home Resources and Services University Libraries Holiday Guide

University Libraries Holiday Guide

Happy Holidays to the Mizzou community from the University Libraries!!!

Check out this holiday guide for information about local events and holiday-related library materials.

home Cycle of Success Interim Library Appointments

Interim Library Appointments

Deb Ward has been appointed interim vice provost for libraries and university librarian, effective Nov. 28, 2019. Ward has been the director of the MU health sciences libraries, which includes the J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library and the Zalk Veterinary Medical Library, for over 20 years. In 2016, she also became the associate university librarian for specialized libraries. Ward has been active in local, regional and national library organizations. Ward was a co-creator of the Missouri AHEC Digital Library, an information service for health care providers in the state of Missouri, created in partnership with the Mid-Missouri Area Health Education Center. In addition, she has been the principal investigator for the Missouri coordinator for the National Network of Libraries of Medicine since 2002. She is a partner with three other campus collaborators in the three-year project “Librarians as Catalysts for Healthy Communities,” funded by the Institute of Library and Museum Services. Previously, Ward held a number of administrative appointments at three other academic health sciences libraries. She earned a bachelor of arts in German and a master of arts in education from Eastern Kentucky University. She also earned a master of library science from the University of Kentucky.

Other interim assignments:

  • Kate Anderson, veterinary medical librarian, Health Sciences and Specialized Libraries Division, assigned oversight for three additional specialized libraries
  • Corrie Hutchinson, associate university librarian, Acquisitions, Collections and Technical Services Division, assigned oversight for technical services functions of the Health Sciences Library
  • Jeannette Pierce, associate university librarian, Research and Instruction Services Division, assigned oversight for the division currently assigned to Ann Riley
  • Chris Pryor, NNLM coordinator, Health Sciences and Specialized Libraries Division, assigned oversight for the Health Sciences Library Circulation Department and responsibility for facility and administrative aspects of the Health Sciences and Specialized Libraries divisional operation
  • Diane Johnson, assistant director for the Health Sciences Library Information Services and Resources, will take on additional temporary duties including serving on the Collection Steering Committee

Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Journalism Library Pauline Pfeiffer Display and Presentation by Anthony Childress

Pauline Pfeiffer Display and Presentation by Anthony Childress

Anthony Childress works as a graduate assistant in Arkansas State University’s Heritage Studies doctoral program at the Hemingway-Pfeiffer Museum and Educational Center in Piggott, Arkansas.
In May, they dedicated a new Pauline Pfeiffer traveling exhibit that is housed in the upstairs of our museum. As curator of the endeavor, Anthony’s focus zeroed in on Pfeiffer’s distinguished career as a reporter and editor before her marriage to Ernest Hemingway. Pfeiffer graduated from the University of Missouri with a journalism degree and moved on to claim bylines in newspapers across the United States and eventually landed in Paris, working for Vogue magazine after a stint with Vanity Fair.
Childress, a former journalist, says Pfeiffer’s story is one of great interest and felt, given her ties to Mizzou, that it would seem the ideal place to host the exhibit. It consists of three panels. The first panel is about her high school and collegiate days and a poem she published, the second panel features examples of her reporting news and features for daily papers and Vogue, and the third panel transitions into her role as Hemingway’s editor during their 13-year marriage.

Schuermann, Sue

I am the Senior Library Specialist at the Journalism Library. I have over 28 years experience helping patrons with research, technology and outreach.

home Ellis Library, Hours Thanksgiving Hours at Ellis Library

Thanksgiving Hours at Ellis Library

Ellis Library will have limited hours during the Thanksgiving Break. For a complete list of the hours of Ellis Library and the specialized library hours, visit library.missouri.edu/hours.

The Bookmark Cafe, which is run by Campus Dining Services, will be closed from November 23 to November 30. For a complete list of hours for Campus Dining Services locations, visit dining.missouri.edu/hours.

