home Uncategorized Cycle of Success: Special Collection Instruction in Middle School Field Trips

Cycle of Success: Special Collection Instruction in Middle School Field Trips

Revision of article written by Clare Starkey, Haley Lykins, and Kelli Hansen

The University of Missouri’s division of Special Collections holds over 100,000 items, dating from the eighth century to the modern era, and focuses on books, periodicals, manuscripts, maps, posters, printed ephemera and artifacts. Though the typical patrons are collegiate researchers, classes for elementary and middle school students are common and are an important part of the University of Missouri’s mission to benefit all Missourians. In the spring of 2024, Special Collections at the University of Missouri hosted a series of field trips for every sixth grader in the Columbia Public School (CPS) district—more than 1,300 students—under the theme of “Ancient Writing Technologies Lab: Cuneiform, Papyrus, Palm Leaves, Oh My!” This workshop gave students a chance to experience ancient writing technologies from across Africa and Asia while interacting with primary sources. Conceived in consultation with the school district’s social studies coordinator, the Special Collections staff provided hands-on activities on the history of the book to complement the school curriculum on ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and China.

Public Services Archivist Haley Lykins stated, “It was exciting to see our primary sources utilized by a new age group. The experience taught us to look beyond the walls of our academic institution for opportunities of outreach and instruction.”

The students rotated between three workstations representing the ancient world. Items from the University’s collection were included to provide a real-life example of the focus of each station and included cuneiform tablets, papyrus fragments and a facsimile palm leaf book. The students visited the University of Missouri campus over the course of 14 field trips throughout April and May. In addition to Special Collections, students visited the University of Missouri’s Museum of Art and Archaeology, Museum of Anthropology, and Francis Quadrangle. Although Special Collections hosted only 10-25 students at a time, around one 100 students overall visited each field trip day.

In each 25-minute session, groups of 3-8 students would spend 7 minutes at a station before rotating to the next one. Each station began with a short informational presentation about the collection item before moving onto the activity. The workshops included making replica cuneiform tablets using playdough, drawing hieroglyphics on papyrus using calligraphy markers, and creating replica palm leaf books by writing stories on long strips of paper and tying them together with yarn. The learning objectives for the workshops were to discuss different writing surfaces from different times and different parts of the world, to describe the advantages and disadvantages of the different surfaces; and to interpret, analyze and evaluate primary sources.

After the field trips, Joy Bass, the social studies coordinator for CPS, said, “Just wanted to let you all know that teachers AND students have rated your ‘station’ very high in their reflection surveys and SO many have said it’s been their favorite.”

Reading Revelry: February 2025

Howdy everyone!
We hope everyone has had a wonderful start to the semester! For this month’s Reading Revelry, we are three books perfect for Valentine’s month 🙂 You can request them by clicking on their hyperlinked titles below. If you have issues requesting the titles, please reach out to Amanda May at asmay@umsystem.edu

Our picks for February:


A Lady For A Duke by Alexis Hall 

When Viola Caroll was presumed dead at Waterloo she took the opportunity to live, at last, as herself. But freedom does not come without a price, and Viola paid for hers with the loss of her wealth, her title, and her closest companion, Justin de Vere, the Duke of Gracewood. Only when their families reconnect, years after the war, does Viola learn how deep that loss truly was. Shattered without her, Gracewood has retreated so far into grief that Viola barely recognizes her old friend in the lonely, brooding man he has become. As Viola strives to bring Gracewood back to himself, fresh desires give new names to old feelings. Feelings that would have

 been impossible once and may be impossible still, but which Viola cannot deny. Even if they cost her everything, all over again. 



