home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Increase Your Research Impact: Choosing The Right Journal

Increase Your Research Impact: Choosing The Right Journal

Research published in a high-impact factor journal reaches a wider audience. Thus, publishing in journals with higher impact factors and metrics is a great way to increase the reach of your research. Further, impact factors are a tool used to evaluate research in promotion and tenure committees.

Utilize the library’s journal evaluator tool to evaluate the quality and impact of your journal prior to submission. This tool will save you time by pulling impact factors, CiteScore, and other quality indicators for the journals you need, all in one place. All you need to search is the journal title or the ISSN.

Check out our library guide for more information on impact factors and journal metrics.


home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Increase Your Research Impact Through Alternative Metrics

Increase Your Research Impact Through Alternative Metrics

Alternative metrics provide an alternative for measuring impact at the article level. Looking at alternative metrics (altmetrics) shows you a quicker image of the conversations taking place around your research. It also provides a broader view of the impact your research is making, as altmetrics data can help you understand how your research is being interacted with by the public, government, policymakers, and other researchers. Alternative metrics include social media shares, blog posts, and numbers of downloads and views. 

Not all articles will have alternative metrics, but if your article does, you will see something similar to the image below. Depending on the database and what almetrics they use, this will vary. No matter the altmetrics, you will see the impact of your research faster than traditional metrics like impact factors.

Learn more about altmetrics and how to track your altmetrics in our library guide.

home Resources and Services MU Published 1,017 Open Access Articles in 2022

MU Published 1,017 Open Access Articles in 2022

International Open Access Week was October 24-30! This year’s theme, Open For Climate Justice, seeks to encourage connection and collaboration among the climate movement and the international open community. Sharing knowledge is a human right, and tackling the climate crisis requires the rapid exchange of knowledge across geographic, economic, and disciplinary boundaries.

So far this year, MU authors published 1,017 open-access articles. These articles have already been cited 826 times; sixteen of which have been listed as Web of Science highly cited papers.

Drs. Qureshi, Baskett, Huang, Lobanova, Navqu and Shyu recently published an open-access article in Clinical Infectious Disease looking at reinfection from SARS-CoV-2. The article has performed well in altmetrics and in Web of Science metrics. Read the article here.

Thank you to all of our MU authors who chose to publish open access.

Adnan I Qureshi, William I Baskett, Wei Huang, Iryna Lobanova, S Hasan Naqvi, Chi-Ren Shyu, Reinfection With Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in Patients Undergoing Serial Laboratory Testing, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 January 2022, Pages 294–300, https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/ciab345

home Resources and Services New White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Guidelines Change Public Access Requirements

New White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Guidelines Change Public Access Requirements

This summer, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) published new guidelines requiring all federally funded research be made available to the public freely and immediately upon its publication. The new memo builds on a 2013 directive, which aimed to increase access to publicly funded research. When introducing the guideline change, Dr. Alondra Nelson, head of OTSP, said, “When research is widely available to other researchers and the public, it can save lives, provide policymakers with the tools to make critical decisions, and drive more equitable outcomes across every sector of society…”

The new OSTP memo contains three important updates:

  • Removing the 12-month delay before research publications funded by the largest federal agencies become publicly available;
  • Directing that both federally-funded research publications and their supporting data should be made publicly accessible at the time of publication; and
  • Bringing all federal agencies into alignment with this open-access publishing policy

Agencies have until the end of 2025 to fully implement their public access and data-sharing plans.

For more information, see this fact sheet from the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC).

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Increase Your Research Impact Through Open Access Publishing

Increase Your Research Impact Through Open Access Publishing

A great way to increase the readership of your research is to ensure it is easily accessible and affordable. You can publish research open access or if you’ve retained your rights, you can deposit your work into MOspace. MOspace is Mizzou’s institutional repository, depositing work into MOspace gives you a permanent record of your work and is free to access. Learn more about MOspace.

Ensuring that your work is easily accessible allows more people to access, read, and discuss your work.

How To Make Your Work Open:  

Retain Your Rights: No matter where you publish, the single most important thing you can do to remain in control of your impact is Retain Your Rights. It’s your copyright – don’t just sign it away! Contracts are often negotiable. And read those agreements: you may have more rights to share your research than you realize.  

Know Your Options: Choose the right venue for your research and know your open access options.

Share Your Work: Deposit your research in MOspace, MU’s Digital Institutional Repository. Submitting your work to MOspace is easy. Just log in with your SSO and complete the Creative Commons license.

Are you curious about open access and repositories? Contact us!