Ellis Library Hours, November 23 to December 1

Saturday (Nov. 23)…..10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Sunday (Nov. 24)……Closed

Monday (Nov. 25)…..7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Tues (Nov. 26)…..7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Wed (Nov. 27)…..7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Thurs (Nov. 28)……Closed

Fri (Nov. 29)…..Closed

Sat (Nov. 30)…..10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Sun (Dec. 1)…..Noon to 12 a.m. (Return to 24 hour schedule)

home Resources and Services, Staff news Library Staff Interviewed on Inside Mizzou Podcast

Library Staff Interviewed on Inside Mizzou Podcast

On this week’s Inside Mizzou Podcast, E-Learning Librarian Nav Khanal and Library Information Specialist Courtney Gillie are interviewed by Chancellor Cartwight about Mizzou’s comprehensive learning resources and technologies available to students and faculty both inside and outside the classroom.

Listen now. 

home Cycle of Success Welcome to John Henry Adams, Research & Instruction Librarian for Special Collections

Welcome to John Henry Adams, Research & Instruction Librarian for Special Collections

In November, the University Libraries hired John Henry Adams as a research and instruction librarian for Special Collections & Rare Books. John Henry has a PhD in English literature from Arizona State University and a Master of Library Science with a specialization in rare books and manuscripts from Indiana University. He has previously worked as a curatorial assistant and a reference assistant at the Lilly Library. He is especially interested in book culture and people’s relationship to their books and has published on how that relationship is represented in early modern literature.

home Events and Exhibits Honors Students Explore Curatorship in Ellis Library Showcase

Honors Students Explore Curatorship in Ellis Library Showcase

Creatively Curating Cultures
Ellis Library Colonnade
November and December 2019

The new exhibit “Creatively Curating Cultures” showcases works by undergraduate students who engaged with artmaking and the role of creativity in curatorship practices while enrolled in the Fall 2019 Honors Tutorial GN_HON 1050H “Get Real, Go Places! Let Objects Take You There.” The eight-week course takes as its focus the study of material culture, specifically the opportunities for research that objects and artifacts make possible. Students are introduced to the practice of interpreting, inspecting and writing about objects through regular use of a sketchbook journal and weekly syntheses shared with classmates. The course is taught by Dr. Sarah Buchanan of the iSchool at the University of Missouri (in the College of Education) and by gallery, library, archive and museum professionals based on the Mizzou campus who contribute to the Material Culture Studies Group, established in 2014.

Our student showcase features 17 art objects created by 14 undergraduate students, each based on the class visit to a particular collection on the Columbia campus. Students created weekly syntheses reflecting on curators’ decisions in displaying an object, and a culminating object analysis aligning with students’ future academic interests.

On display here are a clay tablet inscribed in Sumerian cuneiform with the opening line of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, a model of the new Center for Missouri Studies grand staircase, a 3D collage of the career of President Harry S. Truman, a material analysis of a Mongolian Composite Bow in our Grayson Archery Collection, a visual study of polychromy (pigment and color restoration) in ancient sculpture, a photo essay inspired by Vanessa Viruet’s recent “Flagged” exhibition in the Bingham Art Gallery, and a zine narrating the plants along Lowry Mall within Mizzou Botanic Garden, among others. For their contributions to the success of the course we gratefully thank: Catherine Armbrust, Jessica Boldt, Buck’s Ice Cream, Cathy Callaway, Bede Clark, Marie Concannon, Kyla Drozt, John Fifield, Lisa Franko, Danielle Griego, Kelli Hansen, Rachel Harper, Nicole Johnston, Jenna Rozum, Candace Sall, Karlan Seville and Joan Stack. The course will next be offered in Fall 2020 – join us!

home Cycle of Success Fulbright Scholar Appreciates Journalism Library Resources

Fulbright Scholar Appreciates Journalism Library Resources

By Christina Mascarenas

Going to America was more a dream than reality to Indah Setiwati, a 30 hour plane ride dream. Indah was the deputy editor for the Jakarta Post in Jakarta, Indonesia when she decided to make a change and apply to graduate school.

In the beginning, Indah only applied to local scholarships even though studying abroad is a goal for many Indonesians. Indah had her family to think about. Not wanting Indah to limit her academic potential, a friend encouraged her to apply for the Fulbright Foreign Student Program, which enables graduate students, young professionals and artists from abroad to study and conduct research in the United States. If Indah was accepted, she would finally have her ticket to the United States.

