Below is a list of College of Engineering Faculty that have published academic works in the past 30 days.
Congratulations to all recently published authors!
Note: Access to full text may be subject to library subscriptions. The below citations were pulled from Scopus.
- Abdulredah, A. A., Fadhel, M. A., Alzubaidi, L., Duan, Y., Kherallah, M., & Charfi, F. (2025). Towards unbiased skin cancer classification using deep feature fusion. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 25(1).
- Arowolo, M. O., Azam, M., He, F., Popescu, M., & Xu, D. (2024). Gene name recognition in gene pathway figures using siamese networks. 218–230.
- Assadi, S., Khanna, S., & Kiss, P. (2025). Improved bounds for fully dynamic matching via ordered ruzsa-szemerédi graphs. 5, 2971–2990.
- Babanagar, N., Giriraju, R., Prabhugaonker, R., Gopalaratnam, V., Barde, A., & Pillai, R. G. (2024). Precast concrete building construction in India-challenges and opportunities. Indian Concrete Journal, 98(8), 7–24. Scopus.
- Bateman, B., Xin, M., Tseng, H. E., & Liu, M. (2024). Nash or stackelberg? – A comparative study for game-theoretic autonomous vehicle decision-making. 58(28), 504–509.
- Behzadian, A., Muturi, T., Owor, N. J., & Adu-Gyamfi, Y. (2024). Optimizing road damage detection with yolov10: A resource-efficient approach utilizing augmentation, data sampling, and hyperparameter tuning. 8439–8446.
- Calyam, P., Clemm, A., Pandey, A., Roy, U., Keller, A., Das, S. K., Calvert, K., & Li, Q. (2024). Softwarized networks in the age of generative artificial intelligence: use cases, challenges, and opportunities. IEEE Internet Computing, 28(6), 68–76.
- Cannone Falchetto, A., Yin, F., Cavalli, M. C., Mangiafico, S., Biligiri, K. P., Cantot, J., Rath, P., Singh, A., Elwardany, M., Wang, D., Chen, C., Grenfell, J., Zhang, F., Sun, Y., & Krayushkina, K. (2024). On the new RILEM technical committee TC APD: alternative paving materials – design and performance. RILEM Technical Letters, 9, 68–75.
- Catalano, A. J., Hall, D. M., & Gentil, G. M. (2025). Examining truth regimes reveals how local communities view flooding and river management in the lower missouri river basin, USA. Environmental Management.
- Chen, J., Duan, H., & Huang, G. (2025). Transformer-based inverse-design model for optimal multilayer microperforated panels. Physical Review Applied, 23(2).
- Chen, K., Han, X., Li, X., Liang, Y., Xu, D., & Guan, R. (2024). PNESR-DDI: an effective drug-drug interaction prediction model based on pretraining method and enhanced subgraph reconstruction. 1874–1881.
- Chen, Y., Xu, D., Hammer, R., & Popescu, M. (2024). Predicting gene relations with a graph transformer network integrating DNA, protein, and descriptive data. 3101–3104.
- Chintamaneni, V. K., Debbadi, S. K., Kandula, S. S., & Gargees, R. S. (2024). Hybrid deep learning/machine learning model for retinal diseases classifications using OCT images. 2024 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Internet of Things, AIBThings 2024 – Proceedings.
- Das, M. J., Rao, P., & Xu, L. (2024). IMpact of the networking infrastructure on the performance of variant calling on human genomes in commodity clusters. ACM-BCB 2024 – 15th ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics.
- Demby’s, J., Farag, R., & Desouza, G. N. (2024). Inverse Kinematics of Robotic Manipulators Using a New Learning-by-Example Method. 9534–9541.
- Dmonte, A., Oruche, R., Zampieri, M., Ko, E., & Calyam, P. (2025). GMU-MU at the Financial Misinformation Detection Challenge Task: Exploring LLMs for Financial Claim Verification. 308–312.
- Dostoglou, S., & Valettas, P. (2025). On the clustering of padé zeros and poles of random power series. International Mathematics Research Notices, 2025(3).
- Elbelbisi, A., Salim, H., Newberry, M., Weaver, M., & Elemam, H. (2024). Blast-resistant insulated laminated glass windows. 3.
- Elemam, H., Elkilani, A., Elbelbisi, A., Elsisi, A., Bowman, A., & Salim, H. (2024). Strain rate material response of laminated glass interlayer polymers. 3.
- Elkilani, A., Salim, H., Elemam, H., Elbelbisi, A., Elsisi, A., Bowman, A., & Johnson, C. (2024). Modeling of multilayer laminated glass panels under blast. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE )3.
- Elkilani, A., Elsisi, A., Knight, J., Elbelbisi, A., & Salim, H. (2025). Thermomechanical high strain rate behavior of LG polymeric interlayer materials. Construction and Building Materials, 464.
- Fischer, S., & Neurath, M. F. (2025). Update on the pathophysiology, prediction and prevention of inflammatory bowel diseases. Innere Medizin 66(2), 137–145.
- Gao, Z., Lv, M., Liu, M., Gu, C., Li, G., Liu, B., Singh, D. J., Zheng, W., & Fan, X. (2025). Novel layered As2Ge with a pentagonal structure for potential thermoelectrics. Journal of Materials Chemistry C.
