home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Library Scavenger Hunt

Library Scavenger Hunt

Stop by Ellis Library and go on a Scavenger Hunt to discover hidden study rooms, new technologies, rare materials in Special Collections, and more.

Take the Library Scavenger Hunt on your smart phone (http://library.missouri.edu/ScavengerHunt), or stop by the reference desk for a paper copy.

The Scavenger Hunt should take approximately 30 minutes to complete, so stop by before, in between, or after class for a quick, hands-on introduction to your library.

And watch out…you never know what's lurking around the library…

image from ghostbusters film 1984

home Cycle of Success, Ellis Library Library Employee Celebrates Forty-Five Years of Service

Library Employee Celebrates Forty-Five Years of Service

In August 1971, the Apollo 15 astronauts drove their land rover on the moon and Carol Turner worked her first day as a Library employee. This summer, Turner celebrated 45 years working for the University Libraries.

She started working in Ellis Library as a clerk before there was computer automation, and she worked her way up to her current job as Library Information Specialist, Sr. She has worked on many projects over the years–projects as varied as barcoding books and proof-reading stacks (not her favorite) to helping spend an extra one-time allocation of $3 million for books.

Turner is an avid reader who collects clocks and music boxes.

The Libraries thank Carol for her many years of service and is looking forward to many more!