home Zalk Veterinary Medical Library Recent CVM Publications (March 2025)

Recent CVM Publications (March 2025)

18 March 2025

Below are College of Veterinary Medicine publications added to the Scopus database in the last 49 days. Congratulations to all the recently published authors!

Access to the full text may be subject to library subscriptions.


Cook JL, Stannard JP, Stoker AM, Rucinski K, Crist BD, Cook CR, et al. A Bedside-to-Bench-to-Bedside Journey to Advance Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation towards Biologic Joint Restoration. Journal of Knee Surgery. 2025. doi: 10.1055/a-2506-2675.

Falvo CA, Crowley DE, Benson E, Hall MN, Schwarz B, Bohrnsen E, et al. Diet-induced changes in metabolism influence immune response and viral shedding in Jamaican fruit bats. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2025;292(2041). doi: 10.1098/rspb.2024.2482.

Garg A, Goel K, Gour A, Sapra M, Sangwan VS, Tripathi R, et al. Unveiling the Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Success of Simple Limbal Epithelial Transplantation (SLET). Cells. 2025;14(3). doi: 10.3390/cells14030200.

Geiger R, Mankin J, Volk HA, de Decker S, van Asselt N, Randhawa K, et al. Comparison of Survival After Treatment of Presumed Intracranial Meningioma by Radiotherapy or Surgery in 285 Dogs. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 2025;39(2). doi: 10.1111/jvim.70011.

Gupta S, Zhang E, Sinha S, Martin LM, Varghese TS, Forck NG, et al. Analysis of Smad3 in the modulation of stromal extracellular matrix proteins in corneal scarring after alkali injury. Molecular Vision. 2024;30:458-74, https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85218441925&partnerID=40&md5=51fb728801a7fa4b79fe033406f07caf.

Hildebrandt IM, Skinner OT, Mickelson MA, Daniel TE, Ashworth HL, Kim A, et al. Surgery and postoperative definitive radiotherapy for management of canine soft tissue sarcoma: a multi-institutional retrospective study of 272 dogs (2010–2020). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 2025;263(3). doi: 10.2460/javma.24.06.0363.

Lake BB, McAdams ZL, Ericsson AC, Reinero C, Gull T, Lyons BM. Feline urethral obstruction alters the urinary microbiota and comparison to oral, preputial, and rectal microbiotas. American Journal of Veterinary Research. 2025;86(2). doi: 10.2460/ajvr.24.07.0213.

Lee NY, Oh JS, Kim DY, Im TK, Kim DY. Ovarian neuroglial choristoma in a dog. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 2025. doi: 10.1177/10406387251316831.

Lopes MAF, Johnson PJ. Large intestine function. The Equine Acute Abdomen. 2017. p. 41-54.

Lyu B, Niu K, Anderson D, Feng Q, Song Q. G-quadruplex structures in 16S rRNA regions correlate with thermal adaptation in prokaryotes. Nucleic Acids Research. 2025;53(3). doi: 10.1093/nar/gkaf042.

Ponzilacqua-Silva B, Dadelahi AS, Moley CR, Abushahba MFN, Skyberg JA. Metabolomic analysis of murine tissues infected with Brucella melitensis. PLoS ONE. 2025;20(1 January). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0314672.

Routh BL, Tripathi R, Giuliano EA, Lankau BR, Sinha PR, Mohan RR. Effect of Chemical Injury on Autophagy in Canine Corneal Stromal Fibroblasts. Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2025. doi: 10.1089/jop.2024.0211.

Schatten H. Cleavage and Cleavage Patterns in Embryogenesis.  Encyclopedia of Reproduction: Volume 1-6, Second Edition. 32018. p. 314-9.

Sellmer Ramos I, Caldeira MO, Poock SE, Moraes JGN, Lucy MC, Patterson AL. Adenomyosis and fibrosis define the morphological memory of the postpartum uterus of dairy cows previously exposed to metritis. JDS Communications. 2025;6(2):250-5. doi: 10.3168/jdsc.2024-0633.

