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Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Engineering Library, Uncategorized Engineering Library: FY 18 Usage Statistics

Engineering Library: FY 18 Usage Statistics

We had an excellent year!

We keep track of our interactions with Engineering students and faculty and their use of our services throughout the year. These numbers represent the Engineering Library & Technology Commons usage statistics for Fiscal Year 2018 (from July 2017 to June 2018).

Check out our infographic below to see how well we did:


Mara Inge

Mara Inge is the Electronic Resources & Discovery Librarian. She is also the subject librarian for Classics, Archaeology, Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Religious Studies, and Anthropology.

home Uncategorized Journal Spotlight: The New York Review of Books

Journal Spotlight: The New York Review of Books

The New York Review of Books is technically a magazine, but comes under the guise of a bound, awkward newspaper you can’t fold.  But if something’s ain’t broke, why fix it?  And the NYRB has been publishing its semi-monthly magazines since 1963.

What’s most interesting about the NYRB isn’t necessarily its longevity (though that is impressive, especially considering the demise of paper journals), but its very content.  The title is somewhat misleading, as the magazine doesn’t focus solely on books, but contains articles on everything from current affairs to literature to science.  They also include essays and reviews, as well as original works by well-known writers.  This was the goal of the magazine’s founders: they wanted to publish a magazine featuring “the unusual, the difficult, the lengthy, the intransigent, and above all, the interesting.”  The early editors also wanted the Review to “be interested in everything…no subject would be excluded.  Someone is writing a piece about Nascar racing for us; another is working on Veronese.”  There is literally something for everyone in this magazine.  The magazine eventually expanded into book publishing, and you can buy books on their site.  The publishing side is also unique, printing translations of works previously unavailable in English, and, in the case of its Children’s Collection, reintroducing books that are no longer be printed or have fallen off the radar.

One downside to the magazine is its price, which is $79.95 per year.  It’s not exorbitant by any means, considering the material, but may be out of reach for many of us.  Thankfully, you can take a look at the New York Review of Books, the New York Book Review, and the London Review of Books in the Colonnade in Ellis Library with other newspapers and journals near the display cases.

For a preview of the kinds of content they run, you can check out a great short story by Ian McEwan, available free on their website: http://www.nybooks.com/articles/2018/07/19/dussel/.

home Uncategorized Using Scopus

Using Scopus

Why use Scopus?

Scopus includes citations from three major databases:  MEDLINE (biomedical), Embase (biomedical), and Compendex (engineering).  It gives you a broader global and disciplinary pool to search in.

Scopus allows for cited reference searching; i.e. look at a paper’s references and also articles where the paper itself is a reference.  An excellent way to find newer articles and trace the research conversation.

Author searching allows you to find papers by author and to check the author’s h-index, times cited.


Search Tips…

Use Quotation marks around phrases – for the best results, when searching phrases, enclose them with quotation marks.  Scopus will search the terms adjacent to each other and in either order.

  • e.g.
    • “heart failure”
    • “acute kidney injury”

Use Scrolled brackets to search exact phrase – if you need the terms to appear in that order.

  • e.g.
    • {dog therapy}  – searches dog therapy but not therapy dog

Truncation –  Use an asterisk (*) at the end of a word to retrieve all the various endings.

  • e.g
    • Neoplas* = neoplasm OR neoplasms OR neoplastic OR neoplasia
    • nurs* = nurse OR nurses OR nursing OR nursed

Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Uncategorized Using CINAHL


Why use CINAHL?  I’ve already searched PubMed (MEDLINE) so why search CINAHL?

CINAHL focuses on nursing and allied health making it easier to find topics of interest to nurses & nursing students, such as nursing theories and models, nursing interventions, etc.

CINAHL includes dissertations, books, book chapters which PubMed (MEDLINE) does not.

You can exclude MEDLINE records by Editing your search: select Edit from the search history, then check Exclude MEDLINE records, followed by Save.


Search Tips…

Truncation –  Use an asterisk (*) at the end of a word to retrieve all the various endings.

  • e.g.
    • Neoplas* = neoplasm OR neoplasms OR neoplastic OR neoplasia
    • nurs* = nurse OR nurses OR nursing OR nursed

Spell out abbreviations
–  searching only by abbreviations misses useful & relevant results.

Find words in a title
– for a quick way to find relevant articles.

