home Databases & Electronic Resources Peer Navigator Corner: North American Women’s Letters & Diaries

Peer Navigator Corner: North American Women’s Letters & Diaries

Written by: Annalise Miller

March is nationally recognized as Women’s History Month, a time to celebrate and honor the incredible contributions of women throughout history and today. One of the most meaningful ways to do so is by reflecting on the voices of those who paved the way before us. What better way to pay tribute than by exploring a remarkable primary source that sheds light on the struggles, triumphs, and daily lives of real women? North American Women’s Letters and Diaries is a collection of authentic letters and diaries, spanning from colonial times to the mid-20th century, offering a powerful glimpse into the lived experiences of real women throughout history.

North American Women’s Letters and Diaries is the most extensive collection of women’s diaries and letters digitally compiled to date (Alexander Street Press, 2004). This primary source contains over 150,000 pages of personal recorded experiences, from journals containing details of their life to letters written and sent to their friends and family.

The subscription is paid for by the University Libraries, so all students can access it for free through the library’s website. One way to access is through the database link on the University of Missouri Libraries website, and then searching by the title. To find more resources like it, you can click “Research By Subject” on the homepage, and then the “Social and Behavioral Sciences” tab. Selecting “Women’s and Gender Studies” will take you to a new page with a tab that has multiple primary sources pertaining to this area of study, one being the Diaries and Letters of North American Women. You can also easily access the source by utilizing the website’s search box in its top right corner.

Once in the database you can filter results by year or historical events, such as the Civil War, the War of 1812, the Salem Witch Trials, and so many more. It gives a lens to both big and small moments – women writing to their friends during the Revolutionary War or sending letters to their mothers about life after moving away. You can even search by personal events that particular women were writing about, such as work, school, or relationships. A popular journal on the database (and personal favorite) is titled, “The Boyfriend Book” written in 1932 by a girl named Julia Heller. She talks about different boys that she likes, knows, or goes out with. She notes things like their appearance, how she met them, and if they have a bicycle. Another interesting diary is that of an anonymous woman who was traveling to Las Vegas around 1959. In the diary, she includes photos of her trip, tickets to shows that she went to, and other miscellaneous items, like the business card of a hairdresser that she saw during her vacation.

The advanced search option allows you to dig even deeper with over twenty advanced filters including age, number of children, marital status, or state and town written in. This is an amazing unconventional tool that we can use to relate to women throughout history – ones who are in the same boat as we may be. In a diary titled, “A Girl of the Eighties at College”, Charlotte Howard Conant writes to her mother and father, expressing how much she misses them since she is away at school.

By engaging with these letters and diaries, readers gain an intimate look at the everyday challenges and triumphs women faced throughout history. Whether discussing major historical moments or personal struggles, these writings preserve the authentic voices of women from different backgrounds and time periods. North American Women’s Letters and Diaries Serves as a testament to their resilience, making it a valuable tool for celebrating Women’s History Month and beyond.

New Database: Dimensions

The Dimensions database is now available to our campus community thanks to the MU Division of Research, Innovation & Impact. 

Dimensions provides a holistic view of millions of publications, grants, citations, impact metrics, clinical trials, patents, and policy documents all in one place. You can also analyze research outcomes and gather insights on research funding and collaborations to inform future strategy. 

Here are some unique features to look for:  

  • For any article with an Altmetric link, you can set up an alert to track future mentions in social media and more. 
  • Unique in providing AI summaries for publications, grants, patents and clinical trials and address the daunting task of navigating and condensing vast amounts of information. 

If you have questions about the database or how to use it, contact your librarian at ask@missouri.libanswers.com. 


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Databases & Electronic Resources, Resources and Services, Uncategorized New Database Trial: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Standards Collection

New Database Trial: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Standards Collection

MU Libraries has set up a trial for American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Standards Collection until June 1st, 2024.

Contains full-text access to all active American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) standards, including the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC). These codes and standards cover a breadth of topics, including pressure technology, nuclear plants, elevators/escalators, construction, engineering design, standardization, and performance testing

You can provide feedback on the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Standards Collection here.*

If you have questions about the database or how to use it, contact your librarian at ask@missouri.libanswers.com.

*A database trial is used to evaluate the resource and gather feedback from users to help us plan for collection changes in the future.

Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

New Database: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global

MU Libraries is pleased to provide reinstated access to ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.