Increase your Research Impact through LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a great free tool, that you might already use. Since LinkedIn targets professionals, it is an ideal tool to interact with fellow researchers. 


Step 1: Create your profile

Write a strong headline that showcases your expert areas.

Add a picture.

Write a compelling summary of the work you’ve done, and why it matters. Here is an example from Monica F. Cox.

Finally, make yourself more “googleable” by ensuring your profile is public. 

Step 2: Connect with other academics

Add your email address and LinkedIn will suggest connections based on people you already know.

You can message and communicate with connections to build meaningful relationships. 

Step 3: Highlight your work

Add work that you’re particularly proud of to LinkedIn (Profile > Add Profile Section > Accomplishments).

Share new funding, publications, or thoughts on new research. 

Likely, the research audience you want to target already utilizes LinkedIn. So using LinkedIn to increase the impact and visibility of your research is quick and effective. 

Need help setting one up? Email us at asklibrary@health.missouri.edu

Increase Research Impact Through Video Abstracts

Video abstracts are a great way to increase your research impact. A video abstract allows you to explain research in your own words, encourage people to engage in your research, and increase your research visibility. Finally, video abstracts allow you to reach a wider demographic – allowing you to reach your community in a wider scale.

Tips for creating a video abstract:

  1. Keep it short, ideally 2-3 minutes.
  2. Clearly define the problem, your research, and the broader impact.
  3. Be accessible – use clear language and be succinct. Video abstracts are a great way to engage a larger audience.
  4. Include images – pictures, graphs, charts or tables.
  5. End with a call to action – encourage people to read your article!

Below are a few examples of video abstracts that successfully tell a story. 

You can checkout video, audio and computer equipment from the libraries. Post your video on YouTube or Vimeo and share it on MOspace.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Increase your Research Impact with Twitter

Increase your Research Impact with Twitter

One way to improve your research impact is to utilize free social media tools like Twitter, a microblogging service that makes it easy to engage with researchers and funders alike. It helps raise your professional profile and can help increase your Almetrics score.

Why should you utilize Twitter? 

  1. You can quickly follow emerging news and trends in your field 
  2. Connect and converse with people, inside and outside of your field, regarding your research 
  3. Increase your research visibility 
  4. Find out about conferences, calls for abstracts, and funding opportunities

How to make Twitter work for you?

  1. Add a short bio and #hashtag your research keywords. 
  2. Follow people, journals, and funders in your field – you can search for them by entering terms in the search box. Twitter will curate a specific feed on your homepage of relevant information, called “tweets”.
  3. Share! Make tweets about recent articles in your field – written by you or others. Your opinion on developments in your field or on others’ research or news and blog posts relevant to your research. Here are some tips to make your tweets gain traction:
    1. Use #hashtags to ensure you’re reaching the right community and @tag anyone relevant to the tweet. 
    2. Pictures and infographics are engaging and increase the likelihood of engagement. 
    3. Encourage discussion by asking thoughtful questions or thought-provoking commentary. 
    4. Remember to be professional.

Sign up for Twitter here and remember to follow @MizzouLibraries

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Increase your Research Impact through ORCiD

Increase your Research Impact through ORCiD

Your research is important and we want to help you ensure it is making an impact. ORCiD is a great way to start increasing your research impact with minimal effort.

What is ORCiD?

An ORCiD ID is a permanent unique identifier for researchers. Using your ORCID iD is more accurate and secure than a name: many people can have the same name but each ORCID iD is unique. They protect your unique scholarly identity and help you keep your publication record up-to-date with very little effort.

Why should you get an ORCiD ID?

ORCiD ID’s are permanent and will follow you throughout your entire career.

ORCiD is increasingly used by individuals (e.g. as a signature in emails) and systems (e.g. in Scopus, PubMed), enabling recognition and discoverability.

ORCiD automatically updates your profile from other systems – saving you time.

ORCiD is unique to you.

How to get an ORCID ID?

Here is a detailed explanation of how to get your ORCID started. Reach out to the library for help!

SPI-Hub: New Journal Evaluation Tool

The Scholarly Publishing Information Hub is a new journal evaluation tool created with biomedical scientists in mind. This tool quickly evaluates journals and allows users to compare journals based on impact metrics, editorial policies, and general journal information. Users can search this tool with keywords, journal names, or by author. SPI-Hub is a great resource when preparing to publish a manuscript. For more information on publishing your research check out our library guide.


Rachel Alexander

Rachel Alexander is a health sciences librarian at the University of Missouri. Rachel's work focuses on supporting the research mission of the University.