Singh P, Kinkade JA, Verma M, Khan T, Ezashi T, Bivens NJ, et al., editors. Impact of Extracellular Vesicles Derived from Human Placenta Cells on Neural Progenitor Cell Transcriptome Dynamics. Proceedings – 2024 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, BIBM 2024; 2024.

Wilson TM, Acre MR, Williams F, Calfee RD, Mayer CM, Mapes RL, et al. Reproductive biology of invasive grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) in two North American systems. Journal of Fish Biology. 2025. doi: 10.1111/jfb.70003.


Did we miss anything? Please let Jara know.

home Gateway Carousel HSL, Resources and Services Overview of Recent University of Missouri Publications in Medicine and Related Fields: February 2025

Overview of Recent University of Missouri Publications in Medicine and Related Fields: February 2025

Each month we provide an overview of University of Missouri School of Medicine faculty-authored articles in medicine and related fields as well as a featured article with the highest journal impact factor.

This month’s featured article, “Transport and Immune Functions of the Lymphatic System” was co-authored by Dr. Michael J. Davis and Dr. Scott Zawieja of the Department of Medical Pharmacology and Physiology. The article was published in Annual Review of Physiology (journal impact factor of 15.8 in 2023).

Note that Dr. James Stevermer also had a publication in JAMA as a member of the USPSTF: “Screening for Osteoporosis to Prevent Fractures: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement

See the list of publications in medicine and related fields we retrieved for this month: https://library.muhealth.org/facpubmonthlyresult/?Month=February&Year=2025

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services New MU Authored Trending Article in PubMed

New MU Authored Trending Article in PubMed

A recently trending article in PubMed was From conventional to cutting edge: an exploration of osteosarcoma treatments co-authored by Trenton Mayberry and Dr. Yujiang Fang from the Department of Surgey at the School of Medicine.

What is a PubMed trending article?

Trending articles is a marker of increased interest in a PubMed abstract. Trending articles are those with a significant increase in daily PubMed views in the past two days as compared to the previous baseline period, which is approximately a week.

You can see the full list of trending articles here.

Interested in tracking the impact of your articles after they are published? Email asklibrary@health.missouri.edu to learn how we can help.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Publish for Free in Cambridge University Press

Publish for Free in Cambridge University Press

In the spring of 2024, the MU Libraries announced a transformational “Read & Publish” agreement with Cambridge University Press.

This agreement greatly expanded MU’s electronic access to Cambridge journals (the “Read”), and it waived Article Processing Charges (APCs) to make your work Open Access (the “Publish”).

The initial agreement allowed for waiving 10 APCs. We are pleased to announce that in 2025, the MU Libraires we will to fund an uncapped number of APCs.

In order to qualify for a waiver, the MU author must be one of the corresponding authors. The original research can be published in any Cambridge journal that is designated as Gold OA, Hybrid OA or Research Open.

Read more about the MU Read & Publish agreement with Cambridge University Press. See which journals are eligible by using the eligibility checker tool.

Questions? Contact your Subject Librarian.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Overview of Recent University of Missouri Publications in Medicine and Related Fields: January 2025

Overview of Recent University of Missouri Publications in Medicine and Related Fields: January 2025

Each month we provide an overview of University of Missouri School of Medicine faculty-authored articles in medicine and related fields as well as a featured article with the highest journal impact factor.

This month’s featured article, “Intra-arterial tenecteplase after successful endovascular recanalisation in patients with acute posterior circulation arterial occlusion (ATTENTION-IA): multicentre randomised controlled trial” was co-authored by Dr. Adnan Qureshi of the Department of Neurology. The article was published in BMJ (impact factor of 93.7 in 2023).

See the list of publications in medicine and related fields we retrieved for this month: https://library.muhealth.org/facpubmonthlyresult/?Month=January&Year=2025

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services New MU Authored Trending Articles in PubMed

New MU Authored Trending Articles in PubMed

Two recently trending articles in PubMed were:

  1. The structure of apolipoprotein B100 from human low-density lipoprotein co-authored by Dr. Zachary Berndsen from the School of Medicine.
  2. Real-world effectiveness and causal mediation study of BNT162b2 on long COVID risks in children and adolescents co-authored by Dr. Abua Mosa from the School of Medicine.

