home Cycle of Success Mizzou Librarian Selected as SPARC Open Education Leadership Fellow

Mizzou Librarian Selected as SPARC Open Education Leadership Fellow

Joe Askins, head of instructional services for the University of Missouri Libraries, has been selected as a fellow in the SPARC Open Education Leadership Program, an intensive professional development program to empower library professionals with the knowledge, skills and community connections to lead successful open education initiatives that benefit students.The two-semester program blends online, peer-to-peer and project-based learning to build a comprehensive understanding of the open education space coupled with practical know-how to take action on campus and beyond. Joe is one of 27 fellows selected from a competitive application pool for the program’s 2019-2020 cohort.

“The University Libraries are committed to supporting open education on campus. We are proud that Joe has been selected for this program, and believe that his work will benefit students at Mizzou,” stated Ann Campion Riley, Vice Provost of Libraries. 

The SPARC Open Education Leadership Program spans two semesters, beginning with an intensive online course in the fall to build open education subject matter expertise. In the spring, Joe will work with a mentor to implement a capstone project that will help advance open education at MU and contribute back to the broader open education community as a whole. Joe will join the rest of the cohort in attending the 16th annual Open Education Conference in Phoenix, AZ in late October. 

The UM System’s A&OER initiatives were taking flight right as I arrived at the University of Missouri Libraries in 2017, and I’ve followed the A&OER Task Force’s efforts with great interest in the two years since. The SPARC Open Education Leadership Program represents a great opportunity to learn more about being an effective advocate for open education across the curriculum,” stated Joe Askins.

To support faculty in transitioning to more affordable and open educational resources, the University of Missouri System A&OER Taskforce has created a faculty-first grant funding programs for all UM System faculty who wish to adopt or develop new A&OER course materials. The University of Missouri is also part of the Open Textbook Network through their membership in the MOBIUS academic library consortium, and has a group in the MOBIUS OER Commons hub.

“Academic libraries sit at the intersection of faculty, students, and high-quality resources, and therefore are essential partners in advancing open education on campus,” said Nicole Allen, Director of Open Education for SPARC. “A large part of what makes our program successful is the unique and valuable perspective each participant brings to it, and a vibrant community of practice develops amongst the cohort. We are proud to have Joe Askins among our 2019-2020 class.”

The University Libraries is a member of SPARC, which is a global coalition dedicated to making Open the default in research and education. For more information about the SPARC Open Education Leadership Program, visit sparcopen.org/our-work/open-education-leadership-program.

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services West Stacks Closure: How to Request Materials

West Stacks Closure: How to Request Materials

The west stacks of Ellis Library are closed due to work on the foundation of the building. In order to access materials located in the west stacks, you will need to make a request through the MERLIN library catalog. For detailed information about this process, visit http://library.missouri.edu/inthelibrary/borrowing/requestretrieval/.

If you have additional questions, you may get help in person at the Research Help desk or the Check Out desk. Online help is available at Ask the Librarians!

The stacks will open again during the winter semester.

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Ellis Library Stacks Refresh Project

Ellis Library Stacks Refresh Project

Ellis Library is beginning a project to make it easier for our users to find the most up-to-date library materials on our shelves. To make space for new materials, librarians will be moving older and infrequently used bound journals to the University Libraries Depository, where they will be stored in optimal conditions for long-term preservation. University students, faculty and staff can request entire journal volumes or scanned copies of individual articles through the MERLIN catalog with the click of a button. Learn more about our Scan and Deliver Service.

Request button in MERLIN catalog

As we work through the process of refreshing our stacks, your subject librarian may request feedback from faculty on moving particular titles. If you would like to be notified about titles under consideration or have questions about titles proposed for transfer, please contact your subject librarian or Jeannette Pierce, Associate University Librarian for Research, Access, and Instructional Services.


Kelli Hansen

Kelli Hansen is head of the Special Collections and Rare Books department.

home Staff news, Support the Libraries University Libraries Wish List 2019

University Libraries Wish List 2019

Now in its third year, the Wish List campaign helps the University Libraries to purchase titles that we wanted to purchase, but could not squeeze into our previous year’s budget. You can help the Libraries make these titles accessible to our students and faculty by donating to purchase your favorite titles on the list. Just click the “Buy” button next to your chosen title and follow the instructions. Prices also include a small fee to help with shipping and processing costs. Titles that you fund will be added during the fall semester.

Past campaigns have helped us add over $25,000 in materials to our collections. Your generosity is truly appreciated! Thank you for reviewing the Wish List and considering how you can help strengthen the Libraries’ collections.

Go to library.missouri.edu/giving/wishlist to find a title of interest to you.

If you would like to help us add any of these titles to our collection, please select “Buy” in the right-hand column, and follow instructions to purchase by credit card or check. If you need assistance with the purchase, Matt Gaunt would be glad to help. E-mail or call Matt at: gauntm@missouri.edu or 573-882-9168.

Thank you for supporting our University Libraries!

home Cycle of Success, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library Laura Buck Receives CVM Dean’s Impact Award

Laura Buck Receives CVM Dean’s Impact Award

Laura Buck, senior library information specialist at the Zalk Veterinary Medical Library, has received a 2019 College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) Dean’s Impact Award.

