Institutional Support Models Could Revolutionize Open Access Publishing

In addition to “producing grammatical descriptions and dictionaries for four varieties of the Luyia language cluster in western Kenya,” Michael Marlo is an Associate Professor of English and Linguistics and a member of the editorial board of the Language Science Press‘s Contemporary African Linguistics series. Language Science Press is an open access publisher of peer-reviewed linguistics books, including textbooks, and …

Collaboration Builds Collections

The story of how Mizzou Libraries came to be one of the few libraries with a nearly complete set of Bildende Kunst, a visual arts journal from the former German Democratic Republic, began with an email but involved many hands. In Leipzig, Germany, on research leave, Assistant Professor Seth Howes contacted his subject librarian, Anne Barker, to ask …

Libraries Are Where You Go When You Run out of Ideas

Research Enriches Undergraduate Writers’ Creative Nonfiction Julija Šukys, Assistant Professor of English and creative nonfiction writer, says, “Libraries are one of my great loves. I’m a huge champion of libraries.” Much of her work is deeply researched, including her most recent books. Epistolophilia: Writing the Life of Ona Šimaitė is an unconventional biography of the Lithuanian librarian whose …

Get Involved with MULSA

As the MU Libraries Staff Association’s president, it’s time to remind you of what we do.  MULSA hosts parties throughout the year and provides snacks for the all-staff meetings.  We coordinate supplies, schedule and cleaning of the staff room and acknowledge personal events of the staff.  We are not an official library committee but all …

Cycle of Success: Daniel B. Domingues da Silva Wins Center for Research Libraries’ 2017 Award for Teaching

Daniel B. Domingues da Silva, former Assistant Professor of History at Mizzou, won the Center for Research Libraries‘ 2017 Award for Teaching, part of their annual Primary Source Awards. Rachel Brekhus, Humanities Librarian, nominated him for his creative use of primary sources in his Writing Intensive course Fighting the Atlantic Slave Trade. Now an assistant …

Cycle of Success: English 1000 Pilot Program Results in Increased Collaboration

Last year, Cindy Cotner served as the Interim Head of Instructional Services at Ellis Library and oversaw a pilot program where new teaching assistants in the English department were each matched to an individual librarian for library instruction and research assistance for their sections of English 1000, the first-year writing course required of Mizzou students. …

Cycle of Success: Noah Heringman and the National Endowment for the Humanities Scholarly Editions and Translations Grants

Dr. Noah Heringman, the Catherine Paine Middlebush Professor of English at MU, specializes in the relationship between literature and the history of ideas in the late 18th and 19th centuries. He and his editorial team were recently awarded a three-year National Endowment for the Humanities Scholarly Editions and Translations grant to complete their digital edition …

Fourth Annual Cyberinfrastructure Day to Be Held on Oct. 4

Save the date! The Cyberinfrastructure Council will hold its fourth CI Day at MU at Memorial Union on Wednesday, October 4. This year’s theme is Leveraging Shared Resources for Innovation and Discovery. CI Day fosters collaboration, networking, and collective problem-solving. Attendees will learn more about advanced computing technologies across a wide range of disciplines. Registration …

NEH Award for Vetusta Monumenta

Dear Friends, Many of you have been helping with this project in one way or another for years, so I wanted to be sure to let you know that my co-editor (and former PhD student) Crystal Lake and I received a three-year NEH Scholarly Editions grant to complete our digital edition of Vetusta Monumenta. So …

RAIS Office Moves

Where are Anne and Noel? Anne Barker has moved offices and can now be found in the Government Documents office area. Noel Kopriva, when she is not over at the Engineering Library, can now be found in Ellis 170 in East Reference.