home Gateway Carousel, Hours Spring Break Hours

Spring Break Hours

The Mizzou Libraries will have reduced hours during Spring Break.

Ellis Library: Spring Break
March 22 (Sat) 10am to 7pm
March 23 (Sun) 10am to 7pm
March 24–28 (Mon–Fr) 7:30am to 7pm
March 29 (Sat) 10am to 7pm
March 30 (Sun) Resume regular hours – 10am to Midnight

Mizzou Libraries Hours

home Cycle of Success, Gateway Carousel Cycle of Success: Special Collection Instruction in Middle School Field Trips

Cycle of Success: Special Collection Instruction in Middle School Field Trips

Revision of article written by Clare Starkey, Haley Lykins, and Kelli Hansen

The University of Missouri’s division of Special Collections holds over 100,000 items, dating from the eighth century to the modern era, and focuses on books, periodicals, manuscripts, maps, posters, printed ephemera and artifacts. Though the typical patrons are collegiate researchers, classes for elementary and middle school students are common and are an important part of the University of Missouri’s mission to benefit all Missourians. In the spring of 2024, Special Collections at the University of Missouri hosted a series of field trips for every sixth grader in the Columbia Public School (CPS) district—more than 1,300 students—under the theme of “Ancient Writing Technologies Lab: Cuneiform, Papyrus, Palm Leaves, Oh My!” This workshop gave students a chance to experience ancient writing technologies from across Africa and Asia while interacting with primary sources. Conceived in consultation with the school district’s social studies coordinator, the Special Collections staff provided hands-on activities on the history of the book to complement the school curriculum on ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and China.

Public Services Archivist Haley Lykins stated, “It was exciting to see our primary sources utilized by a new age group. The experience taught us to look beyond the walls of our academic institution for opportunities of outreach and instruction.”

The students rotated between three workstations representing the ancient world. Items from the University’s collection were included to provide a real-life example of the focus of each station and included cuneiform tablets, papyrus fragments and a facsimile palm leaf book. The students visited the University of Missouri campus over the course of 14 field trips throughout April and May. In addition to Special Collections, students visited the University of Missouri’s Museum of Art and Archaeology, Museum of Anthropology, and Francis Quadrangle. Although Special Collections hosted only 10-25 students at a time, around 100 students overall visited each field trip day.

In each 25-minute session, groups of 3-8 students would spend 7 minutes at a station before rotating to the next one. Each station began with a short informational presentation about the collection item before moving onto the activity. The workshops included making replica cuneiform tablets using playdough, drawing hieroglyphics on papyrus using calligraphy markers, and creating replica palm leaf books by writing stories on long strips of paper and tying them together with yarn. The learning objectives for the workshops were to discuss different writing surfaces from different times and different parts of the world, to describe the advantages and disadvantages of the different surfaces; and to interpret, analyze and evaluate primary sources.

After the field trips, Joy Bass, the social studies coordinator for CPS, said, “Just wanted to let you all know that teachers AND students have rated your ‘station’ very high in their reflection surveys and SO many have said it’s been their favorite.”

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Mizzou Libraries and the Research Cycle

Mizzou Libraries and the Research Cycle

From discovering new resources to tracking your impact, Mizzou Libraries is here to support you every step of the way!

We offer a range of services covering all aspects of the Research Lifecycle, such as:

Contact your Subject Librarian for services in your area!

See more posts about Scholarly Communication issues

home Gateway Carousel, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Workshops Data Management Workshop Series, Part 2

Data Management Workshop Series, Part 2

Unlock the power of data mapping with our engaging workshop series designed for anyone eager to use data effectively to make informed decisions and drive impact. Join us to learn about tools, techniques, and applications that bring your data to life.

Intro to Social Explorer for Historical Census Data Mapping and More
Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Time: 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Registration for online workshop

Attendees will learn how to log into Social Explorer and work with historical U.S. Census data to create swipe maps or side-by-side maps showing change over time. Depending on time and attendee interest, we may also discuss additional data available in Social Explorer and how to layer Social Explorer’s data with data you import.

Data Visualization with Palladio
Date: Thursday, April 3, 2025
Time: 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Location: 213 Ellis Library

Designed to support historical research, Palladio facilitates the analysis of relationships over time and space through the creation of maps, network visualizations, graphs, lists, and galleries. This workshop will provide an overview and opportunity to practice using the software.

Data Visualization with Gephi
Date: Wednesday, April 16, 2025
Time: 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Location: 213 Ellis Library

Gephi is an open-source social network visualization platform that can analyze and visualize big network graphs. This workshop will provide an overview and opportunity to practice with a sample data set.

home Events and Exhibits Spencer T. Banks Black History Exhibit

Spencer T. Banks Black History Exhibit

Dr. Joan Stack from the State Historical Society of Missouri developed the exhibit “A Historic Look at Black Labor in St. Louis Seen through the Eyes of Artist Spencer T. Banks (1912-1983),” which is on display in the Ellis Library exhibit area on first floor.

Black History Month Programs at the State Historical Society of Missouri

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services New Ebooks at Mizzou Libraries: Medicine and Health Sciences

New Ebooks at Mizzou Libraries: Medicine and Health Sciences

Below are a few of the medicine and health sciences ebooks we’ve recently added to our online collection. You can see the rest of our new ebooks here.

These ebooks were purchased with student success grant funds awarded by the Office of the Provost.