One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston 

Twenty-three-year old August doesn’t believe in much. She doesn’t believe in psychics, or easily forged friendships, or finding the kind of love they make movies about. And she certainly doesn’t believe her ragtag band of new roommates, her night shifts at a 24-hour pancake diner, or her daily subway commute full of electrical outages are going to change that. But then, there’s Jane. Beautiful, impossible Jane. All hard edges with a soft smile and swoopy hair and saving August’s day when she needed it most. The person August looks forward to seeing on the train every day. The one who makes her forget about the cities she lived in that never seemed to fit, and her fear of what happens when she finally graduates, and even her cold-case obsessed mother who won’t quite let her go. And when August realizes her subway crush is impossible in more ways than one-namely, displaced in time from the 1970s-she thinks maybe it’s time to start believing. Casey McQuiston’s One Last Stop is a sexy, big-hearted romance where the impossible becomes possible as August does everything in her power to save the girl lost in time.


This Modern Love by Will Darbyshire 

Seeking closure after a tough break-up, Will Darbyshire was driven to strike up an intimate conversation with his online audience. Posting a series of questions via his YouTube, Twitter and Instagram channels, Will asked his followers to share their innermost thoughts about their relationship experiences, in the form of hand-written letters, poems, photographs, and emails. 

After 6 months and over 15,000 heartfelt submissions later, from over 100 countries, This Modern Love collects these letters together to form a compendium of 21st century love, structured into the beginning, middle and end of a relationship. 

Tender, funny and cathartic, This Modern Love is a compelling portrait of individual desires, resentments and fears that reminds us that, whether we’re in or out of love, we’re not alone. 

home Resources and Services, Uncategorized Vote Mizzou: Make Sure You Have a Voting Plan

Vote Mizzou: Make Sure You Have a Voting Plan

Election Day is: Tuesday, November 5th! But before Election Day, there are things you can do to get ready for the polls.

  1. Register to Vote and/check your voter registration
    • As a Mizzou student you have choices on where you can vote. You can choose to vote in your hometown by using your permanent home address or in Columbia, Missouri by using your student address. Either way, you need to make sure you are registered to vote in either place by the voter registration deadline.
    • You can easily check your registration status here.
  2.  What’s the best registration option?
  3. Do I need to Absentee Vote?

All of this information is from VoteMizzou, an Associated Students of the University of Missouri’s (ASUM) initiative to make sure every Tiger is registered.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

Summer Reading Favorites from Mizzou Librarians

We asked Mizzou Librarians to tell us what their favorite read of the summer was and asked them to explain why it was their favorite. They could:

  • Write a few sentences OR
  • Provide 3-5 descriptive words OR
  • What emojis would describe the book?

The books could be published in any year and any genre as long as they were available at Mizzou Libraries or in Mobius.

We know it’s hard to pick a favorite book, but we have some great selections to add to your tbr.


Heartstopper Vol. 3 by Alice Oseman

“The Heartstopper graphic novel series is A+. It’s about young love and finding yourself. My jaw hurt from smiling the entire time reading this,” -Taira M.


The Swans of Fifth Avenue by Melanie Benjamin

“Truman Capote spills the tea on New York socialites,”- Diane



Welcome to the Hyunam-dong Bookshop by Hwang Bo-Reum

“A woman reinvents herself and her life by starting a bookshop in her beloved local community. A lovely, heartwarming read about identity, goals, dreams as well as finding community,” Stara H.


Under the Whispering Door by TJ Klune

“Hopeful, a new way to think about loss and death,” – Megan


Goodbye Hello: Processing Grief and Understanding Death Through the Paranormal by Adam Berry

“This is not a self-help book. It is Adam’s personal take on grief and dying from both a supernatural and psychological standpoint, peppered with stories and interviews from his career in the paranormal. You might find out you’re not crazy/it’s not just you after all.” – Mara, your morbidly curious librarian


A Pirate’s Life for Tea: a Cozy Fantasy with Ships Abound by Rebecca Thorne

“I just discovered the cozy fantasy subgenre, which this novel falls into. It also has many of my favorite things: tea, adventure, good people, and a little romance.” – Noel K.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Databases & Electronic Resources, Resources and Services, Uncategorized New Database Trial: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Standards Collection

New Database Trial: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Standards Collection

MU Libraries has set up a trial for American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Standards Collection until June 1st, 2024.

