home Gateway Carousel HSL, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Some Photo Progress of the Health Sciences Library

Some Photo Progress of the Health Sciences Library

We are happy to report that there’s movement in the Health Sciences Library Renovation!

Construction officially started in August 2023, but there hasn’t been much to show. The focus was getting out furniture and preparing the space. And now, we have some photos!

While the physical building will be closed, we are still here for youAlthough our services and employees will be operating in a virtual environment during the renovation, we are only a click away.

Have questions? Check out the FAQ section of our library renovation page.


Mizzou Librarians Share Their Favorite Reads of 2023

We asked Mizzou Librarians to recommend their favorite reads of 2023 and asked them to explain why it was their favorite. They could:

  • Write a few sentences OR
  • Provide 3-5 descriptive words OR
  • What emojis would describe the book?

And of course, we got a lot of recommendations. The books could be published in any year and any genre as long as they were available at Mizzou Libraries or in Mobius.

Check out some books to help keep you entertained during these cold January days.


Y/N by Esther Yi

“Darkly funny, intense, beautiful prose, 3-am uncanny,” – Amanda M.


The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

“Magical, Victorian, atmospheric, gentle,” – Julia P.


Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao

“Sci-Fi, Dystopia, Revenge, Kick-Ass Women AND invitation to fight🥊,” Megan B.


Thirty-three Teeth by Colin Cotterill

“Quietly humorous mystery set in Laos featuring elderly coroner. (Bonus note: the Soho Crime imprint is a fun way to travel the world: https://sohopress.com/soho-crime/),” Anne B.


Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi

“”Homecoming” by Yaa Gyasi captivated me with its sweeping narrative that spans generations, exploring the impact of slavery on two half-sisters and their descendants. The characters are vividly drawn and left a lasting impression on me. It’s powerful and thought-provoking, making it a standout and one of the best things I read this year,” Shannon C.


Still Life by Sara Winman

“This book is a lovely exploration of love in its many forms. It is a historical fiction book set in England during the end of WWII and stretching from then through the lives of the characters after the war. And, there is a wonderful, mystical parrot. Who can ask for more?”- Cindy B.


The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins

“Historic, Chilling, Action-Packed, Thought Provoking, Fashionable.” Gabe H.


The Wager by David Grann

“I love history and Mystery and this has all of that and more! Mutiny, Murder and Non Fiction,” Michelle B.


Trejo: My Life of Crime, Redemption, and Hollywood by Danny Trejo

“Unusual & honest autobiography of a Mexican-American; sort of like a rags-to-riches story. You may not recognize his name, but you will know his face from the many characters he has played. He is currently on “Saint George” with George Lopez.” – Tammy G.


The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese

“This is a beautifully written story spanning three generations of a family in India. They have mysterious medical condition which causes someone in each generation to die by drowning. I found both the joy and sorrow in this book incredibly moving.” -Katy E.


Goth: A History by Laurence Tolhurst

“Like a ghost of Goth past, Lol holds your hand and reminds you of all your gorgeous, beloved memories of days past. I felt seen, nostalgic, and vindicated. A must for all the Elder Goths out there. 💀🧛🧛‍♀️🖤” – Mara I.


Shadow divers: the true adventure of two Americans who risked everything to solve one of the last mysteries of World War II By Robert Kurson

“This is a real life story of some hobby SCUBA divers that find a WWII U-Boat off the coast of New Jersey, once again proving that truth is stranger than fiction.”- Diane J.


Brave Men by Ernie Pyle

“The author, Ernie Pyle, wrote for “Stars and Stripes” and was killed by a sniper in the Pacific Theatre later during WWII. This book begins with the invasion of Sicily in 1943, covers D Day in France, and ends with the arrival of Allied troops in Paris in 1944. I was so surprised how much I enjoyed this book. I feel like I learned more about WWII, how soldiers fought and the support network behind them. The chapters/entries are brief, so it’s easy to pick up and put down.” – Gwen G.


Cathedral: Stories by Raymond Carver

“I’m on a big short story kick right now – Raymond Carver, Richard Ford, and (most recently) Jess Walter. Carver reminds me a bit of John Steinbeck; his characters are all hard-luck guys like the men in Steinbeck’s Tortilla Flat.” – Kris A.


