home Cycle of Success Haley Lykins Appointed Public Services Archivist

Haley Lykins Appointed Public Services Archivist

The MU Libraries are pleased to announce that Haley Lykins has been appointed permanent reference/public services archivist for University Archives after serving in this position on a temporary contract since June of last year. Haley previously served as the Samir Husni Magazine Collection processing coordinator for Special Collections from 2023-2024 and as a student assistant in Special Collections and Physical Processing from 2019-2023. Haley has a Master of Library and Information Science from the University of Missouri’s School of Information Science and Learning Technologies with an emphasis in archival studies and a Bachelor of Art degree from MU’s School of Visual Studies.

home Staff news, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library Veterinary Medical Library Space Project

Veterinary Medical Library Space Project

The Zalk Veterinary Medical Library is undergoing an exciting transformation. Over the next six months, the library team will relocate thousands of infrequently used items to the UM Libraries Depository (UMLD). UMLD is a facility near campus that is designed to provide high-density storage in a climate-controlled environment.

There are two primary benefits to the project: long-term preservation of the library materials and an expansion of student study space. As the only veterinary library in the state, ensuring the longevity of the collection is a high priority. The books and journals will be housed in an environment designed to prevent deterioration and mold. Additionally, the decrease in shelving units will allow for double the amount of tables available for student use. As the College of Veterinary Medicine’s program continues to grow and thrive, the library can better serve as a dedicated study space to support student success.

And don’t worry: all relocated items will still be requested through the library catalog and picked up on campus!


home Ellis Library, Events and Exhibits BYOBook Club at Mizzou Libraries

BYOBook Club at Mizzou Libraries

Do you want to join a book club but prefer to choose your own book? Join the BYOBook Club!

Our first meeting of the semester is Wednesday, February 19 at 4:00 pm in Ellis Library 114A.

This month’s theme is: read a book with a red or pink cover. Need a book recommendation? Check out our book club guide.

Registration is not required, but encouraged.

New Ebooks at Mizzou Libraries: Veterinary and Animal Sciences

Below are a few of the eterinary and Animal Sciences ebooks we’ve recently added to our online collection. You can see the rest of our new ebooks here.

These ebooks were purchased with student success grant funds awarded by the Office of the Provost.


Animal Agriculture: Sustainability, Challenges and Innovations

This book discusses the land-based production of high-quality protein by livestock and poultry and how it plays an important role in improving human nutrition, growth and health.



The Origin and Early Evolutionary History of Snakes

Snakes comprise nearly 4,000 extant species found on all major continents except Antarctica. Morphologically and ecologically diverse, they include burrowing, arboreal, and marine forms, feeding on prey ranging from insects to large mammals. Snakes are strikingly different from their closest lizard relatives, and their origins and early diversification have long challenged and enthused evolutionary biologists.




Greene’s Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat

This book provides a comprehensive, clinically useful reference on the management of infectious diseases caused by viruses, bacteria (including rickettsiae, chlamydiae, mycoplasmas, and spirochetes), fungi, algae, protozoa, parasites, and other atypical agents




Next Generation Nanochitosan

Next Generation Nanochitosan: Applications in Animal Husbandry, Aquaculture and Food Conservation provides comprehensive and state-of-the-art-information on the application of nanochitosan for improving products, especially for the evaluation of biological active molecules, disease therapeutics, transport vehicle for DNA, targeted drug delivery, gene therapy, development of smart and high performance of fish, preservation of foods, tissue engineering, and improving the taste of aquatic and animal feeds as fish growth promoter.

Welcome to Piper Brown-Kingsley

The MU Libraries are pleased to announce the hire of Piper Brown-Kingsley as the Information and Data Services Librarian at the Health Sciences Library. She began over the summer. Piper is a May 2024 graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Information School. In addition, she’s been working as a remote Data Curation Intern at the National Neighborhood Data Archive (NaNDA) at the University of Michigan. We’re so excited to have her join the Information Services Team at the newly renovated Health Sciences Library.

home Hours, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library NOW OPEN: Health Sciences Library

NOW OPEN: Health Sciences Library

After a little over a year and a half, the Health Sciences Library is OPEN.

We are so happy to be back and we can’t wait to see you in our new space!

Here are our hours for the rest of the semester:

Thanksgiving Break
Monday -Wednesday   8am-5pm
Thursday-Friday           Closed
Saturday                      12pm-6pm
Sunday                        12pm-9pm

Regular Hours (Dec. 2nd-13th)
Monday -Thursday      8am-9pm
Friday                          8am-6pm
Saturday                     12pm-6pm
Sunday                       12pm-9pm

Intersession Hours (Dec. 14th-24th; Jan. 2nd-Jan. 5th)
Monday -Thursday      8am-5pm
Friday                          7am-6pm
Saturday                     12pm-6pm
Sunday                       12pm-5pm

Dec. 25th Closed
Winter Break
Dec. 26th-Dec. 31st Closed


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Resources and Services Free Equipment Checkout

Free Equipment Checkout

Did you leave your laptop at home? Forgot your phone charger? Need a camera? The Checkout Desk at your library can help you out. Check out the available equipment here. All equipment is available with your student ID. Materials can be renewed in person at the desk. There is a $2 fine for every hour it is returned late.