Contains full-text access to all active American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) standards, including the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC). These codes and standards cover a breadth of topics, including pressure technology, nuclear plants, elevators/escalators, construction, engineering design, standardization, and performance testing

You can provide feedback on the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Standards Collection here.*

If you have questions about the database or how to use it, contact your librarian at ask@missouri.libanswers.com.

*A database trial is used to evaluate the resource and gather feedback from users to help us plan for collection changes in the future.

Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services, Uncategorized Peer Navigator Corner: Interlibrary Loan for Articles

Peer Navigator Corner: Interlibrary Loan for Articles

Written by: Clementine Arneson

With the seemingly endless line of research papers that I have been assigned at Mizzou, I have a lot of experience looking for scholarly, peer-reviewed articles. The Ellis Library website is a great place to find such papers, and allows you to filter by type of resource, year of publication, language, and more. However, one library just can’t have all the resources and articles in the world. With that being said, Ellis Library can provide students with free access to journal articles outside of our own collections – there’s just one extra step in the process. 

If you’ve found an article on Google Scholar that sits behind a paywall, or the link on Ellis’s website doesn’t pull up the full text, you can use Ellis’s Interlibrary Loan service to access the article for free.The simplest way to do this is to use the link attached to the article you want to access. On Ellis’s catalog website, you will often see a link that says “FindIt@MU” attached to journal articles. Sometimes this will allow you to pull up the article right away, but sometimes it will prompt you to proceed to interlibrary loan. If you see a link that says, “Article not online? Request a copy,” click there. It will take you directly to the ILL page, and after logging in, it will have filled out the information on the form automatically. You can link Google Scholar to FindIt@MU in order to be able to follow these steps there as well. (Here is a guide to that process: https://libraryguides.missouri.edu/quickguides/googlescholarAddon).

You can also fill out this form yourself from Ellis Library’s main website. Under the “Quick Links” section of our homepage, at the bottom left portion of the screen, you will see a link to “ILL@MU.” Click this link, log in with your Mizzou pawprint and password, then click “New Requests” at the top of the screen. After choosing the type of media you are requesting, you will be prompted to fill out a form with information about the source you need. Most articles are electronic, so a PDF of the article might be ready in a few hours, although it could take a couple days if it’s difficult to find a library with a copy of.

MU partners with other libraries that have access to different databases than we do, so they are able to send us copies of their resources, and we can do the same for them. This same premise applies to all types of resources. If another library has a book you need, you can request a PDF of a chapter of that book. You can also request the whole book using this webpage (but check MOBIUS first: https://library.missouri.edu/news/ellis-library/peer-navigator-corner-mobius-lending).

home Engineering Library, Uncategorized Reading Revelry February

Reading Revelry February

Happy Black History month! This month’s Reading Revelry is focused on supporting the visibility of Black authors and books about Black culture, history, and people. We hope you will find something enjoyable and educational out of our picks for this month. Happy Reading!







The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin

ISBN: 9780316229296
Publication Date: 2015-08-04
This is the way the world ends. . .for the last time. It starts with the great red rift across the heart of the world’s sole continent, spewing ash that blots out the sun. It starts with death, with a murdered son and a missing daughter. It starts with betrayal, and long dormant wounds rising up to fester. This is the Stillness, a land long familiar with catastrophe, where the power of the earth is wielded as a weapon. And where there is no mercy.

His Name Is George Floyd (Pulitzer Prize Winner) by Robert Samuels; Toluse Olorunnipa

ISBN: 9780593490617
Publication Date: 2022-05-17
A landmark biography by two prizewinning Washington Post reporters that reveals how systemic racism shaped George Floyd’s life and legacy–from his family’s roots in the tobacco fields of North Carolina, to ongoing inequality in housing, education, health care, criminal justice, and policing–telling the story of how one man’s tragic experience brought about a global movement for change.

Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston

ISBN: 9780061120060
Publication Date: 2006-05-30
Out of print for almost thirty years–due largely to initial audiences’ rejection of its strong black female protagonist–Hurston’s classic has since its 1978 reissue become perhaps the most widely read and highly acclaimed novel in the canon of African-American literature. This book follows the recounting of the life of Janie Crawford. Janie recounts her life, her love, the lives of her family, and the world she navigates as a black women living in Florida in the early 20th century.

Black Women Taught Us by Jenn M. Jackson

ISBN: 9780593243336
Publication Date: 2024-01-23
A reclamation of essential history and a hopeful gesture toward a better political future, this is what listening to Black women looks like–from a professor of political science and columnist for Teen Vogue. “Jenn M. Jackson is a beautiful writer and excellent scholar. In this book, they pay tribute to generations of Black women organizers and set forward a bold and courageous blueprint for our collective liberation.”–Imani Perry, author of South to America.


home Uncategorized Engineering Faculty Publications March 2024

Engineering Faculty Publications March 2024

Below is a list of College of Engineering Faculty that have published academic works in the past 29 days.

Congratulations to all recently published authors!

Note: Access to full text may be subject to library subscriptions





  1. Agarwal, A., Khanna, S., Li, H., Patil, P., Wang, C., White, N., & Zhong, P. (2024). Parallel Approximate Maximum Flows in Near-Linear Work and Polylogarithmic Depth. 2024-January, 3997–4061. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1137/1.9781611977912.140
  2. Agarwal, D., Kucukpinar, T., Fraser, J., Kerley, J., Buck, A. R., Anderson, D. T., & Palaniappan, K. (2023). Simulating City-Scale Aerial Data Collection Using Unreal Engine. Proceedings – Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1109/AIPR60534.2023.10440697
  3. Akers, J., Buck, A., Anderson, D., Keller, J., Camaioni, R., Deardorff, M., & Luke, R. (2023). Improving Real-Time Aerial 3D Reconstruction: Towards Fusion of a Hand-Crafted SfM Algorithm with a Data-Driven Deep Neural Network. Proceedings – Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1109/AIPR60534.2023.10440660
  4. Alhonainy, A., & Rao, P. (2023). Evaluation of Federated Learning Techniques on Edge Devices Using Synthetic Medical Imaging Datasets. Proceedings – Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1109/AIPR60534.2023.10440687
  5. Almalaysha, M., Singh, A., Muhsin, S. A., Morey, A., Zhang, S., Channaiah, L. H., & Almasri, M. (2024). Microfluidic Biosensor for Rapid Detection of Salmonella in Raw Chicken Products. 308–311. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1109/MEMS58180.2024.10439451
  6. Anand, R. N., Singh, R. P., Gupta, D., & Palaniappan, K. (2023). Ship Detection in Satellite Images using You Only Look Once-Neural Architecture Search. 463–468. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICSC60394.2023.10441207
  7. Attari, M., Nguyen, N. P., Palaniappan, K., & Bunyak, F. (2023). Multi-Loss Topology-Aware Deep Learning Network for Segmentation of Vessels in Microscopy Images. Proceedings – Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1109/AIPR60534.2023.10440665
  8. Bao, R., Palaniappan, K., Zhao, Y., & Seetharaman, G. (2024). GLSNet++: Global and Local-Stream Feature Fusion for LiDAR Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation Using GNN Demixing Block. IEEE Sensors Journal, 1–1. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSEN.2023.3345747
  9. Barron, J., Attar, S., Ghobadi, A., Gangopadhyay, S., Sredojevic, D., Al-Hashimi, M., & Guha, S. (2024). Molecularly Engineered Quinoxaline-Pyridyl Pyrazine Polymers for Field-Effect Transistors and Complementary Circuits. ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 6(2), 1464–1474. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsaelm.3c01790
  10. Bazgir, A., & Zhang, Y. (2023). A FULLY-DENSE DEEP NEURAL NETWORK METHOD FOR THE INVERSE TRANSIENT HEAT TRANSFER PROBLEM. 10. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1115/IMECE2023-114272
  11. Boyadzhieva, S. M., Kollmannsperger, L. S., Gutmann, F., Straub, T., & Fischer, S. C. L. (2024). Acoustic Nondestructive Characterization of Metal Pantographs for Material and Defect Identification. 47–53. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-50474-7_7
  12. Buck, A. R., Akers, J. D., Anderson, D. T., Keller, J. M., Camaioni, R., Deardorff, M., & Luke, R. H. (2023). Frame Selection Strategies for Real-Time Structure-from-Motion from an Aerial Platform. Proceedings – Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1109/AIPR60534.2023.10440698