What is a PubMed trending article?

Trending articles is a marker of increased interest in a PubMed abstract. Trending articles are those with a significant increase in daily PubMed views in the past two days as compared to the previous baseline period, which is approximately a week.

You can see the full list of trending articles here.

Interested in tracking the impact of your articles after they are published? Email asklibrary@health.missouri.edu to learn how we can help.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services New MU Authored Trending Article in PubMed

New MU Authored Trending Article in PubMed

A recently trending article in PubMed was Solving the Global Opioid Crisis: Incorporating Genetic Addiction Risk Assessment with Personalized Dopaminergic Homeostatic Therapy and Awareness Integration Therapy authored by Dr. Paul Carney from the School of Medicine.

What is a PubMed trending article?

Trending articles is a marker of increased interest in a PubMed abstract. Trending articles are those with a significant increase in daily PubMed views in the past two days as compared to the previous baseline period, which is approximately a week.

You can see the full list of trending articles here.

Interested in tracking the impact of your articles after they are published? Email asklibrary@health.missouri.edu to learn how we can help.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services New MU Authored Trending Article in PubMed

New MU Authored Trending Article in PubMed

A recently trending article in PubMed was MicroRNA-145-5p inhibits the tumorigenesis of breast cancer through SENP2-regulated ubiquitination of ERK2 authored by Dr. Xunlei Kang, from the School of Medicine.

What is a PubMed trending article?

Trending articles is a marker of increased interest in a PubMed abstract. Trending articles are those with a significant increase in daily PubMed views in the past two days as compared to the previous baseline period, which is approximately a week.

You can see the full list of trending articles here.

Interested in tracking the impact of your articles after they are published? Email asklibrary@health.missouri.edu to learn how we can help.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Resources and Services Royal Society of Chemistry Added to Open Access Publishing Agreements Available to MU Authors

Royal Society of Chemistry Added to Open Access Publishing Agreements Available to MU Authors

Publishing open access is a great way to keep research open and retain your copyright. We do understand that publishing open access comes with a financial commitment that you wouldn’t necessarily have with traditional publishing.

To help offset costs, Mizzou Libraries has agreements with several publishers to offer discounts and author processing charge support for the following journals.

Want to lean more? Talk with your Subject Specialist about open access in your area.

NEW AGREEMENT: Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
The MU Libraries now has a Read & Publish agreement with the Royal Society of Chemistry, starting in 2024 and continuing through 2025. All charges for publishing in Hybrid, Gold and RSC Advances journals are covered for MU corresponding authors. Articles published open access in RSC journals are downloaded more often, which helps raise the visibility of your work Here is a complete RSC Journal list. Find out more.

American Chemical Society (ACS) Journals
The American Chemical Society offers a discounted open access fee to MU affiliates since MU is a Subscribing Institution. Members of ACS receive an additional discount. ACS Open Access Fee Chart

Astronomy & Astrophysics: A European Journal
Starting in 2022,  the EDP Sciences journal Astronomy & Astrophysics will be published under the Subscribe to Open (S20) model.  MU affiliated corresponding authors can publish their articles Open Access without paying APC’s (article processing charges) as long as the University of Missouri Libraries continue to subscribe to this title.

BMJ Case Reports
The Health Sciences Library subscription to BMJ Case Reports includes a waiver of the individual membership fee of £273 normally required to publish cases. Submission instructions.

Cambridge University Press Journals
MU Libraries has entered into a transformational “Read and Publish” agreement with Cambridge University Press. This agreement greatly expands electronic access to Cambridge University Press journals and provides 10 APC waivers for MU corresponding authors to publish their work OA.

