home Hours, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library Extended Exam Hours at the Health Sciences Library

Extended Exam Hours at the Health Sciences Library

The Health Sciences Library will have extended hours February 23rd to March 6th.

Sunday: 12:00pm-10:00pm
Monday- Thursday: 8:00am-10:00pm
Friday: 8:00am-7:00pm
Saturday: 12:00pm-6:00pm

Regular library hours will resume March 7th.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Overview of Recent University of Missouri Publications in Medicine and Related Fields: January 2025

Overview of Recent University of Missouri Publications in Medicine and Related Fields: January 2025

Each month we provide an overview of University of Missouri School of Medicine faculty-authored articles in medicine and related fields as well as a featured article with the highest journal impact factor.

This month’s featured article, “Intra-arterial tenecteplase after successful endovascular recanalisation in patients with acute posterior circulation arterial occlusion (ATTENTION-IA): multicentre randomised controlled trial” was co-authored by Dr. Adnan Qureshi of the Department of Neurology. The article was published in BMJ (impact factor of 93.7 in 2023).

See the list of publications in medicine and related fields we retrieved for this month: https://library.muhealth.org/facpubmonthlyresult/?Month=January&Year=2025

home Events and Exhibits, Journalism Library Black History in Journalism Book Display

Black History in Journalism Book Display

Now through February.

Stop by the Journalism Library to view their curated display featuring books related to black history in journalism.

All books are available for check out.

This is an educational exhibit and is open to everyone.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Ellis Library, Events and Exhibits, Gateway Carousel Global Experiences of Women Exhibit

Global Experiences of Women Exhibit

First floor Ellis Library
On display now through March

Fall’24 Museum of Anthropology Intern, Addison Vallier, installed her exhibit this week in the colonnade of Ellis Library. As she was putting the final touches on this morning, a tour of local 8th grade history students came in and she was able to give an impromptu talk about the objects and her work creating the exhibit!

When you have a chance, stop into Ellis Library to check it out. The exhibit “Global Experiences of Women” is available to see during the library’s open hours.

Interested in interning at the MoA? Ask your advisor about signing up for ANTHRO 4950 this fall.



Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Gateway Carousel, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services New Ebooks at Mizzou Libraries: Medicine and Health Sciences

New Ebooks at Mizzou Libraries: Medicine and Health Sciences

Below are a few of the medicine and health sciences ebooks we’ve recently added to our online collection. You can see the rest of our new ebooks here.

These ebooks were purchased with student success grant funds awarded by the Office of the Provost.


Emerging Pandemics : Connections with Environment and Climate Change

Pandemics are often associated with viruses and bacteria occurring in wildlife in natural environments. Thus, diseases of epidemic and pandemic scale are mostly zoonotic, some of which include AIDS, Zika virus, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), and COVID-19. The book seeks to explore the documented history of pandemics and various epidemics that have the potential of turning into pandemics with the warming climate, pollution, and environmental destruction.



The International Encyclopedia of Health Communication

The International Encyclopedia of Health Communication presents a thorough overview of a dynamic field, bringing together entries by an international panel of contributors that address a comprehensive range of recent and emerging topics. With a global and interdisciplinary focus, this timely resource addresses cutting-edge digital technology, complementary and integrative healthcare, diversity and inclusion, health equity, COVID-19, and much more.


Artificial Intelligence for Neurological Disorders

The book discusses many machine learning techniques to detect neurological diseases at the cellular level, as well as other applications such as image segmentation, classification and image indexing, neural networks and image processing methods. Chapters include AI techniques for the early detection of neurological disease and deep learning applications using brain imaging methods like EEG, MEG, fMRI, fNIRS and PET for seizure prediction or neuromuscular rehabilitation.




The Hospice Heritage

Through The Hospice Heritage: Celebrating Our Future, physicians, nurses, social workers, and clergy will find unique examples to give patients the attention, care, and understanding they need at that time in their life. Since 80 percent of people who die do so without the support of a hospice program, this important book offers approaches designed to expand access to hospice and provide a solid foundation of treatment for patients with cancer and non-cancer diagnoses.




Ataxic Disorders

This volume’s primary goal is to provide a comprehensive understanding of recent developments and advancements in the study of ataxic disorders. Beginning with an examination of the cerebellar region, and then progressing to a fresh perspective on the clinical aspects of the various forms of ataxia, this handbook gives clinicians a state-of-the-art reference for the management of the many etiologies and neurological manifestations of ataxic disorders.

Finding and Evaluating Health Datasets

Finding available data can be difficult, but our data services librarian can help with the process. To get started, you can find some available health datasets linked on our guide.

Once you find your data, how do you make sure the data you find is credible? Here are some steps for you to keep in mind to ensure what you find is useful for your project.

  1. Look for supporting documentation outlining what the data is, how it was collected, and how to interpret the data.
    • Tip: Look for readme files, data dictionaries/codebooks, and a collection methodology
  2. Make sure you can open all files associated with the data.
  3. Ensure that all files are clearly labeled and store the information and/or data that is indicated in the file name.
  4. Within the data files, check for the following:
    • Variables are clearly labeled with standard naming conventions.
      • Example: First names are labeled as FirstName and last names are labeled as LastName
    • Units of measurement for different variables are explicitly stated.
      • Example: You can tell if measurements are given in centimeters (cm) or inches (in)
    • Each variable contains a discrete unit of information.
      • Example: blood pressure and zip code are stored in separate columns
    • Variables follow data standards and have consistent formatting.
      • Example: All dates are in yyyy-mm-dd format

Still need help finding and evaluating data? Connect with our data services librarian who can help you find the data you need.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Spring 2025 Health Sciences Textbooks Available Online or at the Health Sciences Library

Spring 2025 Health Sciences Textbooks Available Online or at the Health Sciences Library

Spring 2025 and optional textbooks for classes are now available!

Pick your school/college, then your program, and finally the course. It’s as easy as that. Access textbook copies at the Health Sciences Library here.

Note: Paper copies will be available at the Health Sciences LIbrary Desk for 24 hour checkout. Any duplicate copies of textbooks are available and subject to regular check out times.

Some ebooks are limited to one viewer at a time, so please close your browser window when you are finished so that the book will be available to others.

Unfortunately, we don’t have all the books required for every class. If we don’t have your textbook, there are several avenues you can use to find a copy, which are all clearly labeled on each class page.

You can also recommend the Health Sciences Library purchase an online copy here. Please provide what course the textbook is for and the name of your instructor.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Staff news MU celebrates reopening of the J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library

MU celebrates reopening of the J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library

You can read a little more about the open house and the Health Sciences Library renovation: https://medicine.missouri.edu/news/mu-celebrates-reopening-j-otto-lottes-health-sciences-library

Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Enhance Your Research Visibility and Reach with Data Services

Enhance Your Research Visibility and Reach with Data Services

With more focus on data, especially how to store and share your data for grants, we recently established data services at the Health Sciences Libary.

Our library data services strive to ensure the reproducibility of scientific research by training students, staff, and faculty to find, interpret, manage, and preserve research data, making your work easier and less overwhelming while enhancing your research visibility and reach.  

The Data Services Librarian can help: 

  • find and evaluate datasets 
  • find the appropriate repository to store your data 
  • review your data for findability and reusability to create a data management plan which are a requirement for NIH grants 
  • point to resources to learn how to analyze your data 

Visit our data services page to learn more and to connect with our data services librarian.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.