  13. Calyam, P., Kejriwal, M., Rao, P., Cheng, J., Wang, W., Bai, L., Siddhardh Nadendla, V. S., Madria, S., Das, S. K., Chadha, R., Hoque, K. A., Palaniappan, K., Neupane, K., Neupane, R. L., Gandhari, S., Singhal, M., Othmane, L., Yu, M., Anand, V., … Taneja, H. (2023). Towards a Domain-Agnostic Knowledge Graph-As-A-Service Infrastructure for Active Cyber Defense with Intelligent Agents. Proceedings – Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1109/AIPR60534.2023.10440708
  14. Chandrakanth, V., Singh, S., Channappayya, S. S., & Palaniappan, K. (2023). Priority Scheduling Using Recurrent Quadrant Search for Handling Priority and “Pop-Up” Targets in Aerial Videos. Proceedings – Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1109/AIPR60534.2023.10440696
  15. Chapell, D. C., Shang, E. R., Kucukpinar, T., Fraser, J., Collins, J., Sagan, V., Calyam, P., & Palaniappan, K. (2023). NeRF-based 3D Reconstruction and Orthographic Novel View Synthesis Experiments Using City-Scale Aerial Images. Proceedings – Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1109/AIPR60534.2023.10440701
  16. Chuzhoy, J., & Khanna, S. (2024). A Faster Combinatorial Algorithm for Maximum Bipartite Matching. 2024-January, 2185–2235. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1137/1.9781611977912.79
  17. Desiderio, E., García-Herrero, L., Hall, D., Pertot, I., Segrè, A., & Vittuari, M. (2024). From youth engagement to policy insights: Identifying and testing food systems’ sustainability indicators. Environmental Science and Policy, 155. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2024.103718
  18. El-Sisi, A., Elbelbisi, A., Elemam, H., Elkilani, A., Newberry, M., & Salim, H. (2024). Effect of glass type and thickness on the static and blast response of LG panels. Journal of Building Engineering, 86. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2024.108870
  19. El-Zohairy, A., Salim, H., Shaaban, H., & Nawar, M. T. (2024). Fatigue Characteristics of Steel–Concrete Composite Beams. Infrastructures, 9(2). Scopus. https://doi.org/10.3390/infrastructures9020029
  20. Gaines, T. B., Hurt, J. A., Keller, J. M., Scott, G. J., Boyle, C. I., Maschmann, M. R., & Price, S. R. (2023). Towards Automated Nanoenergetic Reaction Characterization with Computational Vision. Proceedings – Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1109/AIPR60534.2023.10440709
  21. Genovese, G., Terpstra, M., Filip, P., Mangia, S., McCarten, J. R., Hemmy, L. S., & Marjańska, M. (2024). Age-related differences in macromolecular resonances observed in ultra-short-TE STEAM MR spectra at 7T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1002/mrm.30061
  22. Gettu, N., & Buttlar, W. G. (2024). Critical Parameters Affecting the Carbon Footprint of Asphalt Mixes (Vol. 48, p. 383). Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-53389-1_35
  23. He, H., Xu, X., Li, S., Wang, F., Schroeder, I., Aldrich, E. M., Murrell, S. D., Xue, L., & Gu, Y. (2024). Learning Middle-Latitude Cyclone Formation up in the Air: Student Learning Experience, Outcomes, and Perceptions in a CAVE-enabled Meteorology Class. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 1–11. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2024.3372072
  24. Hurt, J. A., Bajkowski, T. M., Davis, C. H., & Scott, G. J. (2023). Overhead Object Detection with Channel Attention for High-Resolution Multi-Spectral Satellite Imagery and DMP-extracted Shape Features. Proceedings – Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1109/AIPR60534.2023.10440699
  25. Khanna, S., Putterman, A., & Sudan, M. (2024). Code Sparsification and its Applications. 2024-January, 5145–5168. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1137/1.9781611977912.185
  26. Kim, J. B., Wang, F., Khanna, S., Balakrishnan, B., Uddin, M., Aman, J., & Reddy Thipparthi, V. V. (2023). Digital Twin Framework for Smart Campus to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emission. Proceedings – 2023 IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, Autonomous and Trusted Vehicles, Scalable Computing and Communications, Digital Twin, Privacy Computing and Data Security, Metaverse, SmartWorld/UIC/ATC/ScalCom/DigitalTwin/PCDS/Metaverse 2023. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1109/SWC57546.2023.10448799
  27. Kollmannsperger, L. S., Kunz, F., Becker, M. M., Jung, A., & Fischer, S. C. L. (2024). Evaluation of a Local Acoustic Resonance Method for Coating Thickness Determination on Stochastic Metal Hybrid Foams. Advanced Engineering Materials. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1002/adem.202301562
