home Staff news Library Management Team Notes

Library Management Team Notes

LMT Notes 11.11.2024

LMT Notes 12.03.2024

LMT Notes 01.09.2025

home Staff news Interim Plans for Health & Specialized Libraries

Interim Plans for Health & Specialized Libraries

I wanted to update you about the interim plans for taking care of all the specialized libraries after Chris Pryor’s last day on January 2nd.

For the HSL and Vet Med libraries, Taira will be interim Director of the Health Sciences Libraries. (Vet Med will not be reporting to the HSL director permanently, just for now.) Jenny Thompson will provide support for Taira around budget, collections and personnel issues. This has been approved by the School of Medicine, which is needed because (a) they fund part of the Director’s position and (b) we occupy part of their space and want to be good partners. If you wonder who to ask about what for HSL or Vet Med, ask Taira, and she’ll forward to Jenny questions/requests as needed.

For the Math and Geology libraries, Noel will be interim head. For the Engineering and Journalism libraries, Jeannette will be interim AUL, which means she’s the AUL for Math and Geology, too.

I know that Chris has done a lot of work to support the facilities in all the specialized libraries. For building coordinator issues, please continue to contact the coordinators in your building. But for facilities issues that you would normally have contacted Chris about, please loop in both your interim AUL and Sheila Voss. Sheila will take point on all the MU Libraries facilities needs.


home Staff news, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library Veterinary Medical Library Space Project

Veterinary Medical Library Space Project

The Zalk Veterinary Medical Library is undergoing an exciting transformation. Over the next six months, the library team will relocate thousands of infrequently used items to the UM Libraries Depository (UMLD). UMLD is a facility near campus that is designed to provide high-density storage in a climate-controlled environment.

There are two primary benefits to the project: long-term preservation of the library materials and an expansion of student study space. As the only veterinary library in the state, ensuring the longevity of the collection is a high priority. The books and journals will be housed in an environment designed to prevent deterioration and mold. Additionally, the decrease in shelving units will allow for double the amount of tables available for student use. As the College of Veterinary Medicine’s program continues to grow and thrive, the library can better serve as a dedicated study space to support student success.

And don’t worry: all relocated items will still be requested through the library catalog and picked up on campus!


home Staff news Haley Publishes on Teaching With Primary Sources Collective

Haley Publishes on Teaching With Primary Sources Collective

“Tales Out of School: Special Collection Instruction in Middle School Field Trips”
TPS Collective, January 2, 2025

home Staff news Congratulations to Haley Lykins, Appointed Reference Archivist

Congratulations to Haley Lykins, Appointed Reference Archivist

I am excited to announce that Haley Lykins has accepted an offer to become the permanent Reference/Public Services Archivist for University Archives, effective 1 January 2025. Haley has been in the position on a temporary contract since June of 2024. Before that, Haley served as the Husni Processing Coordinator for Special Collections from 2023-2024 and as a student assistant in Special Collections and Physical Processing from 2019-2023. Haley has a Master of Library and Information Science from the University of Missouri’s School of Information Science and Learning Technologies with an emphasis in Archival Studies and a Bachelor of Art degree from MU’s School of Visual Studies.
Haley has quickly proven herself to be a vital member of our small team, and we look forward to seeing her continue to develop her skills, interests, and expertise in the years ahead.

Anselm Huelsbergen
University Archives

home Staff news New Muse Posts

New Muse Posts

Creative Challenges for January

Imaginary Books

home Staff news Update on Engineering Door Project

Update on Engineering Door Project

The Engineering Library and Technology Commons (ELTC) is planning to re-open Monday, December 23rd. The door renovation project will have some continual work done in early January once campus returns from Winter Break. However, the ELTC is planning on conducting normal operations while the additional work is done. This is subject to change, and updates will be provided as needed. If you have any questions, contact Noël Kopriva at koprivan@missouri.edu.

home Staff news Welcome to Chelsae Cordia

Welcome to Chelsae Cordia

Please welcome Chelsae Cordia in her new role as Coordinator of Donor Engagement for the University of Missouri Libraries. She comes to us from Stephens College where she served as the administrative assistant for the Children’s School. She holds a bachelor’s in management and minor in communication from Webster University and has extensive experience in news and grant writing, along with non-profit leadership. Chelsae is currently the executive director for the Three Rivers Community College Foundation, based in Poplar Bluff, a role she will continue to perform in her spare time. Recently relocated to Columbia from Southern Missouri with her son, 11-year-old Benjamin, she looks forward to cultivating new relationships within the community. Chelsae is an avid runner who enjoys coffee, travel, and watching Dateline.

home Staff news Search Committee for Head of Veterinary Medical Library

Search Committee for Head of Veterinary Medical Library

Chair: Kara Whatley
CVM Faculty: Cindy Cravens
HSL Librarian: Rebecca Graves
RAIS Librarian: Jill Kline
Libraries Staff Member: Katy Emerson

home Staff news In the News

In the News

“Beneath a Tiger moon”
Show Me Mizzou, Dec. 19, 2024