So, the next time you are studying all day at the library and your phone dies, don’t worry! Just head over to the Checkout Desk at your library.

home Resources and Services Royal Society of Chemistry Added to Open Access Publishing Agreements Available to MU Authors

Royal Society of Chemistry Added to Open Access Publishing Agreements Available to MU Authors

Publishing open access is a great way to keep research open and retain your copyright. We do understand that publishing open access comes with a financial commitment that you wouldn’t necessarily have with traditional publishing.

To help offset costs, Mizzou Libraries has agreements with several publishers to offer discounts and author processing charge support for the following journals.

Want to lean more? Talk with your Subject Specialist about open access in your area.

NEW AGREEMENT: Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
The MU Libraries now has a Read & Publish agreement with the Royal Society of Chemistry, starting in 2024 and continuing through 2025. All charges for publishing in Hybrid, Gold and RSC Advances journals are covered for MU corresponding authors. Articles published open access in RSC journals are downloaded more often, which helps raise the visibility of your work Here is a complete RSC Journal list. Find out more.

American Chemical Society (ACS) Journals
The American Chemical Society offers a discounted open access fee to MU affiliates since MU is a Subscribing Institution. Members of ACS receive an additional discount. ACS Open Access Fee Chart

Astronomy & Astrophysics: A European Journal
Starting in 2022,  the EDP Sciences journal Astronomy & Astrophysics will be published under the Subscribe to Open (S20) model.  MU affiliated corresponding authors can publish their articles Open Access without paying APC’s (article processing charges) as long as the University of Missouri Libraries continue to subscribe to this title.

BMJ Case Reports
The Health Sciences Library subscription to BMJ Case Reports includes a waiver of the individual membership fee of £273 normally required to publish cases. Submission instructions.

Cambridge University Press Journals
MU Libraries has entered into a transformational “Read and Publish” agreement with Cambridge University Press. This agreement greatly expands electronic access to Cambridge University Press journals and provides 10 APC waivers for MU corresponding authors to publish their work OA.

Because of the limited number of waivers available with this agreement, MU Libraries has decided to support authors on a first come, first served basis. If there are remaining waivers at the end of the year, MU Libraries can retroactively make other articles OA with the approval of the author. Read more about the agreement and see a list of eligible journals

Company of Biologists
From 2023 through 2025 MU is participating in the Company of Biologist’s Read & Publish Open Access Initiative. MU authors can publish OA at no charge. Some of the journals Company of Biologists publishes include Development, Journal of Cell Science, and Journal of Experimental Biology.

Electrochemical Society (ECS) Journals
MU is a subscriber to ECS Plus, an agreement that allows MU faculty to publish their articles in Electrochemical Society (ECS) journals (Journal of the Electrochemical Society and ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology) as Open Access with no charge to the author. There are no limits on the number of papers that can be published in any given subscription year. Find out more.

Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development
The University of Missouri has joined the shareholder consortium of the Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. This open-access journal features interdisciplinary academic research and practice articles on all things food systems. The shareholder membership, good through April 2024, covers the University of Missouri-Columbia, including MU Extension. This membership waives the typical Article Processing Charge for publishing in this journal.

Proceedings of the National Academies of Science of the United States of America (PNAS)
MU researchers publishing articles in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) receive a discounted open access fee of $2,000, compared to the regular fee of $2,500, to make their papers immediately free online. Find out more.

home Resources and Services Watch Out for Fake Citations from ChatGPT

Watch Out for Fake Citations from ChatGPT

ChatGPT, one of the most popular artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots, uses a language model to respond to questions and compose various written content. Many college students use ChatGPT to help them complete assignments. While there are times when this can be helpful, it has limitations as a reliable research assistant. One thing you need to watch out for is that ChatGPT will sometimes “hallucinate” (fabricate) citations. The citations may sound legitimate and scholarly, but they are not real. If you try to find these sources through Google or the library, you will search in vain.

If you need help finding resources on a topic, just Ask a Librarian to help you find real resources so you can be successful on your next assignment!

home Resources and Services New Ebooks at Mizzou Libraries: Plant and Food Sciences

New Ebooks at Mizzou Libraries: Plant and Food Sciences

Below are a few of the plant and food sciences ebooks we’ve recently added to our online collection. You can see the rest of our new ebooks here.

These ebooks were purchased with student success grant funds awarded by the Office of the Provost.


Beer in Health and Disease Prevention

Handbook of Beer Health and Disease Prevention offers a balanced view of today’s findings and the potential of tomorrow’s research. From a beverage of warriors to a cheap and affordable commodity, beer has been a part of our consumption for nearly 8000 years.


Future Foods

Future Foods: Global Trends, Opportunities, and Sustainability Challenges highlights trends and sustainability challenges along the entire agri-food supply chain. Using an interdisciplinary approach, this book addresses innovations, technological developments, state-of-the-art based research, value chain analysis, and a summary of future sustainability challenges.




Nutritional and Health Aspects of Food in the Balkans

Beginning with the eating habits in Balkans, this book unfolds the history of use, origin, compositions and preparation, ingredient origin, nutritional aspects, and the effects on health for various foods and food products of the region.





Plant Factory Using Artificial Light

The book details the implementation of photocatalytic methods that ensure the safe and sustainable production of vegetables at low cost and on a commercial scale, regardless of adverse natural or manmade influences such as global warming, climate change, pollution, or other potentially damaging circumstances.




Wild Urban Plants of the Northeast

Harvard University botanist Peter Del Tredici unveils the plants that will become even more dominant in urban environments under projected future environmental conditions. These plants are the most important and most common plants in cities. Learning what they are and the role they play, he writes, will help us all make cities more livable and enjoyable.