Unmask Alice: LSD, Satanic Panic, and the Imposter behind the Worl’s Most Notorious Diaries by Michelle Ross

“Unmask Alice is a masterpiece of a book that I would describe as part biography, part horror story, part documentary about the author of Go Ask Alice. It gives the personal history of troubled teens and disturbed icons, while also giving a big-picture perspective of mass hysteria and the effect that it has on politics, and vice versa. In our current era of (targeted) censorship, I believe this is a MUST READ, much like Go Ask Alice was in the 70s.” – Rebecca


Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus

“Chemist Elizabeth Zott is a single mother and the unlikely host of a popular cooking show, “Supper at Six”. She is not an average woman since she stands up for and advocates for women in the 1950s and 60s and wants to be judged on her own work In the 1950s, she has a relationship with a very gifted chemist, Calvin Evans, resulting in her daughter, Madeline. The book has humor mixed with the plight of women during the 1950s and 1960s along with deception in boys’ homes and in research centers.” – Georgia B.


The Day After Roswell by Philip Corso

“When I started digging for background information about the David Grusch hearing before Congress in 2023, I discovered this book by a high-ranking military intelligence officer in the 1960’s, whose book dates all the way back to 1997! Wow! It certainly gave me a different view of tech developments and international politics, particularly the relationship between the US and Russia under Ronald Reagan.  The chapter on the Star Wars aspect of the Reagan presidency cast the outcomes of his work in an entirely new light!  It’s definitely worth the time to have a glimpse at the hidden world behind the scenes to aid your understanding of what the big deal is about the Grusch testimony!” – Deb W.


The Extraordinaries by TJ Klune

“Teen Angst. Pining. Humor. Superheroes. The audiobook narrator was A+. What more could you want?” – Taira M.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Gateway Carousel HSL, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library Where Can You Study When the Health Sciences Library is Closed?

Where Can You Study When the Health Sciences Library is Closed?

Mizzou has several libraries across campus that all MU students, staff, and faculty can access:

To make it easier to find these libraries, we created a map that includes walking times from the Health Sciences Library and the hours of each campus library.

Looking for quiet? Ellis Library has designated quiet spaces in rooms 201 and 202. Even MizzouRec has some serene study spaces, according to this Show Me Mizzou article! Looking for some background noise? Find a comfy chair in the Student Center or Memorial Union and let the hustle and bustle drown out your distractions. Need caffeine while you work? Grab some coffee and settle in at Vida Coffee (located on Hitt Street) or Starbucks in Memorial Union.

Also, check out the Ellis Library’s Sensory Map for a guide to quiet study spaces, uncrowded areas, and rooms with natural light.

home Cycle of Success, Gateway Carousel HSL, Gateway Carousel Zalk Veterinary Medical Library Vice Provost for Libraries and University Librarian to Retire

Vice Provost for Libraries and University Librarian to Retire

Deb Ward, Vice Provost and University Librarian

Deb Ward has served for more than 25 years in a variety of roles

University of Missouri Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Latha Ramchand announced today that Deb Ward, the vice provost for MU Libraries and University librarian, will retire on May 31, 2024. Ward’s more than 25-year career has spanned key roles, culminating in her appointment as interim and then permanent vice provost for MU Libraries and University librarian.

Before accepting the position of vice provost, Ward served as the director of the J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library. During her tenure, Ward played a pivotal role in advancing the integration of electronic information delivery into health care, introducing clinical librarian services, and promoting the use of evidence-based information in healthcare delivery.

As the leader of MU Libraries, Ward navigated challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring uninterrupted library services while implementing safety protocols and managing a shutdown. Additionally, Ward spearheaded strategic space planning initiatives for Ellis Library, serving as the project director for an NEH challenge grant aimed at upgrading the West Stacks for Ellis Library to create a permanent location for distinctive collections.

One of Ward’s enduring legacies is her unwavering commitment to tailoring library services to meet the evolving needs of students and faculty throughout her years at MU.

“It has been an honor to serve the MU community and contribute to the growth and evolution of our libraries,” Ward said. “I am grateful for the opportunities and support I’ve received throughout my career. As I step into retirement, I look forward to witnessing the continued success and innovation of MU Libraries under new leadership.”

The university will commence a national search for a new vice provost for Libraries, with the desired start date of June 1, 2024. A number of constituent groups will be contacted for input and feedback on potential search committee members.

home Gateway Carousel HSL, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Use MOspace to Measure the Worldwide Impact of Your Health Sciences Research Day Poster

Use MOspace to Measure the Worldwide Impact of Your Health Sciences Research Day Poster

Are you presenting at Health Sciences Research Day? Add your poster to MOspace to help boost your resume.

MOspace is the freely available online repository for scholarship and other works by University of Missouri faculty, students, and staff.

You retain copyright, and we provide access.

Once items are submitted, the platform can provide statistics like number of downloads, and from which countries.

Currently, all Health Sciences Research Day posters in MOspace have a total of 73,078 downloads from over 100 countries worldwide. That’s up from 39,061 from last year.