  28. Kotha, P. R., Attari, M., Maschmann, M., & Bunyak, F. (2023). Deep Style Transfer for Generation of Photo-realistic Synthetic Images of CNT Forests. Proceedings – Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1109/AIPR60534.2023.10440707
  29. Kroonblawd, M. P., Lafourcade, P., Fried, L. E., Maillet, J.-B., & Sewell, T. (2023). New Nonreactive Force Field for Accurate Molecular Dynamics Simulations of TATB at Extreme Conditions. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jced.3c00756
  30. Leinauer, E. C., Kaifi, J. T., Sengupta, S., Maschmann, M. R., & Islam, S. K. (2024). Regulated Secondary Flow for the Isolation of Particles Using Inertial Microfluidics. 1182–1185. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1109/MEMS58180.2024.10439478
  31. Li, Y., Das, R., Duong, C., Lim, T.-T., Haithcoat, T., Ersoy, I., & Shyu, C.-R. (2023). Automated Detection of Poultry Farms from Aerial Images for Actionable AI System toward Biosecurity Applications. Proceedings – Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1109/AIPR60534.2023.10440712
  32. Liu, M., Fan, X., Cui, X., Zheng, W., & Singh, D. J. (2024). Amorphous RuPd bimetallene for hydrogen evolution reaction in acidic and alkaline conditions: A first-principles study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 26(9), 7896–7906. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1039/d3cp05512d
  33. Mahalingam, S., Charmakani, J., Ramu, R., Elumalai, B., Almutairi, S. M., Muniyandi, G. R., Kim, J., Srinivasan, A., Bakthavatchalam, S., & Atchudan, R. (2024). Emerging silver-doped strontium titanate nanostructures as photocatalysts for the degradation of organic pollutants under visible light. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1306. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molstruc.2024.137854
  34. Mahjoubnia, A., Cai, D., Wu, Y., King, S. D., Torkian, P., Chen, A. C., Talaie, R., Chen, S.-Y., & Lin, J. (2024). Digital light 4D printing of bioresorbable shape memory elastomers for personalized biomedical implantation. Acta Biomaterialia, 177, 165–177. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actbio.2024.02.009
  35. Neupane, K., Hans, A., Lee, A., Criswell, R., Palaniappan, K., Duan, Y., & Calyam, P. (2023). Experiences with a Virtual Reality System for Immersive Decision Making and Learning. Proceedings – Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1109/AIPR60534.2023.10440663
  36. Nicewaner, T., Yu, A., Jiang, W., & Lin, D. (2023). Preserving Location Privacy in the Modern Era of Pervasive Environments. 44–51. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1109/TPS-ISA58951.2023.00015
  37. Núñez, R., Mohammadian, S. K., Rupam, T. H., Mohammed, R. H., Huang, G., & Ma, H. (2024). Machine Learning for Modeling Oscillating Heat Pipes: A Review. Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 16(4). Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4064597
  38. Paranamana, N. C., & Young, M. J. (2023). Role of Surface Chemistry in Pyrrole Autoxidation. Langmuir. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c04036
  39. Poduvu, S., Saghaian N. E, S. M., Ufuktepe, E., Morel, A. E., & Calyam, P. (2023). Risk-Based Zero Trust Scale for Tactical Edge Network Environments. 306–312. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1145/3583740.3626821
  40. Rahmon, G., Toubal, I. E., Cornelison, D. D. W., & Palaniappan, K. (2023). Marker and Motion Guided Deep Networks for Cell Segmentation and Detection Using Weakly Supervised Microscopy Data. Proceedings – Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1109/AIPR60534.2023.10440692
  41. Raman, R., Calyam, P., & Achuthan, K. (2024). ChatGPT or Bard: Who is a better Certified Ethical Hacker? Computers and Security, 140. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cose.2024.103804
  42. Romitti, A., Shetty, J., & Rao, P. (2023). Evaluating the Effectiveness of Synthetic Datasets for Dementia Diagnosis Using Deep Learning. Proceedings – Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1109/AIPR60534.2023.10440719
  43. Rosenblad, B. L., Al-Forati, R., & Boeckmann, A. (2024). Pile Setup in Glacial Soils of Northern Missouri. 2024-February(GSP 350), 8–16. Scopus. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85186635554&partnerID=40&md5=046dfa55746b67d1dc98789224006113
  44. Safavigerdini, K., Surya, R., Reinhard, A., Quinlan, Z., Bunyak, F., Maschmann, M. R., & Palaniappan, K. (2023). Creating semi-Quanta multi-layer synthetic CNT images using CycleGAN. Proceedings – Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1109/AIPR60534.2023.10440711
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Gabe Harman

