg Bible, 1450-1455 : with…
Sermones de adventu, etc.

Title from incipit (leaf a2r).
Includes: Sermones de adventu, Sermo de S. Joseph, Sermo de beatitudine, Sermones de divina caritate, Sermones de…
Liber chronicarum

Leaf [1a] (woodcut title): Registrum huius operis Libri cronicarum cũfiguris et ymagibus ab inicio mũdi.
Illustrated by Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm…
Book of hours. Selections

Title and imprint from STC (2nd ed.), 15887.
Two leaves cut from the book and mounted with hinges; in slipcase.
Text of the first leaf includes…
De evangelica praeparatione. Latin

Title from leaf a4v.
Edited by Hieronymus Bononius.
Imprint from colophon, leaf p7v.
Signatures: a¹⁰ b-n⁸/⁶ o⁶ p⁸ (a1 and p8 blank).
Liber de Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis.

Colophon: Explicitus est liber de Scriptoribus ecclesiasticis disertissimi patris domini Iohan[n]is de Tritth[i]em abbatis Spanhene[n]sis: Basileae:…