home Ellis Library, Resources and Services University Libraries and Center for Research Libraries Partner to Digitize Microfilm

University Libraries and Center for Research Libraries Partner to Digitize Microfilm

The University of Missouri Libraries maintain large historical collections on microfilm, which are deteriorating and infrequently used. In order to ensure future access to these materials while also reducing the cost, space, and staffing demands of this format, the University Libraries plan to transfer most of its microform holdings to the Center for Research Libraries (CRL), a long-standing central repository located in Chicago.

The University of Missouri has been a member of CRL since 1962; this membership allows our users to access CRL collections. CRL has been a reliable partner, providing rapid delivery of materials for extended loan periods and in some cases digitizing on demand. This transfer of materials will allow MU students and faculty ongoing access to the microfilm collections, although there will be some temporary interruption as materials are moved. The records for the materials will be added to the University Libraries’ online catalog, so they can be easily requested. The Libraries will maintain several microform and microfilm readers for patron use.

The University Libraries will retain master copies of University of Missouri dissertations and theses and all government documents received as part of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP).

For more information, please contact Associate University Librarian Jeannette Pierce at pierceja@missouri.edu.

Downloading and Printing Ebooks

Through the library, you can access many ebooks, some of which allow downloading and printing. Those ebooks that do allow for printing and downloading sometimes come with restrictions which vary from publisher to publisher regarding the amount of pages that can be printed or saved.

We ask that you be aware of these restrictions because excessive printing and/or downloading can cause the publisher to turn off ebook access for everyone. Here are the guidelines for some ebook websites:

  • AccessMedicine – May download individual sections within a chapter.
  • ClinicalKey – You must sign up for a free account in order to download individual chapters.
  • ProQuest – print policy;download instructions
  • EBSCOhost – print policydownload instructions
  • R2 Digital Library – While you are not allowed to download eBooks from R2, you can print or email sections using the “Tools” icon across the top navigation bar. If more then 60 print or email requests or 20% of the books pages are downloaded/printed over a 24 hour period, then the printing and emailing functions will be turned off.
  • Safari Books – You can only download and print individual pages.

If you have a question or need assistance with ebooks, contact us at ask@missouri.email.libanswers.com



Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Resources and Services #TipTuesday: Print From Your Laptop!

#TipTuesday: Print From Your Laptop!

Did you know that you can print from your own laptop to a library printer? Download Print Anywhere with four easy steps:

1. Go to the DoIt website and click the yellow button in the middle of the screen that says “Print Anywhere.”

2. Log in to your PrintSmart account and click the “Print Anywhere” tab on the top left.

3. Choose an Ellis Printer. Make sure you know the location of the printer bank you are choosing.

4. It will download like a software on to your computer, and you are ready to go!

If you have any problems, ask at the Research Help and Information Desk!


Nature Reviews titles reinstated

The following Nature Reviews titles have been reinstated at the University of Missouri Libraries.

In 2016, we lost access to the Nature Reviews titles when they were cancelled by the 4-campus MERLIN consortium. Between 2007-2016, the MERLIN consortium was forced to cut over $1,000,000 to balance their budget in the face of unending subscription increases. In 2018, we made some strategic cancellations of some low use, low impact journals in order to reinstate access to the Nature Reviews titles.

We rely on the 4-campus MERLIN library consortium to provide access to over $323,000 in subscriptions to many key online journals and databases in the health sciences, and are facing the prospect of another large cut this year owing to annual subscription increases far beyond normal inflation.

Image courtesy of Nature Reviews: http://www.nature.com/reviews


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

American Heart Month Book Display

In America, one of every four people will die from heart disease. In order to raise awareness and reduce the risk of heart disease, the American Heart Association designated February American Heart Month. As the American Heart Association works to raise awareness, it is also important to increase understanding of heart diseases. Learn about good fats, and bad fats, how ethnicity factors into heart disease and the implications of alcohol and medications. Million Hearts has tools to assist in medication adherence.  Another helpful tool is the American Heart Associations guidelines for care. 

