home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Peer Navigator Corner: Contactless Pickup Lockers

Peer Navigator Corner: Contactless Pickup Lockers

Written by: Alyssa Westhoff

Ellis Library has over 3.5 million books available to check out. Patrons are more than welcome to come in and search for material in person, but there is also a quick and convenient option for those who would prefer to place a request from home – contactless pickup lockers that are available 24/7. They are located in the vestibule of the West entrance of Ellis Library, between Speakers Circle and Bookmark Cafe. These lockers provide a way for patrons to find, request, and obtain the books they are looking for at the highest level of convenience! 

To place a request online, students can go to the homepage of our library website, https://library.missouri.edu/. The blue box titled “Discover at MU” has a search bar to type in a title, or any keywords of the book they are looking for. Once the item they are looking for is found, they can click the “Place Request” link in blue letters. This will prompt the selection of a location, with the option of “MU Ellis Library Pickup Lockers.” These lockers are also offered in Health Sciences Library. Patrons can go through the same sequence as before, just choosing “Lottes Locker” as their location instead. 

After selecting the correct location and confirming the request, an email will be sent with more details including confirmation when their material is ready for pickup, along with their locker number and access code. This is a great resource that I didn’t know about before I started working at Ellis as a Peer Navigator. Hopefully, these lockers can encourage more students to use the materials our libraries have to offer! 


home Ellis Library, Resources and Services, Uncategorized Peer Navigator Corner: Interlibrary Loan for Articles

Peer Navigator Corner: Interlibrary Loan for Articles

Written by: Clementine Arneson

With the seemingly endless line of research papers that I have been assigned at Mizzou, I have a lot of experience looking for scholarly, peer-reviewed articles. The Ellis Library website is a great place to find such papers, and allows you to filter by type of resource, year of publication, language, and more. However, one library just can’t have all the resources and articles in the world. With that being said, Ellis Library can provide students with free access to journal articles outside of our own collections – there’s just one extra step in the process. 

If you’ve found an article on Google Scholar that sits behind a paywall, or the link on Ellis’s website doesn’t pull up the full text, you can use Ellis’s Interlibrary Loan service to access the article for free.The simplest way to do this is to use the link attached to the article you want to access. On Ellis’s catalog website, you will often see a link that says “FindIt@MU” attached to journal articles. Sometimes this will allow you to pull up the article right away, but sometimes it will prompt you to proceed to interlibrary loan. If you see a link that says, “Article not online? Request a copy,” click there. It will take you directly to the ILL page, and after logging in, it will have filled out the information on the form automatically. You can link Google Scholar to FindIt@MU in order to be able to follow these steps there as well. (Here is a guide to that process: https://libraryguides.missouri.edu/quickguides/googlescholarAddon).

You can also fill out this form yourself from Ellis Library’s main website. Under the “Quick Links” section of our homepage, at the bottom left portion of the screen, you will see a link to “ILL@MU.” Click this link, log in with your Mizzou pawprint and password, then click “New Requests” at the top of the screen. After choosing the type of media you are requesting, you will be prompted to fill out a form with information about the source you need. Most articles are electronic, so a PDF of the article might be ready in a few hours, although it could take a couple days if it’s difficult to find a library with a copy of.

MU partners with other libraries that have access to different databases than we do, so they are able to send us copies of their resources, and we can do the same for them. This same premise applies to all types of resources. If another library has a book you need, you can request a PDF of a chapter of that book. You can also request the whole book using this webpage (but check MOBIUS first: https://library.missouri.edu/news/ellis-library/peer-navigator-corner-mobius-lending).

home Ellis Library, Events and Exhibits Peer Navigator Corner: Cast Gallery

Peer Navigator Corner: Cast Gallery

Written by: Laide Agunbiade

The Cast Gallery in Ellis Library provides Mizzou students a unique opportunity to dive into art, history, and culture without ever having to leave campus! As you walk through the familiar corridors of Ellis, surrounded by the comforting scent of books and the stress of school, it’s easy to overlook the hidden treasures that are within the walls of the library.

On the second floor when you enter the quiet study area, you’ll find yourself surrounded by an impressive array of statues, but they’re all over Ellis as well. The gems that were hidden away for years are now on display to be seen by all.

However, the cast’s journey to Mizzou didn’t begin within the walls of Ellis Library. Their origins trace back to the vision of John C. Pickard and his vision for bringing cultural pieces to Mizzou. In the late 19th century, Pickard created the foundation for Mizzou’s Department for Classical Archaeology by collecting over 100 pieces of artwork. From ancient Greek sculptures to Renaissance masterpieces, Pickard created a gallery with a range of diverse pieces.

