home Staff news Ellis Library Power Outage, 8/14 from 5 to 8 AM

Ellis Library Power Outage, 8/14 from 5 to 8 AM

Campus Facilities has scheduled a power outage in Ellis Library on Wednesday, August 14, from 5:00 – 8:00 am to complete some work in the building. Please shut off your computers and other electronic equipment when you leave Tuesday afternoon, August 13.


home Staff news Relocation of New Books

Relocation of New Books

Awhile back the new books had been moved from the wooden bookcases in the colonnade to some shelving near the Research Help Desk. The shelving was too low for many of our patrons. The new books will be relocated back to the wooden bookcase on the west side of the colonnade, near the newspapers.

home Staff news Update on Proposed Student Experience Center

Update on Proposed Student Experience Center

As you all know, MU leadership has proposed the use of 52 Ellis Library for a new Student Experience Center. They definitely plan to move forward with this project. In addition, they plan to support the addition to UMLD that we need in order to free up much needed space in Ellis Library. Although we have had some concerns about our loss of space, which were shared with administration, it has been decided that it is in the best interest of the students and campus as a whole to move forward with this project as originally proposed. The addition to the depository will also be a great benefit to the entire campus.

We do not yet have a clear timeline for when the relocation of offices will need to take place, but LMT is working with ESFAC and others to make decisions bout this. We will also have information from the space planning consultants that will help in these decisions.

If you have additional concerns, please contact Ann Riley directly. If you hear of student concerns, please contact Grace Atkins, coordinator of ULSAC.

home Staff news Newly Revised Ellis Library Room Reservation Guidelines Available

Newly Revised Ellis Library Room Reservation Guidelines Available

You can access the new Room Reservation Guidelines on the staff web page under Ellis Library: Physical Space.

Please contact Jeannette Pierce if you have comments or questions.

home Staff news Building Maintenance Issues

Building Maintenance Issues

If you haven’t heard, 52 Ellis Library has termites. They have infested the South wall from the east edge of Physical Processing all the way west to Digital Services’ area. There are two issues: killing the termites and repairing the damage to the wall. They will begin work on killing the termites on this Saturday and into early next week. As part of this process, they may use chemicals with an off-gas or foul smell.

home Staff news Libraries Awarded SFCIC Funding

Libraries Awarded SFCIC Funding

The Libraries will receive $50,000 from the Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee to improve group study rooms.

home Staff news Update on State Historical Society

Update on State Historical Society


Center for Missouri Studies Opening Fall 2019, Columbia Research Center to Close for Move

August 10, 1821, marked the first official day of statehood, and 198 years later, a new chapter in the preservation and exploration of Missouri’s eventful past will begin with the August 10, 2019, opening of the State Historical Society of Missouri’s new Columbia headquarters, the Center for Missouri Studies.

To prepare and move the invaluable collections from the Society’s current location in Ellis Library, the Columbia Research Center will be closed to the public beginning April 19, 2019. This closure will last until August 12, 2019.

home Staff news Facilities Work During Thanksgiving Break

Facilities Work During Thanksgiving Break

As we approach Thanksgiving Break, it’s time to send an update on facilities work that will be happening in the Libraries.

Room 114, Phase 2 project:

On Fri, Nov 16, new booths will arrive for Room 114 in Ellis Library. The furniture will be rearranged when the booths are installed. The new booths are Phase 2 of furniture and electricity improvements funded by the Enhance Mizzou student fees and in full cooperation with ULSAC. Phase 2 should be complete by the end of break on Wed, Nov 21.

IC2, Ellis Library, warranty work:

The computer surfaces for the IC2 tables will be fixed on Mon/Tue (Nov 19-20). The SITE team will be on hand to move computers for the furniture repair technicians.

IC2, Ellis Library, warranty work:

The furniture repair technicians will also be changing out the fabric for the booth seats and the rolling computer chairs. The work should be complete by the end of day on Tue, Nov 20.


home Staff news Change to Bookmark Cafe Hours

Change to Bookmark Cafe Hours

The Bookmark Cafe hours will be adjusted in the evenings. Starting next week, the Bookmark Cafe will be closing at 10pm (currently closing at 9:30pm) on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday and Friday hours will stay the same.

home Staff news Office Carpets in Ellis Library to Be Vacuumed Monthly

Office Carpets in Ellis Library to Be Vacuumed Monthly

Beginning the first week of September, Bonnie Johnson in our Receiving/Facilities team will begin vacuuming private office spaces in Ellis Library not currently covered under the University’s custodial contract.

As most of you know, private office spaces are no longer vacuumed as part of the University’s custodial contract. Even though vacuums were purchased almost two years ago and are readily available in all staff areas, it’s become clear that vacuuming of private offices by individuals has proven to be challenging in Ellis Library. Because we need to keep our floors to stay in good shape for many years, the carpets need to be vacuumed regularly to slow the aging process and to provide a clean environment for our staff.

Bonnie will vacuum private office spaces once per month. I have tried to personally speak with everyone affected. If I missed talking to you and you would prefer to vacuum your own space, please let me know. If your office area is on the list for vacuuming, you will receive a recurring calendar appointment in Outlook very soon to let you know when to clear your office floors. This does not affect anyone in the Specialized Libraries, Archives, or the remote storage facilities at this time. If there are issues with vacuuming in those areas, please let your LMT member know.

Please note:

  • Have floors cleared by the end of the work day prior to vacuuming.
  • Vacuuming will be done between 7:00-7:30am.
  • Bonnie has been asked to vacuum open floor spaces that can be reached easily. She has been asked to avoid moving anything, including chairs.
  • You are still responsible for removing trash and recycling.
  • If you lock your door, please continue to lock your door. Bonnie will key herself in and lock the door behind her (or ask Security for assistance).
  • If your office space cannot be vacuumed on the appointed day, the appointment will simply be missed. There are many other facilities tasks that need attention. If possible, Bonnie will let you know about conflicts in advance and I hope you will consider vacuuming on those rare occasions.

Thanks in advance!

Kathy Peters