Comprehensive curated collection of multi-disciplinary dissertations and theses from around the world, offering over 5 million citations and 3 million full-text works from thousands of universities.

Access provided by the University of Missouri Graduate School.

If you have questions about the database or how to use it, contact your librarian at ask@missouri.libanswers.com.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Databases & Electronic Resources, Ellis Library, Journalism Library New Database: Early American Newspapers Series II

New Database: Early American Newspapers Series II

MU Libraries is pleased to provide access to Early American Newspapers Series II.

Early American Newspapers Series II adds coverage our existing access and now covers 1690-1900. Images and full-content access to historic newspapers from the 18th to mid-19th Century, based on the collections of the American Antiquarian Society, the Wisconsin Historical Society, and 90 other institutions, from every region of the United States.

If you have questions about the database or how to use it, contact your librarian at ask@missouri.libanswers.com.



Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Databases & Electronic Resources, Ellis Library, Journalism Library New Database: ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Chicago Defender

New Database: ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Chicago Defender

MU Libraries is pleased to provide access to ProQuest Historical Newspapers Chicago Defender 1909-2010.

ProQuest Historical Newspapers Chicago Defender 1909-2010 adds coverage for 1976-2010 to our existing access to The Chicago Defender (1910-1975). Offers full page and article images with searchable full text back to the first issue. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue.

If you have questions about the database or how to use it, contact your librarian at ask@missouri.libanswers.com.



Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Databases & Electronic Resources, Ellis Library, Resources and Services New Database: Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive 1902-2014

New Database: Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive 1902-2014

MU Libraries is pleased to provide access to Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive 1902-2014

Since 1902, the Times Literary Supplement has provided a platform for an ever-expanding range of international thinkers, writers, and critics. This historical archive facilitates the study of the development of ideas and perspectives and identifies previously anonymous authors.

If you have questions about the database or how to use it, contact your librarian at ask@missouri.libanswers.com.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Databases & Electronic Resources, Ellis Library, Resources and Services New Database: British Literary Manuscripts Online

New Database: British Literary Manuscripts Online

MU Libraries is pleased to provide access to British Literary Manuscripts Online.

British Literary Manuscripts Online provides facsimile images of literary manuscripts, letters, diaries, drafts of poems, plays, novels, and other literary works. Images of the complete manuscript can be viewed, manipulated and navigated on screen, but text of the manuscripts themselves is not searchable. We have access to both parts: Medieval and Renaissance, and c. 1660-1900. This site also provides links to related resources, including paleography courses, images, maps, bibliographies, and digital scholarship.

If you have questions about the database or how to use it, contact your librarian at ask@missouri.libanswers.com.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Databases & Electronic Resources New Items Added to HathiTrust

New Items Added to HathiTrust

In 2021, one of the many projects that the Digital Services Department handled was the preparation and upload of items into the HathiTrust Digital Library. Before Felicity Dykas retired, she was able to add over 120 items to our English Short Title Catalog Items collection, which brings the current total to 940!

Starting in September, other staff members were able to continue uploading items, starting with a small batch of rare manuscript leaves that had been donated to the University. We also added around 40 journalism typography books. We now have 56 items added to our Typography Collection in HathiTrust, with several more waiting. In the past few years, we have submitted 2, 221 items in total!

Adding items to the HathiTrust repository is an ongoing project, and we intend to add many more items in 2022. Stay tuned!

Below are a number of links for those interested in checking out what we added last year;

English Short Title Catalog


Typography Collection


A few medieval manuscript leaves:

[Antiphonal leaf]


[Leaf from a Book of hours]


[Leaf from a Bible contained 2nd Chronicles 11:12-14:13]


[Leaf from a breviary and ferial psalter]


[Leaf from a Bible contained Ezekiel 26:10-28:19]


New Database Trial: APA PsycTESTS

MU Libraries has set up a trial for APA PsycTESTS until December 31st, 2021.

APA PsycTests indexes a wide variety of test types and instruments including aptitude tests, personality scales and cognitive functioning measures.  Research instruments available as PDF downloads or multimedia files.

You can provide feedback on the APA PsycTESTS here.*

If you have questions about the database or how to use it, contact your librarian at ask@missouri.libanswers.com.

*A database trial is used to evaluate the resource and gather feedback from users to help us plan for collection changes in the future.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.