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Where Can You Study When the Health Sciences Library is Closed?

Mizzou has several libraries across campus that all MU students, staff, and faculty can access:

To make it easier to find these libraries, we created a map that includes walking times from the Health Sciences Library and the hours of each campus library.

Looking for quiet? Ellis Library has designated quiet spaces in rooms 201 and 202. Even MizzouRec has some serene study spaces, according to this Show Me Mizzou article! Looking for some background noise? Find a comfy chair in the Student Center or Memorial Union and let the hustle and bustle drown out your distractions. Need caffeine while you work? Grab some coffee and settle in at Vida Coffee (located on Hitt Street) or Starbucks in Memorial Union.

Also, check out the Ellis Library’s Sensory Map for a guide to quiet study spaces, uncrowded areas, and rooms with natural light.