  • Type your term in the search box, then from the Select a Field pull-down menu, select TI Title.  (Note that this will override the Suggest Subject Term checkbox.  I.e. you won’t need to change that.)

Subject headings
– use CINAHL Subject headings to…

  • Suggest additional terms to search by. For example, searching on breast cancer will pull up the CINAHL Heading
    • Breast Neoplasms, and also Carcinoma, Ductal, Breast.  Select these to broaden your search
  • Explode.
    • CINAHL Headings are organized by subject which means you can select, or “explode”, a subject to get all of the terms.
      • For example, the heading Antibiotics, “explodes” to include specific drugs such as Aztreonam, Bacitracin, Vancomycin.  This is a quick way to expand your search to include a whole category of drugs or diseases.

Remember AND/OR/NOT to combine your searches –

  • Need to narrow your search?
    • Use AND to combine sets: teaching AND hospice care
  • Need to broaden your search?
    • Use OR to get more: hospice care OR end of life care
  • Want to exclude something?
    • Use NOT: hospice care NOT Reviews
  • Get fancy – put it all together using parenthesis to keep the sets in correct order
    • teaching AND (hospice care OR end of life care) NOT reviews

Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Uncategorized New Link Resolver

New Link Resolver

Attention EndNote and Zotero Users!

The University Libraries have a new Link Resolver. You will need to update your OpenURL path with the new resolver below:


For instructions, visit the EndNote and Zotero guides.

home Uncategorized Serials Spotlight: History Today

Serials Spotlight: History Today

Today I learned: Benjamin Franklin believed in and researched merpeople

Ellis Library gets a lot of serials. A LOT. If you have an interest in a topic, we have at least one journal/magazine that will interest you, from art to history to footwear. Today’s focus is on History Today, “Britain’s best-loved serious history magazine.”  Not a history buff?  Trust me, you’ll still find something amazing in this journal or on their website (https://www.historytoday.com/) – they even included a spotify list to go with the most recent issue!

The May 2018 edition has a very creepy merperson on the cover, but don’t let that dissuade you. The article, “Diving into Mysterious Waters,” discusses not only the legend of mermaids/mermen, but how some of the most famous and intelligent people in early Europe wholeheartedly agreed that merpeople existed.

You may remember Cotton Mather from history lessons. He was the guy with giant, white hair who was disgustingly enthusiastic about hanging witches during the Salem Witch Trials.  Considering he believed that nonsense, it isn’t a huge surprise that in 1716, he wrote a letter to the Royal Society in London, revealing that he sincerely believed in merpeople.

While we scoff at this admission now, was it really that surprising? Sure, Christopher Columbus believed in merpeople, even claiming to have seen three of them upon arriving in the New World, but when Europeans first landed in North America and saw the opossum for the first time, they compared them centaurs and gorgons because they had never seen a marsupial, let alone one with a grumpy face. There were new discoveries all the time. “The 18th century was as much a time of wonder as it as of rational science: the two, in fact, seemed to interweave by the day.”

It’s not surprising that tales of merpeople existed then, and still exist to this day. Since ancient times, people have worshipped merpeople. Medieval European churches were covered with mermaid symbolism (the theory is that these decorations were a reminder to Christians “of the dangers of the lust for flesh”). Even after religious changes in Europe, when Catholic imagery was erased, merpeople stuck around.

Sightings abounded as well. In 1403, a group of Dutch women apparently found a mermaid and taught her how to wear clothes, take up spinning, and converted her to Christianity.  How a woman who was half fish would wear clothes or exist outside of water is beyond me, but people believed them. Mermaid sightings increased in the 16th and 17th centuries, with the seas abounding with tales of mermaids and their siren calls. The explorer Henry Hudson (of Hudson River fame) noted sightings in his captain’s log. Descriptions of mermaids over time contained the same basic information regarding their looks, until 1759, when the creepy drawing, “The Syren Drawn from Life” was published and freaked everyone out with its big ears, bald head, and “hideously ugly” features.

European cabinets of curiosity began to display “mermaid appendages” and by the end of the 18th century, some of the “smartest men in the western world,” including Benjamin Franklin and other members of the Royal Society, decided to take on the task of trapping and investigating merpeople.  This was a step in the kind of scientific research we continue to use today.  Sure, we may not chase mermaids around, but we do investigate other amazing things, with scientific discoveries happening all the time.  Parallel universes and DNA codes may not sing to sailors and lure them to their death, but the current scientific research is still pretty amazing.

