Library Management Team
Library Management Team Notes 1/21/2025
Library Management Team Notes
Interim Plans for Health & Specialized Libraries
I wanted to update you about the interim plans for taking care of all the specialized libraries after Chris Pryor’s last day on January 2nd.
For the HSL and Vet Med libraries, Taira will be interim Director of the Health Sciences Libraries. (Vet Med will not be reporting to the HSL director permanently, just for now.) Jenny Thompson will provide support for Taira around budget, collections and personnel issues. This has been approved by the School of Medicine, which is needed because (a) they fund part of the Director’s position and (b) we occupy part of their space and want to be good partners. If you wonder who to ask about what for HSL or Vet Med, ask Taira, and she’ll forward to Jenny questions/requests as needed.
For the Math and Geology libraries, Noel will be interim head. For the Engineering and Journalism libraries, Jeannette will be interim AUL, which means she’s the AUL for Math and Geology, too.
I know that Chris has done a lot of work to support the facilities in all the specialized libraries. For building coordinator issues, please continue to contact the coordinators in your building. But for facilities issues that you would normally have contacted Chris about, please loop in both your interim AUL and Sheila Voss. Sheila will take point on all the MU Libraries facilities needs.