As the pieces began to arrive in 1896-1902, they were installed in Jesse Hall before being relocated to Pickard Hall in 1975. There, they displayed Pickard’s legacy and deep appreciation of the arts.

In the spring semester of 2022, the gallery moved to another home on campus, finding a new residence within Ellis Library. Mizzou’s decision to do this showed their effort to share a significant hidden treasure, mixed in with lore of its forgotten past, to make the art accessible to all users who pass through Ellis Library.

As Mizzou is gearing up for the introduction of the Museum of Art and Archaeology collection, which will be located on the lower floor of Ellis Library, this is a perfect time to spotlight the art Pickard brought to campus years ago. The pieces that we walk past daily will serve as a reminder of the university’s rich tapestry.

So, the next time you find yourself coming to study, print, or just wander the halls of Ellis Library, I urge you all to take a moment to explore the gems of our Cast Gallery. Who knows what insights and inspirations you might discover through Ellis’ silent guardians!

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Peer Navigator Corner: The Digital Media Lab

Peer Navigator Corner: The Digital Media Lab

By: Alyssa Westhoff

Ellis Library has so many amazing resources that I did not know about before I started working as a peer navigator. One of my favorites is the Digital Media and Innovation Lab (DMiL), which provides technology for any creative projects students might be working on, and also provides hands-on support to learn how to use any of the technologies you might be unfamiliar with.

On the first floor of the library, in room 156, the DMiL has an Audio Recording Booth, Digital Art Tools, and 3D scanners. The Audio Recording Booth is a one-person sound booth with microphones, soundboards, Macs, and software for recording audio. Wacom Tablets, Cassette Digitization, and 3D mice can also be found in the DMiL, in addition to more tools that can be used to create and animate any project and bring it to life.

Right next door in room 157 is an interview recording room. It is similar to the one-person audio booth but can hold up to four people at a time. This room is perfect for recording a podcast, interview, or any other multi-person project.

Upstairs on the third floor, in room 3E21, is a film studio that has a green screen, LED lamps, and tripod stands. This room can hold up to 4-5 people at a time. Cameras and other recording equipment is available to be checked out at the Circulation Desk, but you are also welcome to bring your own!

All of the DMiL resources are available for use by making an appointment through the library website. To schedule an appointment, click the yellow “In the Library” tab on the homepage. A drop-down menu will appear with a “Digital Media Lab” tab as an option. Click on this link and it will take you to the Digital Media and Innovation Lab page. Located in the top right corner is a white box titled “Hours and Reservations” with a yellow “Make a Reservation” link inside. Click this yellow link and you will be brought to the calendar where you can choose the space and time you would like to reserve. On the day of your appointment, make sure to check in with lab staff before you begin!

home Ellis Library, Events and Exhibits, Special Collections and Archives Black History Month: “Life in America” Online Exhibit

Black History Month: “Life in America” Online Exhibit

Special Collections has a new digital exhibit in honor of Black History Month: Life in America: Sixteen Black Magazines from 1953 to 1998, curated by John Henry Adams. Magazines offer a snapshot of everyday life, both as it was and how some people might have wished it to be. What makes someone beautiful? What should people be wearing? Who are the important entertainers? What is the best music? What is happening in the world? What should children and teenagers be interested in? All of these are questions that magazines give answers to, and that is before we take into account what is being advertised in the magazines themselves. What is for sale? Who is expected to buy it? Taken together, magazines give us a chance to approach the culture of the past, but also to consider the present through the same lens.

The exhibit features magazines from a recent acquisition, the Samir Husni Magazine Collection, on topics ranging from beauty and fashion magazines to news and lifestyle magazines.


John Henry Adams

John Henry Adams is a librarian in the Special Collections and Rare Books department. He provides instruction and reference for the history of the book in general, but especially for medieval manuscripts, early European printing, the history of cartography, and English and German literature.

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Special Spaces in Mizzou Libraries: Cast Gallery

Special Spaces in Mizzou Libraries: Cast Gallery

Have you ventured to the 2nd floor lately? In Room 202, you’ll find tons of study space and antique-looking lamps that give off cozy, library vibes. Another thing that makes Room 202 unique? It houses the Cast Gallery.

The Cast Gallery, a permanent Ellis Library collection owned by the School of Visual Studies, includes historic casts created in the 19th and 20th centuries by professional cast makers from the original works. Some museums, like the Louvre Museum in Paris, had their own casting shops; MU’s cast of the Venus de Milo, for example, was likely made from a cast of the original at the Louvre. Other casts were purchased from some of the most prominent casting companies of the 19th century, including Domenico Brucciani – these may include our casts of the Laocoön and his Sons and the Apollo Belvedere, made from casts of the original works in Rome. The chalky white of the paster material was inexpensive, relatively lightweight, and could be painted – like our Charioteer of Delphi cast, which was painted to look like the original Greek bronze object. Whether painted or left white, however, the effect of these often monumental objects in their fully three-dimensional aspects provides a viewing experience that is the closest analogue to visiting the originals.