Emerging Pandemics : Connections with Environment and Climate Change

Pandemics are often associated with viruses and bacteria occurring in wildlife in natural environments. Thus, diseases of epidemic and pandemic scale are mostly zoonotic, some of which include AIDS, Zika virus, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), and COVID-19. The book seeks to explore the documented history of pandemics and various epidemics that have the potential of turning into pandemics with the warming climate, pollution, and environmental destruction.



The International Encyclopedia of Health Communication

The International Encyclopedia of Health Communication presents a thorough overview of a dynamic field, bringing together entries by an international panel of contributors that address a comprehensive range of recent and emerging topics. With a global and interdisciplinary focus, this timely resource addresses cutting-edge digital technology, complementary and integrative healthcare, diversity and inclusion, health equity, COVID-19, and much more.


Artificial Intelligence for Neurological Disorders

The book discusses many machine learning techniques to detect neurological diseases at the cellular level, as well as other applications such as image segmentation, classification and image indexing, neural networks and image processing methods. Chapters include AI techniques for the early detection of neurological disease and deep learning applications using brain imaging methods like EEG, MEG, fMRI, fNIRS and PET for seizure prediction or neuromuscular rehabilitation.




The Hospice Heritage

Through The Hospice Heritage: Celebrating Our Future, physicians, nurses, social workers, and clergy will find unique examples to give patients the attention, care, and understanding they need at that time in their life. Since 80 percent of people who die do so without the support of a hospice program, this important book offers approaches designed to expand access to hospice and provide a solid foundation of treatment for patients with cancer and non-cancer diagnoses.




Ataxic Disorders

This volume’s primary goal is to provide a comprehensive understanding of recent developments and advancements in the study of ataxic disorders. Beginning with an examination of the cerebellar region, and then progressing to a fresh perspective on the clinical aspects of the various forms of ataxia, this handbook gives clinicians a state-of-the-art reference for the management of the many etiologies and neurological manifestations of ataxic disorders.

home Gateway Carousel, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Workshops Scholarly Communication Workshop Series

Scholarly Communication Workshop Series

Empower your academic career with practical tools and strategies in scholarly communications! This workshop series is designed to help researchers and scholars at all levels navigate the complexities of academic publishing, promotion, and research impact.

Maximizing Your Research Identity and Measuring Research Impact
Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Time: 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Register for online workshop.
Learn about the usefulness of various researcher profiles that you can create for yourself and discover where to find metrics for your research output including citation counts, journal impact factors, h-index and altmetrics.

Promotion & Tenure Packets – How the Libraries can Help
Date: Monday, March 17, 2025
Time: 1:00pm – 1:30pm
Register for online workshop.
Discover how the library can support you in crafting compelling promotion and tenure packets. From citation analysis to showcasing your publications, we’ll provide tips and resources to make your materials stand out.

Find the Right Journal to Publish Your Research
Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2025
Time: 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Register for online workshop.
Not sure where to publish? Learn strategies to identify reputable journals that match your research scope and audience. We’ll also cover tips for avoiding predatory journals and improving your chances of acceptance.

All About Altmetrics
Date: Wednesday, April 9, 2025
Time: 1:00pm – 1:30pm
Register for online workshops.
Go beyond citation counts and learn about alternative metrics that can help you track and measure the impact of your research publications.

Who Should Attend?
• Faculty preparing for promotion and tenure.
• Early-career researchers building their scholarly presence.
• Graduate students navigating academic publishing.

For a complete list of library workshops, visit library.missouri.edu/workshops.

home Cycle of Success Haley Lykins Appointed Public Services Archivist

Haley Lykins Appointed Public Services Archivist

The MU Libraries are pleased to announce that Haley Lykins has been appointed permanent reference/public services archivist for University Archives after serving in this position on a temporary contract since June of last year. Haley previously served as the Samir Husni Magazine Collection processing coordinator for Special Collections from 2023-2024 and as a student assistant in Special Collections and Physical Processing from 2019-2023. Haley has a Master of Library and Information Science from the University of Missouri’s School of Information Science and Learning Technologies with an emphasis in archival studies and a Bachelor of Art degree from MU’s School of Visual Studies.

home Staff news, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library Veterinary Medical Library Space Project

Veterinary Medical Library Space Project

The Zalk Veterinary Medical Library is undergoing an exciting transformation. Over the next six months, the library team will relocate thousands of infrequently used items to the UM Libraries Depository (UMLD). UMLD is a facility near campus that is designed to provide high-density storage in a climate-controlled environment.

There are two primary benefits to the project: long-term preservation of the library materials and an expansion of student study space. As the only veterinary library in the state, ensuring the longevity of the collection is a high priority. The books and journals will be housed in an environment designed to prevent deterioration and mold. Additionally, the decrease in shelving units will allow for double the amount of tables available for student use. As the College of Veterinary Medicine’s program continues to grow and thrive, the library can better serve as a dedicated study space to support student success.

And don’t worry: all relocated items will still be requested through the library catalog and picked up on campus!


home Ellis Library, Events and Exhibits BYOBook Club at Mizzou Libraries

BYOBook Club at Mizzou Libraries

Do you want to join a book club but prefer to choose your own book? Join the BYOBook Club!

Our first meeting of the semester is Wednesday, February 19 at 4:00 pm in Ellis Library 114A.

This month’s theme is: read a book with a red or pink cover. Need a book recommendation? Check out our book club guide.

Registration is not required, but encouraged.