Because of the limited number of waivers available with this agreement, MU Libraries has decided to support authors on a first come, first served basis. If there are remaining waivers at the end of the year, MU Libraries can retroactively make other articles OA with the approval of the author. Read more about the agreement and see a list of eligible journals

Company of Biologists
From 2023 through 2025 MU is participating in the Company of Biologist’s Read & Publish Open Access Initiative. MU authors can publish OA at no charge. Some of the journals Company of Biologists publishes include Development, Journal of Cell Science, and Journal of Experimental Biology.

Electrochemical Society (ECS) Journals
MU is a subscriber to ECS Plus, an agreement that allows MU faculty to publish their articles in Electrochemical Society (ECS) journals (Journal of the Electrochemical Society and ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology) as Open Access with no charge to the author. There are no limits on the number of papers that can be published in any given subscription year. Find out more.

Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development
The University of Missouri has joined the shareholder consortium of the Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. This open-access journal features interdisciplinary academic research and practice articles on all things food systems. The shareholder membership, good through April 2024, covers the University of Missouri-Columbia, including MU Extension. This membership waives the typical Article Processing Charge for publishing in this journal.

Proceedings of the National Academies of Science of the United States of America (PNAS)
MU researchers publishing articles in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) receive a discounted open access fee of $2,000, compared to the regular fee of $2,500, to make their papers immediately free online. Find out more.

home Resources and Services Publish For Free (Or for a Discounted Price) in These Journals and Keep Your Author Rights

Publish For Free (Or for a Discounted Price) in These Journals and Keep Your Author Rights

Publishing open access is a great way to keep research open and retain your copyright. We do understand that publisishing open access comes with a financial commitment that you wouldn’t necessarily have with traditional publishing.

To help offset costs, Mizzou Libraries has agreements with several publishers to offer discounts and author processing charge support for the following journals.

Want to lean more? Talk with your Subject Specialist about open access in your area.

American Chemical Society (ACS) Journals
The American Chemical Society offers a discounted open access fee to MU affiliates since MU is a Subscribing Institution. Members of ACS receive an additional discount. ACS Open Access Fee Chart

Astronomy & Astrophysics: A European Journal
Starting in 2022,  the EDP Sciences journal Astronomy & Astrophysics will be published under the Subscribe to Open (S20) model.  MU affiliated corresponding authors can publish their articles Open Access without paying APC’s (article processing charges) as long as the University of Missouri Libraries continue to subscribe to this title.

BMJ Case Reports
The Health Sciences Library subscription to BMJ Case Reports includes a waiver of the individual membership fee of £273 normally required to publish cases. Submission instructions.

Cambridge University Press Journals
MU Libraries has entered into a transformational “Read and Publish” agreement with Cambridge University Press. This agreement greatly expands electronic access to Cambridge University Press journals and provides 10 APC waivers for MU corresponding authors to publish their work OA.

Because of the limited number of waivers available with this agreement, MU Libraries has decided to support authors on a first come, first served basis. If there are remaining waivers at the end of the year, MU Libraries can retroactively make other articles OA with the approval of the author. Read more about the agreement and see a list of eligible journals

Company of Biologists
From 2023 through 2025 MU is participating in the Company of Biologist’s Read & Publish Open Access Initiative. MU authors can publish OA at no charge. Some of the journals Company of Biologists publishes include Development, Journal of Cell Science, and Journal of Experimental Biology.

Electrochemical Society (ECS) Journals
MU is a subscriber to ECS Plus, an agreement that allows MU faculty to publish their articles in Electrochemical Society (ECS) journals (Journal of the Electrochemical Society and ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology) as Open Access with no charge to the author. There are no limits on the number of papers that can be published in any given subscription year. Find out more.

Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development
The University of Missouri has joined the shareholder consortium of the Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. This open-access journal features interdisciplinary academic research and practice articles on all things food systems. The shareholder membership, good through April 2024, covers the University of Missouri-Columbia, including MU Extension. This membership waives the typical Article Processing Charge for publishing in this journal.

Proceedings of the National Academies of Science of the United States of America (PNAS)
MU researchers publishing articles in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) receive a discounted open access fee of $2,000, compared to the regular fee of $2,500, to make their papers immediately free online. Find out more.