Learn more about the cast gallery: https://libraryguides.missouri.edu/mulibraryexhibits/castgallery


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Ellis Library, Special Collections and Archives, Staff news New Resource: Attack of the Collational Formula

New Resource: Attack of the Collational Formula

When librarians and booksellers describe books, they often include a collational formula, a nightmarish collection of Roman and Greek letters, Arabic numerals, and all manner of subscript and superscripts. If you are interested in learning how to decipher collational formulas, then you may be interested in watching The Attack of the Collational Formula, a series of five videos produced by John Henry Adams, Joseph Sabo, and Caleb Ashlock in a joint project between Special Collections and the Digital Media and Innovation Lab. The project was funded by the Bibliographical Society of America.

The video series includes a basic introduction to bibliographic terms before covering format, collation, and signing in greater detail. Whether you want a refresher or are just getting started, why not check it out? You can find all five videos as a playlist at the BSA’s YouTube channel or you can follow the links below:

John Henry Adams

John Henry Adams is a librarian in the Special Collections and Rare Books department. He provides instruction and reference for the history of the book in general, but especially for medieval manuscripts, early European printing, the history of cartography, and English and German literature.

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services, Special Collections and Archives Peer Navigator Corner: Special Collections

Peer Navigator Corner: Special Collections

Written by: Margaret Gillam

One hidden gem that Ellis Library holds within its walls is the Special Collections and Archives, which is a collection of rare artifacts, papers, manuscripts and literature, located on the fourth floor west of the library. The Special Collections date back to 1962 and are available to learn about at any time – you just need to make an appointment so they can pull whatever you’re interested in! The collections aim to make rare and significant materials available for research and learning.

During my freshman year, my Honors Greek Mythology professor scheduled a workshop for our class in Special Collections. We had the opportunity to look at papyrus books that dated back to the Egyptians, and got to practice writing cuneiform on our own small blocks of clay. This experience provided my classmates and me with a hands-on experience that sparked a deeper interest in Greek mythology and its rich history, and certainly made class more enjoyable.

To reach Special Collections, take the elevator to the third floor, turn left, and take the wheelchair lift or stairs to the fourth floor on the west side. These collections are a great way to foster more interest in class material, giving students the opportunity to see, feel and learn about artifacts relevant to their studies. To learn more about Special Collections, schedule a visit, or see its hours and location, visit https://library.missouri.edu/specialcollections/.


home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Peer Navigator Corner: Contacting Research Librarians

Peer Navigator Corner: Contacting Research Librarians

By: Faith Brown

Whether you’re an under or upperclassman, starting a research project can be difficult. While the University of Missouri provides plenty of outlets to find sources and peruse the internet for materials, doing so on your own can be overwhelming. Thankfully, MU Libraries offers a solution to all that stress: meeting up with a research librarian.

Research librarians have expertise in several specific fields of study and provide a variety of services related to finding articles/journals, citations, data management, literature reviews, using databases such as JSTOR and PsychInfo, digital media, and so much more.

To contact a research librarian, simply go to library.missouri.edu and click “Directories” at the top right of the page, or the “Contact Us” link toward the bottom left. From there, click the “subject librarians” tab, scroll through the A-Z list of names and subjects, then send them a message requesting to meet either virtually or in-person. You can also contact a research librarian through MU Connect, and the librarian needed for your subject should automatically be listed in the system. If you’re still unsure about the process of getting in touch with a librarian, you can always use the “Ask the librarians” feature posted on every MU Libraries website, or visit libraryanswers.missouri.edu.

Figuring everything out on your own is a daunting task when it comes to research, so don’t hesitate to get help when help is needed! Librarians are always here to lend a hand with whatever research task you may have, and with 90 subjects to choose from you’re bound to find one that’s perfect for you.


Mizzou Librarians Share Their Favorite Reads of 2023

We asked Mizzou Librarians to recommend their favorite reads of 2023 and asked them to explain why it was their favorite. They could:

  • Write a few sentences OR
  • Provide 3-5 descriptive words OR
  • What emojis would describe the book?

And of course, we got a lot of recommendations. The books could be published in any year and any genre as long as they were available at Mizzou Libraries or in Mobius.

Check out some books to help keep you entertained during these cold January days.


Y/N by Esther Yi

“Darkly funny, intense, beautiful prose, 3-am uncanny,” – Amanda M.


The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

“Magical, Victorian, atmospheric, gentle,” – Julia P.


Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao

“Sci-Fi, Dystopia, Revenge, Kick-Ass Women AND invitation to fight🥊,” Megan B.


