home Uncategorized Is universal access to all knowledge an attainable goal?

Is universal access to all knowledge an attainable goal?

Imagine a world with unlimited access to any and all kinds of information. There’d be no barriers to learning. Books, music, video, software and other media would be freely available to everyone. Brewster Kahle dreams about creating such a world.

Read more at the Reynolds Journalism Institute blog: Is universal access to all knowledge an attainable goal?

home Uncategorized ULSAC Great Libraries Research Trip: Apply!

ULSAC Great Libraries Research Trip: Apply!

In order to better understand what a great academic library is, ULSAC will be sending members to the Research Triangle in North Carolina to collect information that will aid in the creation of the Student Vision Project. Attendees will report back to ULSAC on the great academic libraries at Duke University, North Carolina State University, and the University of North Carolina. Their perspective will shape the final draft of the Student Vision Report, which will be used to communicate with stakeholders and administrators on how Mizzou Libraries should best serve student needs moving forward.

Congratulations to the following ULSAC members who have applied and been approved:

  • Alex Johar (ULSAC Chair, Library Ambassador, former RHA rep)
  • Billy Donley (Library Ambassador)
  • Garren Wegener (Library Ambassador, former RHA rep)
  • Kendal Lynne Lowrey (GPC)
  • Taylor Tutin (MSA)

There is still one remaining slot. All ULSAC members and Library Ambassadors are encouraged to apply.

  • Email your Application to ULSAC advisor Grace Atkins at atkinsge@missouri.edu.
  • The trip will take place the week before Mizzou’s Spring 2018 semester starts.
  • The new deadline is Monday, Nov. 27 at 11:59pm.

home Uncategorized Inside Internet Archive: 10PB+ of storage in a church… oh, and a little fight to preserve truth

Inside Internet Archive: 10PB+ of storage in a church… oh, and a little fight to preserve truth

At the Internet Archive’s headquarters in San Francisco, California, on Wednesday, technologists, educators, archivists, and others fact-oriented folks gathered to discuss how they and the like-minded can save news from the memory hole.

Read more at the Reynolds Journalism Institute blog: Inside Internet Archive: 10PB+ of storage in a church… oh, and a little fight to preserve truth

home Uncategorized Changing media landscape adds yet another challenge to archivists of born-digital news content

Changing media landscape adds yet another challenge to archivists of born-digital news content

At Dodging the Memory Hole 2017, the changing landscape of the news media underpinned presentations by stakeholders and digital preservation practitioners who think about this issue on a daily basis.

Read more at the Reynolds Journalism Institute blog: Changing media landscape adds yet another challenge to archivists of born-digital news content

home Uncategorized ULSAC Meeting Today

ULSAC Meeting Today

ULSAC, the University Libraries Student Advisory Council, meets today (Thursday, Sept. 28) at 5pm in Ellis Library conference room 159.

Agenda: ULSAC-Agenda-28Sep2017

Remember, all Library Ambassadors are invited to attend as non-voting members.