Interested in seeing the worldwide impact of your research? Submit your poster using our online form today.

You can further your impact by signing up for an ORCID ID at ORCID.org.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Gateway Carousel HSL, Gateway Carousel Journalism, Gateway Carousel Zalk Veterinary Medical Library, Resources and Services Publish For Free (Or for a Discounted Price) in These Journals and Keep Your Author Rights

Publish For Free (Or for a Discounted Price) in These Journals and Keep Your Author Rights

Mizzou Libraries has agreements with several publishers to offer discounts and author processing charge support for the following journals.

Want to lean more? Talk with your Subject Specialist about open access in your area.

American Chemical Society (ACS) Journals
The American Chemical Society offers a discounted open access fee to MU affiliates since MU is a Subscribing Institution. Members of ACS receive an additional discount. ACS Open Access Fee Chart

Astronomy & Astrophysics: A European Journal
Starting in 2022,  the EDP Sciences journal Astronomy & Astrophysics will be published under the Subscribe to Open (S20) model.  MU affiliated corresponding authors can publish their articles Open Access without paying APC’s (article processing charges) as long as the University of Missouri Libraries continue to

Cambridge University Press Journals
NOTE: All waivers for the 2023 calendar year have been exhausted.
MU Libraries has entered into a transformational “Read and Publish” agreement with Cambridge University Press. This agreement greatly expands electronic access to Cambridge University Press journals and provides 10 APC waivers for MU corresponding authors to publish their work OA.

Because of the limited number of waivers available with this agreement, MU Libraries has decided to support authors on a first come, first served basis. If there are remaining waivers at the end of the year, MU Libraries can retroactively make other articles OA with the approval of the author.

BMJ Case Reports
The Health Sciences Library subscription to BMJ Case Reports includes a waiver of the individual membership fee of £273 normally required to publish cases. Submission instructions.

Company of Biologists
From 2023 through 2025 MU is participating in the Company of Biologist’s Read & Publish Open Access Initiative. MU authors can publish OA at no charge. Some of the journals Company of Biologists publishes include Development, Journal of Cell Science, and Journal of Experimental Biology.

Electrochemical Society (ECS) Journals
MU is a subscriber to ECS Plus, an agreement that allows MU faculty to publish their articles in Electrochemical Society (ECS) journals (Journal of the Electrochemical Society and ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology) as Open Access with no charge to the author. There are no limits on the number of papers that can be published in any given subscription year. Find out more.

Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development
The University of Missouri has joined the shareholder consortium of the Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. This open-access journal features interdisciplinary academic research and practice articles on all things food systems. The shareholder membership, good through April 2024, covers the University of Missouri-Columbia, including MU Extension. This membership waives the typical Article Processing Charge for publishing in this journal.

Proceedings of the National Academies of Science of the United States of America (PNAS)
MU researchers publishing articles in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) receive a discounted open access fee of $2,000, compared to the regular fee of $2,500, to make their papers immediately free online. Find out more.

Book A Librarian For Research Help

Whether you are starting your first research project or have written a dozen articles, you can benefit from a consultation with a librarian. It’s free and you can book online in advance according to your schedule.

Librarians can meet with you virtually or in-person.

MU Students can use Canvas to schedule an appointment via MU Connect* and meet with the librarian assigned to your class. Students, if you book a research consultation with a librarian, you can earn a point towards your S.T.A.R. recognition.

MU Faculty and Staff can fill out the form to schedule an appointment.

*What is MU Connect, and how do you use it? Watch this short video to find out and make an appointment today.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Gateway Carousel HSL Overview of Recent University of Missouri Publications in Medicine and Related Fields: August 2023

Overview of Recent University of Missouri Publications in Medicine and Related Fields: August 2023

Each month we provide an overview of University of Missouri School of Medicine faculty-authored articles in medicine and related fields as well as a featured article with the highest journal impact factor.

This month’s featured article, “Lower female survival from an opportunistic infection reveals progesterone-driven sex bias in trained immunity” , was co-authored by Dr. R. Scott Rector of the Department of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology,  Dr. Laura Schulz of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Women’s Health, and Dr. Adam Schrum of the Department of Molecular Microbiology & Immunology. The article was published in Cell Reports (impact factor of 8.8 in 2022).

Note that Dr. James Stevermer also had publications in JAMA as a member of the USPSTF:

See the list of publications in medicine and related fields we retrieved for this month: https://library.muhealth.org/facpubmonthlyresult/?Month=August&Year=2023

Chat With the Librarians Wherever You Are

Need research help? Working on a paper or project? You can ask a librarian for help using our chat service– almost 24 hours a day.