Thirty-three Teeth by Colin Cotterill

“Quietly humorous mystery set in Laos featuring elderly coroner. (Bonus note: the Soho Crime imprint is a fun way to travel the world: https://sohopress.com/soho-crime/),” Anne B.


Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi

“”Homecoming” by Yaa Gyasi captivated me with its sweeping narrative that spans generations, exploring the impact of slavery on two half-sisters and their descendants. The characters are vividly drawn and left a lasting impression on me. It’s powerful and thought-provoking, making it a standout and one of the best things I read this year,” Shannon C.


Still Life by Sara Winman

“This book is a lovely exploration of love in its many forms. It is a historical fiction book set in England during the end of WWII and stretching from then through the lives of the characters after the war. And, there is a wonderful, mystical parrot. Who can ask for more?”- Cindy B.


The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins

“Historic, Chilling, Action-Packed, Thought Provoking, Fashionable.” Gabe H.


The Wager by David Grann

“I love history and Mystery and this has all of that and more! Mutiny, Murder and Non Fiction,” Michelle B.


Trejo: My Life of Crime, Redemption, and Hollywood by Danny Trejo

“Unusual & honest autobiography of a Mexican-American; sort of like a rags-to-riches story. You may not recognize his name, but you will know his face from the many characters he has played. He is currently on “Saint George” with George Lopez.” – Tammy G.


The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese

“This is a beautifully written story spanning three generations of a family in India. They have mysterious medical condition which causes someone in each generation to die by drowning. I found both the joy and sorrow in this book incredibly moving.” -Katy E.


Goth: A History by Laurence Tolhurst

“Like a ghost of Goth past, Lol holds your hand and reminds you of all your gorgeous, beloved memories of days past. I felt seen, nostalgic, and vindicated. A must for all the Elder Goths out there. 💀🧛🧛‍♀️🖤” – Mara I.


Shadow divers: the true adventure of two Americans who risked everything to solve one of the last mysteries of World War II By Robert Kurson

“This is a real life story of some hobby SCUBA divers that find a WWII U-Boat off the coast of New Jersey, once again proving that truth is stranger than fiction.”- Diane J.


Brave Men by Ernie Pyle

“The author, Ernie Pyle, wrote for “Stars and Stripes” and was killed by a sniper in the Pacific Theatre later during WWII. This book begins with the invasion of Sicily in 1943, covers D Day in France, and ends with the arrival of Allied troops in Paris in 1944. I was so surprised how much I enjoyed this book. I feel like I learned more about WWII, how soldiers fought and the support network behind them. The chapters/entries are brief, so it’s easy to pick up and put down.” – Gwen G.


Cathedral: Stories by Raymond Carver

“I’m on a big short story kick right now – Raymond Carver, Richard Ford, and (most recently) Jess Walter. Carver reminds me a bit of John Steinbeck; his characters are all hard-luck guys like the men in Steinbeck’s Tortilla Flat.” – Kris A.


Unmask Alice: LSD, Satanic Panic, and the Imposter behind the Worl’s Most Notorious Diaries by Michelle Ross

“Unmask Alice is a masterpiece of a book that I would describe as part biography, part horror story, part documentary about the author of Go Ask Alice. It gives the personal history of troubled teens and disturbed icons, while also giving a big-picture perspective of mass hysteria and the effect that it has on politics, and vice versa. In our current era of (targeted) censorship, I believe this is a MUST READ, much like Go Ask Alice was in the 70s.” – Rebecca


Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus

“Chemist Elizabeth Zott is a single mother and the unlikely host of a popular cooking show, “Supper at Six”. She is not an average woman since she stands up for and advocates for women in the 1950s and 60s and wants to be judged on her own work In the 1950s, she has a relationship with a very gifted chemist, Calvin Evans, resulting in her daughter, Madeline. The book has humor mixed with the plight of women during the 1950s and 1960s along with deception in boys’ homes and in research centers.” – Georgia B.


The Day After Roswell by Philip Corso

“When I started digging for background information about the David Grusch hearing before Congress in 2023, I discovered this book by a high-ranking military intelligence officer in the 1960’s, whose book dates all the way back to 1997! Wow! It certainly gave me a different view of tech developments and international politics, particularly the relationship between the US and Russia under Ronald Reagan.  The chapter on the Star Wars aspect of the Reagan presidency cast the outcomes of his work in an entirely new light!  It’s definitely worth the time to have a glimpse at the hidden world behind the scenes to aid your understanding of what the big deal is about the Grusch testimony!” – Deb W.


The Extraordinaries by TJ Klune

“Teen Angst. Pining. Humor. Superheroes. The audiobook narrator was A+. What more could you want?” – Taira M.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.