Gabe Harman is a Senior Info Specialist at MU's Engineering library. He focuses on out-reach, instruction, and circulation

home Uncategorized MU Libraries Integral to Research on Kafka

MU Libraries Integral to Research on Kafka

Assisted by the MU Libraries, humanities researcher Carsten Strathausen is constructing a comprehensive visual database encompassing all adaptations of Franz Kafka’s “The Trial.” This resource aims to serve scholars and students for years to come.

Research Librarian Anne Barker consulted with Carsten on the project by identifying and acquiring materials, suggesting strategies for gathering data, and pointing him to other library staff who could assist. Seth Huber, head of cataloging acquisitions and collection development,
searched for and downloaded the catalog records of versions and translations of “The Trial.”
In addition, Steven Pryor, director of digital initiatives, developed a Python web-crawler to gather metadata on these resources and played a key role in organizing the dataset. He also helped to created an Excel sheet containing vital information to track advancements, which will be useful to continue these research endeavors.

The Interlibrary Loan team played a crucial role in acquiring numerous adaptations of “The Trial” from around the globe, including artworks, films, graphic novels and more. Ivy Hui, head of the ILL Borrowing/Requesting Unit, and her dedicated team maintained regular communication with Dr. Strathausen, updating him on their progress in locating these elusive adaptations of Kafka’s text.

Dr. Stathausen is continuing his work with a grant from the MU Center for the Humanities and is organizing an international symposium on “Digital Kafka” that will take place this fall at Georgetown University.

For more information on this project and an interview with Dr. Strathausen, visit Research, Innovation and Impact.

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services, Uncategorized Peer Navigator Corner: Library of Congress vs. Dewey Decimal System

Peer Navigator Corner: Library of Congress vs. Dewey Decimal System

By: Lorelai Clubb

Moving from your high school or public library is already a challenge due to the amazing size of the building and the resources available at MU, but there is another new factor to consider when looking for books at Ellis Library. The University of Missouri Libraries uses the Library of Congress (LoC) classification system, which is very different from the Dewey Decimal System (DDS) you are likely used to. But don’t worry! Understanding how to navigate LoC is easy!