The creepy mermaid drawing vs how people typically imagine mermaids. That picture had to have bummed people out when it was published.











And to prove that not all merpeople conform to the same typical body type, here’s a new discovered species.


home Uncategorized Professor’s Donation Increases Students’ Access to Textbook

Professor’s Donation Increases Students’ Access to Textbook


Jenny Bossaller, Associate Professor at the School of Information Science & Learning Technologies, donated a copy of the third edition of Introduction to Public Librarianship, which she coauthored with Kathleen de la Peña McCook, to Mizzou Libraries as well as other libraries in the MU system and the Daniel Boone Regional Library.Though she has used different editions of this book over the years in the her Introduction to Public Libraries class, this is the first edition she helped edit and write.

By the time that course is offered again next year, Jenny plans to have given all ten of her author copies of the book to libraries around the state, including more public libraries. She says, “I think that’ll be helpful for all the online students.” When the course is in session, she’ll ask Mizzou Libraries to pull the text from general circulation and put it on reserve so that her students will have access to it if they can’t afford to purchase their own copy.

As a teacher, Jenny “loves having a textbook” for this course because it’s comprehensive, with one chapter per week of the semester, and “it’s sequenced in a way that makes sense together as a book.” She finds building off a core text with supplemental materials easier than cobbling together a course from scratch. “The goal,” she says, “is to give them professionally edited and accurate materials and then making them as inexpensive as possible.”

Even with online courses, certain telltale behaviors can signal that students have been unable to afford the textbook, such as not referring to the readings themselves in discussion board posts. Even if students can fake it to get by in the course, Jenny says, “they’re really missing out.”

“We’re in an interesting transition phase with textbooks,” Jenny says. For example, the next edition of Introduction to Public Librarianship, probably five or six years from now, will be what she calls a “good compromise”: a smaller book with a lot more open educational materials available via a companion website. Like many faculty, she’s encountered OER textbooks that are not as professionally produced as those from traditional publishers. Additionally, writing textbooks is not traditionally as valuable for tenure and promotion as other types of publications.


“If you have a textbook, put it on reserve for your students because not everybody can afford to buy the textbook,” Jenny advises fellow faculty. She also encourages faculty to work with publishers to see if they will grant access to the PDF of the textbook for a reduced price. SHE’S NOT SURE HOW IT WORKS–WOULD GO THROUGH THE LIBRARY? AS PART OF A PACKAGE?

Because many university libraries in the U.S. do not purchase textbooks as a rule, she says faculty are sometimes confused as to whether they should give their textbooks to the library or not. QUESTION FOR THE LIBRARY


“I do love MU’s OER initiative, and the incentives that they’re providing are very helpful,” Jenny says, “but for now, this is what I could do to contribute to making this textbook more freely available for our students through the library.”

home Uncategorized Communicating Research Workshop, Mary 23rd

Communicating Research Workshop, Mary 23rd

Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Uncategorized Interlibrary Loan Delivers for Doctors in a Time Crunch

Interlibrary Loan Delivers for Doctors in a Time Crunch

Ever wonder who is behind the magic of Interlibrary Loan? At the Health Sciences Library it’s Katy Emerson.

She’s the one who receives your requests, scans what you need, and emails it to your inbox, all in the matter of a few hours.

If you search for an article and are hit with a paywall or told the library doesn’t have access, don’t worry! You can request it and Katy will work her magic.

Not only will she find articles the library doesn’t have access to, she will often scan items we have on site to save you the trip to your library.

“What I like most is getting to deliver articles to clinicians. It feels good knowing that the work I do could be having a positive impact on patient care.”

Last year, Katy and the Health Sciences Library’s Interlibrary Loan department borrowed close to 4500 articles and delivered another 1800 articles we had available on site all at no cost to our users. Interlibrary Loan is a free service for Mizzou.

To request articles and books, click on the Findit@MU button if it’s available or you can always fill out a request form.




Cycle of Success is the idea that libraries, faculty, and students are linked; for one to truly succeed, we must all succeed. The path to success is formed by the connections between University of Missouri Libraries and faculty members, between faculty members and students, and between students and the libraries that serve them. More than just success, this is also a connection of mutual respect, support, and commitment to forward-thinking research.

If you would like to submit your own success story about how the libraries have helped your research and/or workplease use the Cycle of Success form.

Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.