It’s Shark Week! 🦈 And of course we have some books to celebrate!
The secret lives of sharks: a leading marine biologist reveals the mysteries of shark behavior
Marine biologist Pete Klimley swims with the sharks. He was one of the first scientists to free-dive among sharks, and he has spent nearly thirty years studying shark behavior, sometimes swimming in schools of several hundred sharks. From his firsthand observations he has learned that sharks are not the vicious man-eaters that we imagine, but fascinating animals with complex behaviors.
Are You Smarter Than a Shark? : Learn How Sharks Survive in Their Watery World – 100+ Facts About Sharks!
People once thought that sharks weren’t very smart. It turns out those people were WRONG! Wise-cracking sharks set the record straight in this funny, fact-filled book for young shark lovers. Sharks have their own way of thinking. And their way of thinking has made them one of the top predators in the ocean. Sharks can sniff out injured animals over great distances. As hunters, they use their special electro-sense to zero in on hidden prey. They have taste buds in their razor-sharp teeth. And, like people, sharks are playful and curious, and they can learn and remember. In Are You Smarter Than…A Shark?, discover what makes a shark a shark, and what makes them different from other fish.
Sharks: the perfect predators
Fascinating, graceful, and powerful, sharks are the sea’s most feared predators, and this new guide sympathetically examines their physiological, anatomical, and behavioral adaptations. Stunning photographs complement the most complete and updated information on the diets and predatory tactics of these ferocious, misunderstood, and endangered animals. Answers are provided to a myriad of questions, such as What predatory tactics do sharks use to catch their prey? Why do some attack humans? and Which animals are especially vulnerable to shark predation?
Surprising sharks
Introduces many different species of sharks, pointing out such characteristics as the small size of the dwarf lantern shark and the physical characteristics and behavior that makes sharks killing machines.
Sharks: the animal answer guide
Do sharks lay eggs or give birth to live young? Do sharks sleep? How long do they live? How likely are shark attacks? This book answers your questions about some of nature’s most misunderstood animals.Answering every conceivable question about sharks, authors Gene Helfman and George H. Burgess describe the fascinating biology, behavior, diversity (there are more than 1,000 species worldwide), and cultural importance of sharks, their close relationship to skates and rays, and their critical role in healthy ecosystems.Helfman and Burgess take readers on a round-the-world tour of shark habitats, which include oceans as well as lakes and even rivers (as far up the Mississippi as St. Louis).
TheTiger Shark
A set of stripes and an insatiable appetite link the tiger shark to its earthbound namesake. The voracious fish will eat just about anything from sea turtles to trashed tires. Its unrestrained appetite puts it among the top three most dangerous sharks. Get up close and personal with one of the ocean’s most fearsome predators in this exciting book for growing readers.
Sharks of North America
Which species of sharks live within 500 nautical miles of North American shores, and what do we know about them? Jose I. Castro’s The Sharks of North America is the first comprehensive book in sixty years to address these questions, and it does so with unrivaled authority and aesthetic detail. The 135 comprehensive species accounts summarize the present knowledge. Each begins with the etymology of a species’ common and scientific names, followed by the description, identifying characteristics, geographic range, biology, reproduction, location of nurseries, growth and longevity, and relation to humans. These accounts synthesize decades of research and first-hand examination of sharks collected in fisheries and research operations across the continent. They are thorough, current, and dispel many myths and misunderstandings found in the scientific and popular literature
Draw 50 sharks, whales, and other sea creatures
Lee Ames, together with Warren Budd, present 50 inhabitants of the deep in step-by-step sketches. “Includes no less than 11 kinds of sharks and 13 animals of the whale family.”