After weighing the pros and cons, Indah decided to go for it and applied to four scholarships including the Fulbright program. One day, she was taking the train to work when she received an email telling her she was accepted into the Fulbright program. “It was surreal,” she said. “The Fulbright Scholarship is the most prestigious scholarship on earth.”

Indah did research to find the best journalism school in the U.S. that would fit her interests. She chose the Missouri School of Journalism because it was the best journalism school and was affordable with her Fulbright Scholarship.

According to Indah, the Journalism Library at Mizzou has extremely knowledgeable librarians. “Sue is really helpful and resourceful,” she stated referring to Sue Schuermann, senior library specialist. Sue took the time to show Indah how to do precise searches and search for specific journals. “She is very helpful. She is a great resource, all you have to do it ask,” she said.

When Indah needed a book that the library didn’t have, Sue was able to purchase the book for the library. Indah was especially grateful for the “really cool” interlibrary loan program. When she wanted to read a particular book, she was asked if she’d like to read the PDF or the book, she chose both. She thought it was great to get the book in three days.

“Books in Indonesia are precious. They are like a treasure,” she said. “Especially children’s books, it’s really hard to get English children’s books in Indonesia, they are expensive.” In addition to the Journalism Library, she has used Ellis Library and the Daniel Boone Regional Library. She said, “American libraries are like wow.” In Indonesia, according to Indah, “If you want to get an affordable children’s English book. You have to go to a second-hand store. The upper-class Jakartans donate or sell their books to the second-hand stores. You can only find books at certain places.”

“I’m happier here to see the library resources,” she said. “Another cool thing about the library is you have access to the New York Times and other publications, and you don’t have to spend your money to subscribe to them since the library already subscribes to them.”


home Resources and Services University Libraries Undergraduate Research Contest Call for Submissions

University Libraries Undergraduate Research Contest Call for Submissions

The University Libraries Undergraduate Research Contest recognizes and rewards outstanding research conducted by undergraduate students at the University of Missouri. Undergraduates in any discipline are invited to enter the contest, which will be judged by a cross-disciplinary panel of librarians.

One $500 scholarship, and one $250 scholarship will be awarded to an individual or group project. The winners will have their projects archived in MOspace, MU’s digital repository.

The research project can be a traditional research paper, a musical composition, a work of art, a video, a web page, or other creative work. It has to have been researched using the resources of the MU Libraries. The project will be judged primarily on sophistication of the research process and the materials used (as documented in the Research Process Statement).

Examples of projects:

  • A set design for theater where the student researched period-appropriate furniture, lighting, and architecture to create the perfect backdrop
  • A documentary film for class that researches the history of race relations at MU using library and archive materials
  • Composition of a piece of music created in the style of a famous composer informed by research into their style, skills, etc. through library materials
  • A business plan for a new company or product showing market need, demographics of customers, patents, design, etc. informed by research using library materials
  • A political science paper comparing the rise of fascism today with that in the early 20th century
  • A parody of a famous piece of literature or any original piece of fiction for which the author did library research for their setting, criticisms, etc.

The deadline for submission of all materials is January 31, 2020. Winners will be announced in February 2020.

Questions? Contact Gwen Gray at grayg@missouri.edu.



Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Cycle of Success RJI and University Libraries Receive Mellon Grant

RJI and University Libraries Receive Mellon Grant

The Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute (RJI) and University of Missouri Libraries received a $250,000 grant this fall from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to help ensure the survival of today’s digital news record for future generations.

During a yearlong project, a team from the Journalism Digital News Archive, a joint initiative of RJI and University Libraries, plans to visit news outlets across the U.S. and Europe. Edward McCain, digital curator of journalism at RJI and the University Libraries, said that during these visits, the team will identify what’s hampering the process of preserving online content by examining the outlets’ technology, workflows and policies.

This project builds on work done during the Journalism Digital News Archive’s five Dodging the Memory Hole conferences, which brought together librarians, memory institutions, newsroom leaders and others between 2014 and 2017 to have conversations about how to preserve and protect “the first rough draft of history.”

For more information, visit Mizzou News.