Each year, the Dean recognizes individuals who “have had significant positive impact on college programs.” Laura’s nominating letters pointed to her helpfulness, friendliness, and dedication to everyone in the College.

Laura began her service with the University of Missouri Libraries in 1989, moving to the CVM’s Zalk Veterinary Medical Library in 1999. One nomination cited her “sincere dedication, can-do attitude, and excellent organizational skills.” Another noted, “she has always been a positive force in the library, keeping the needs of the students, faculty, and staff foremost in her mind.” Another called her “reliable and helpful,” while yet another called her “an essential, vital resource within the library.” One nominating letter wrote of Laura, “She is the institutional memory of the library. Wouldn’t it be cool on her 30th year at MU that she received this well-deserved award?”

It is, indeed, cool that Laura has received this award. Congratulations, Laura, and thank you for 30 years of supporting the University Libraries’ Cycle of Success.

Laura Buck (right) being presented the award by CVM Dean Carolyn J. Henry (left)
home Engineering Library, Events and Exhibits Engineering Students Receive Library Advocacy Award

Engineering Students Receive Library Advocacy Award

Congratulations to Riley Short, Chase Scanlan, Lara Bakula, Benjamin Smith, Molly Sandbothe and Alyson Jones of the MU Engineering Student Council (MESC) for winning the 2019 Outstanding Library Advocacy Award from the University Libraries Student Advisory Council for their support of the Engineering Library and the students it serves on their path to engineering success. They were presented their award at the Library Society Reception on April 25, 2019.

home Ellis Library, Hours Ellis Library Extended Hours for Finals

Ellis Library Extended Hours for Finals

Ellis Library will be open continuously from Sunday, May 5 at noon until Friday, May 17 at 7 pm. For additional information about service hours and specialized library hours, visit library.missouri.edu/hours.

home Events and Exhibits 2019 Cyberinfrastructure Day, May 7

2019 Cyberinfrastructure Day, May 7

Registration is now open for the 2019 Cyberinfrastructure Council’s CI Day at MU’s Memorial Union, Stotler Lounge. This year’s theme is Collaboration Through Shared Infrastructure. CI Day fosters collaboration, networking, and collective problem solving. Attendees will learn more about advanced computing technologies across a wide range of disciplines. Click here for conference details and registration. Also check out our Pre-CI Day hands-on workshops on May 6, 2019 in Stotler Lounge.

home Cycle of Success, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library Twenty Years of Successful Partnership

Twenty Years of Successful Partnership

“The health sciences library is a jewel in the Mizzou library system,” says Dr. Vicki Conn, Professor Emerita at the Sinclair School of Nursing.

As a faculty member at the nursing school, Dr. Conn focused on why patients wouldn’t take their prescribed medications and finding ways to increase exercise in chronically ill adults. Her research spanned over many years and credits Diane Johnson with helping her throughout the journey.

“I was the principal investigator of three National Institutes of Health [NIH] R01 grants for enormous projects and [Diane’s] expertise was critical for securing funding,” relays Dr. Conn. Diane remained on the grants after the funding was secured, being named a co-investigator to assist with the “hard work,” as Dr. Conn calls it.

Diane Johnson

“[Diane] worked with my research staff to facilitate our easy access to the results of searches. For one of our projects, we evaluated over 37,000 potential studies for inclusion. The vast majority of those 37,000 were located by Diane. Diane was a central member of our research team.” With Diane as a member of the research team and closely working with the other researchers, allowed her to completely understand the project. Diane could easily adapt and change with search as needed and know the exact information the team found most beneficial.

Dr. Conn’s and her team also made great use of the library’s interlibrary loan (ILL) department, requesting articles if they needed to be reviewed in their entirety. If the articles weren’t available on campus, ILL borrowed them from other libraries, making sure Dr. Conn and her research team had access to the articles necessary for their grants.

These services were something Dr. Conn highly valued over the twenty years of working with Diane and the library. “I suggest people become acquainted with a librarian. It is very important for the librarian to understand your program of research. A librarian who completely understands your program of research can by a wonderful research collaborator.”

Cycle of Success is the idea that libraries, faculty, and students are linked; for one to truly succeed, we must all succeed. The path to success is formed by the connections between University of Missouri Libraries and faculty members, between faculty members and students, and between students and the libraries that serve them. More than just success, this is also a connection of mutual respect, support, and commitment to forward-thinking research.

If you would like to submit your own success story about how the libraries have helped your research and/or work, please use the Cycle of Success form.

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Digital Media Lab Extended Hours

Digital Media Lab Extended Hours

The Digital Media Lab (DML) now has extended hours in the evening one day a week.

*New*  Tuesday: 12:00 pm (noon) – 7:30 pm

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday: 12:00 pm – 4:30 pm

The Digital Media Lab provides an Audio Recording Booth (very popular); a Film Studio (popular) with green screen and lights; and 3D Scanners. These resources are available for students by reservation. Visit to learn more and reserve a DML space! https://library.missouri.edu/dmc