During the day you can chat with Mizzou librarians and library staff. At night, we offer access to a chat reference service called ChatStaff. They will be able to answer most research questions, except for some that are Mizzou-specific.

To access the chat service and see what hours chat reference is available, visit libraryanswers.missouri.edu.

Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Gateway Carousel HSL, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Summer Reads for Doctors — or Anyone Interested in the World of Medicine

Summer Reads for Doctors — or Anyone Interested in the World of Medicine

Stacy Weiner, Senior Staff Writer at the Association of American Medical Colleges recently curated a list of 9 great books for doctors or anyone interested in medicine.

Take a journey through the human body, travel through time to the start of nursing, and explore the world of gene sequencing all from the comfort of your couch or hammock with this year’s list of summer reads.

The connection between molecules and madness. Preventing another catastrophe like the COVID-19 pandemic. Health inequities among Black pregnant people. Gene sequencing that helped restore vision to a boy who hadn’t seen his mother for years. This year’s crop of recently published medicine-related books covers all this and more.

Below are a few from the list that you can request from MOBIUS:


American Breakdown: Our Ailing Nation, My Body’s Revolt, and the Nineteenth-Century Woman Who Brought Me Back to Life, Jennifer Lunden, LCSW

At 21, social worker and writer Jennifer Lunden was struck by an inexplicably exhausting condition — she couldn’t even stand for a shower — that was ultimately diagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). With few resources and scant hope, she became terribly depressed. But she eventually found solace in an unusual place: 19th-century diarist Alice James, who suffered similar symptoms and was initially labeled a female hysteric. Lunden soon began digging into the science behind CFS, exploring the work of immunologists, toxicologists, and infectious disease doctors. From there, she began thinking about the broader landscape of health in the United States, including the worrisome effects of stress, dangerous exposure to chemicals, and inadequate access to health care. Now feeling better thanks to a range of treatments, Lunden recognizes that she may never be fully well. “I’m a work in progress,” she writes. “So are you; so are we all. And I, for one, will keep trying.”


Reproductive Injustice: Racism, Pregnancy, and Premature Birth, Dana-Ain Davis, PhD

In the United States, Black women are twice as likely to give birth prematurely than their White peers — and financial success offers scant protection. Anthropologist Dana-Ain Davis, PhD, spent seven years plumbing the race-related factors that fuel Black babies’ early arrivals and subsequent need for neonatal intensive care. She traces a path back to slavery and such racist tropes as the hardiness of Black women while also describing the contemporary phenomenon of stress “weathering” Black bodies. Davis’s in-depth interviews with mothers of different ages, incomes, regions, and educational levels reveal a repeated sense of being dismissed by medical personnel. Turning to possible solutions, Davis highlights prevention, including empowering people who want to use doulas and community-based birthing supports. Without such efforts, she warns, Black Americans will continue to face the often lifelong health effects of being born too soon.


The Genome Odyssey: Medical Mysteries and the Incredible Quest to Solve Them, Euan Ashley, MD, PhD

Decoding a patient’s genome — the individualized alphabet of life — once cost billions and took months, but newer methods provide the opportunity to quickly treat patients suffering from mysterious, gene-based conditions. In The Genome Odyssey, Euan Ashley, MD, PhD, describes the scientific journey behind those advances as well as the patients who have benefited from them. One is a young man who, after his vision was restored by gene therapy, asked, “Mom, is that you?” A leader in the field and a Stanford University professor of medicine and genetics, Ashley anticipates greater advances to come, partly thanks to research on people whose super-powered genomes offer extraordinary health protection. Meanwhile, Ashley says he is motivated by the many patients still in need of help. They are, he writes, “the reason I get up every morning.”


Taking Care: The Story of Nursing and Its Power to Change the World, Sarah DiGregorio

Nurses have treated enslaved people, been tried as witches, gone to jail for providing birth control, and saved lives during wars and pandemics. Journalist Sarah DiGregorio digs into this rich history while also exploring the current reach of the profession — from patient education to policy work and from neonatal care to hospice support. She also describes the sometimes sexist and racist notions surrounding the career. For one, while Florence Nightingale was hailed as the founder of modern nursing, her Jamaican-born contemporary Mary Seacole was condescendingly dubbed “the Black Nightingale.” But the book’s most compelling moments may be DiGregorio’s own experiences with nurses: those who supported her as her mother died from breast cancer, distracted her as she anxiously awaited her own biopsy results, and held her as she prepared for an emergency cesarean section. Ultimately, she asks in praise of this often-overlooked profession, “Could we be human without nursing?”


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.