What is the LoC System and Why do we use it?

Firstly, academic libraries use the Library of Congress system because it allows for more items to be cataloged in more specific ways. Each LoC call number is directly attached to a specific resource (i.e. a book) to allow for you to find that resource easier. The LoC system is better for organizing a large number of resources centered around a specific subject. Since we have so many amazing materials here at Ellis, LoC allows us to group subjects easier and make it simpler for you to find the resources you need. The LoC system has 21 different main classes based on letters and then thousands based on numbers, while DDS only has 10 classes based on numbers alone. 

(Source: High Point University Libraries – https://www.highpoint.edu/library/2022/01/25/smith-library-begins-transitioning-book-collection-to-library-of-congress-classification/)

So, what is the Dewey Decimal System then?

The Dewey Decimal System classification system is typically used at public and school libraries because it’s a smaller and more general system, which is better for smaller collections of books. While DDS can be helpful in smaller libraries, it has several flaws that make it more challenging to use in our giant academic library collections. For one, fewer category options leads to diverse topics being squished under one umbrella, making them more challenging to find. Additionally, DDS classifies topics in a somewhat confusing way. For example, if you were looking for a book about human anatomy, you would need to look under the “Technology” section, NOT the “Science” section. Other topics that don’t seem to really belong in “Technology” can also be found there, such as “Public Relations” and “Accounting.” The LoC system removes this confusing problem. 

(Source – Saline County Libraries: https://www.salinecountylibrary.org/dewey-do-not-phasing-out-the-dewey-decimal-system/)


Breaking Down the LoC System Call Numbers

A Library of Congress call number is comprised of 4 parts:

  1. Class/Subclass
  2. Topic
  3. Cutter Number
  4. Publication Date

For example, this call number: HV4708 .R83 2011 is one we have at Ellis Library. Let’s break down the number to figure out what book this is about!

  1. Class/Subclass – “HV”
    The class/subclass refers to the first one to two letters of the call number. The first letter, “H” is the “social sciences” class. “HV” is the subclass of “H” that refers specifically to “social welfare”.
  2. Topic – “4708”
    Now that we know our class is in “social welfare,” we can use the number provided to find the specific topic section. By looking at the LoC classification system, we can see that the 4700s refers to Animal Welfare. Now we know what topic our book is based purely on a few numbers and letters. Isn’t that cool?
  3. Cutting Number – “.R83”
    The “cutter number” refers to the author of the material. The name “cutter” doesn’t actually refer to something being “cut”, it is named after its creator, Charles Cutter. The cutter number is a letter followed by two numbers. The first letter, “R” in this case, is the first name of our author. The “8” and “3” are the next two letters of the author’s name, but numbers are used in place of more letters. Understanding this part is a little more complicated, but the Library of Congress website has a handy table for us to use to decipher what the two numbers mean:

    (Source – Library of Congress: https://www.loc.gov/aba/pcc/053/table.html)
  4. Publication Date – “2011”
    This part is the easiest part of the LoC call number. The “2011” refers to when the book was published.

Now we know this book is about animal welfare, written by someone with a last name beginning with “Rud”, and the book was published in 2011. The book in question is Loving Animals: Toward a New Animal Advocacy by Kathy Rudy. 


While it might seem complicated, the Library of Congress classification system allows for us at Mizzou and other academic libraries to hold more resources and makes it much easier to locate materials on certain subjects. If you are having trouble navigating the library and finding a book, no fear! Just stop by the “Ask Here” desk on the first floor directly up the stairs of the West Entrance (Speaker’s Circle entrance) and to the right. Our “Ask Here” desk is staffed by students just like you who understand how daunting the Ellis Library can be at times. No question is too silly or too small, stop by and ask for directions and help 10am to 10pm Monday through Thursday, and noon to 10 pm on Sundays.