- García Delgado, G., Shammi, U., Ruppel, M., Altes, T., Mugler, J., Meyer, C., Qing, K., de Lange, E., Mata, J., Ruset, I., Hersman, F. W., & Thomen, R. (2025). QUantification of spatial ventilation defect sparsity in hyperpolarized gas magnetic resonance imaging of lungs utilizing a three-dimensional clustering algorithm. NMR in Biomedicine, 38(3).
- Giraldo-Londoño, O., Muñetón-López, R. A., Barclay, P. L., Zhuang, X., Zhang, D. Z., & Chen, Z. (2025). Toward engineering lattice structures with the material point method (MPM). Engineering with Computers.
- Goel, V., Ding, J., Hatuwal, B., Giri, E., Deliberto, T. J., Lowe, J., Webby, R., Emch, M., & Wan, X.-F. (2025). Ecological drivers of evolution of swine influenza in the United States: A review. Emerging Microbes and Infections, 14(1).
- Hawley, J., & Shyu, C.-R. (2024). Analysis of A Malicious Deutsch-Jozsa Circuit. 2, 602–603.
- Ismail, K. B. M., Kumar, M. A., Prasath, J., Mahalingam, S., Jayavel, R., Arivanandhan, M., & Kim, J. (2025). Enhanced supercapattery performance of hydrothermally synthesized MoS2/ZnS nanocomposites. Journal of Energy Storage, 113.
- Joby, J. A., Sikorski, P., Sultan, T., Akbarpour, H., Esposito, F., & Babaiasl, M. (2024). Emg-transnn-mha: a transformer-based model for enhanced motor intent recognition in assistive robotics. 8691–8693.
- Kostage, K., Adepu, R., Monroe, J., Haughton, T., Mogollon, J., Poduvu, S., Palaniappan, K., Qu, C., Calyam, P., & Mitra, R. (2025). Federated learning-enabled network incident anomaly detection optimization for drone swarms. 104–114.
- Ling, C., Lou, X., Li, J., & Zhang, Y. (2019). Experimental investigation of a novel tidal supercharger driven by tidal energy for reverse osmosis seawater desalination (Vol. 2019, p. 194).
- Massa, H., & Uhlmann, J. (2025). Access-adaptive priority search tree. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering.
- Mubarak, A. S., Salih, S. S., Kadhom, M., & Ghosh, T. K. (2025). Removal of heavy metals from contaminated water using Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs): A review on techniques and applications. Materials Science and Engineering: B, 315.
- Mukherjee, S., Suresh, D., Zambre, A., Yadavilli, S., Ghoshdastidar, S., Upendran, A., & Kannan, R. (2025). Synergistic inhibition of drug resistant KRAS mutant non-small cell lung cancer by co-targeting AXL and SRC. Cancers, 17(3).
- Oliva, G., Manin, L., Valić, S., Islam, S. K., Fiorillo, A. S., & Pullano, S. A. (2025). Zeolite 5 A mediated palmitic acid detection in tomato seed oil by photoionization detector. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 431.
- Omelyusik, V., Shehzad, K., Banks, T., Rao, P., & Nair, S. S. (2024). On scaling neuronal network simulations using distributed computing. 745–749.
- Prasanna, S., Kumar, A., Rao, D., Simoes, E. J., & Rao, P. (2024). A scalable tool for analyzing genomic variants of humans using knowledge graphs and graph machine learning. Frontiers in Big Data, 7.
- Salim, H., Elbelbisi, A., Knight, J., Chen, Z., Elemam, H., Bowman, A., & Kantrales, G. (2024). Computational and experimental calibration of material model for blast-resistant laminated glass systems. 3.
- Singh, P., Kinkade, J. A., Verma, M., Khan, T., Ezashi, T., Bivens, N. J., Roberts, R. M., Rosenfeld, C. S., & Joshi, T. (2024). Impact of extracellular vesicles derived from human placenta cells on neural progenitor cell transcriptome dynamics. 457–462.
- Tali, S., Noguera, D., & Gargees, R. S. (2024). Comparative analysis of hate speech detection using various vectorization and classification techniques. 2024 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Internet of Things, AIBThings 2024 – Proceedings.
- Tang, J., Guo, Q., Zhao, Y., & Shang, Y. (2024). DEcoding linguistic nuances in mental health text classification using expressive narrative stories. 207–216.
- Ye, Z.-F., Jiang, H.-M., Liu, D. Y., Singh, D. J., & Huang, Y. N. (2025). Interlayer coupling of magnetism and electronic structure in two-dimensional superconducting systems: Fcc Fe on monolayer FeSe. Physical Review B, 111(7).
- Ying, X., Reasad, M., & Wang, B. (2025). Development and laboratory assessment of a subsea particle image velocimetry system for bubble and turbulence measurements in marine seeps. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods.
- Zhang, D., Stein, R., Lu, Y., Zhou, T., Lei, Y., Li, L., Chen, J., Arnold, J., Becich, M. J., Chrischilles, E. A., Chuang, C. H., Christakis, D. A., Fort, D., Geary, C. R., Hornig, M., Kaushal, R., Liebovitz, D. M., Mosa, A. S. M., Morizono, H., Chen, Y. (2025). Pediatric gastrointestinal tract outcomes during the postacute phase of COVID-19. JAMA Network Open, 8(2). Scopus.