Book Display Highlights:

Heart Failure: A Colour Handbook by Michael Sosin and his associates gives a comprehensive review of heart failure. This book utilizes studies in evidence based medicine to examine causes, pathophysiology, investigation, diagnosis and treatment (both pharmacological and non-pharmacological) of heart failure. The dynamic colored illustrations, electrocardiograms, electrocardiograms and radiographic images assist in understanding and make this book an interesting read. With chapters on beta blockers, inotropes, channel blockers, antiarrhythmic therapy, and management of heart failure this book is educational and interesting.

In Recognizing and Surviving Heart Attacks and Strokes: Lifesaving Advice you Need Now by Glenn O Turner and Mark Bruce Rosin, the early warning signs of a heart attack are addressed. Turner addresses the need to educate patients on how to recognize a heart attack so they can get to a hospital in time. Further, Turner reviews methods of treatment that make the most impact when time is crucial. 


Check out these books and many more at the Health Sciences Library. The book display is located across from the circulation desk, to the right of the main doors. 


Rachel Alexander

Rachel Alexander is a health sciences librarian at the University of Missouri. Rachel's work focuses on supporting the research mission of the University.

home Resources and Services New Research Guide: Negro, Black and African-American Census Reports

New Research Guide: Negro, Black and African-American Census Reports

Did you know that the Census Bureau completed a census on Negro newspapers in the 1930s? Are you curious about the population, income, and housing of Black farmers in the 1950s? Interested in learning more about childcare arrangements in the 1980s? The Census Bureau does much more than the decennial census. Reports cover agriculture, poverty, insurance, government, education and a host of other topics.

Our new guide to Negro, Black and African-American Census Reports provides resources for statistics, analysis and demographics on African-Americans from 1790 to the present.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Overview of Recent University of Missouri Publications in Medicine and Related Fields: February 2018

Overview of Recent University of Missouri Publications in Medicine and Related Fields: February 2018

Each month we provide an overview of University of Missouri authored articles in medicine and related fields, and a featured article from a School of Medicine author with the highest journal impact factor.

This month’s featured article is “Desumoylase Senp6 Maintains Osteochondroprogenitor Homeostasis by Suppressing the P53 Pathway”, and is co-authored by Dr. Hong Dou and Dr. Edward Yeh of the Center for Precision Medicine, Department of Medicine. The article was published in Nature Communications (impact factor 12.124 in 2016).

See the list of publications in medicine and related fields we retrieved for this month: http://library.muhealth.org/resourcesfor/faculty/faculty-publications/feb2018/

*This list is not intended to be comprehensive.
Did we miss something? Email asklibrary@health.missouri.edu and we will add your publication to the list. 

home Resources and Services #TipTuesday: Get Articles From Google Scholar

#TipTuesday: Get Articles From Google Scholar

If you’ve found the perfect article on Google, you don’t need to pay for it. Instead, connect your Google Scholar search results to resources you have access to through Mizzou Libraries.

1. Go to scholar.google.com.
2. Click “Settings.”
3. Click “Library links” on the left side of the page.
4. Search for the University of Missouri and select the “University of Missouri – Findit@MU” option.

Now when you search Google Scholar, a Findit@MU link will appear next to materials the library has access to. Click the link to be taken directly to the article.

For more detailed instructions and screenshots, check this guide.

home Engineering Library, Resources and Services Prepare for the Engineering Career Fair

Prepare for the Engineering Career Fair

The key to success when looking for job opportunities is to adequately prepare. There’s no “wingin’ it” when it comes to your future career. Those individuals you may be networking with on Wednesday, February 7th at the Engineering Career Fair may very well be the people who help you toward getting your dream job.

Fortunately, Mizzou Libraries and the College of Engineering have some great resources to ace your first networking event:

Engineering Jobs & Career Resources

Resume & Cover Letter Tips

Hire Mizzou Tigers Guidelines to Finding a Job


Need more help? Schedule a one-on-one appointment with the Engineering Academy.


home Ellis Library, Resources and Services #TipTuesday: Free Equipment Checkouts

#TipTuesday: Free Equipment Checkouts

Did you leave your laptop at home? Forgot your phone charger? Need a camera? The Circulation Desk at Ellis Library can help you out! Check out the available equipment here. All equipment is available with your student ID. Materials can be renewed in person at the desk. But be careful! There is a $2 fine for every hour it is returned late.

So, the next time you are studying all day at the library and your phone dies, don’t worry! Just head over to the Circulation Desk.