In America, one of every four people will die from heart disease. In order to raise awareness and reduce the risk of heart disease, the American Heart Association designated February American Heart Month. As the American Heart Association works to raise awareness, it is also important to increase understanding of heart diseases. Learn about good fats, and bad fats, how ethnicity factors into heart disease and the implications of alcohol and medications. Million Hearts has tools to assist in medication adherence. Another helpful tool is the American Heart Associations guidelines for care.
Book Display Highlights:

Heart Failure: A Colour Handbook by Michael Sosin and his associates gives a comprehensive review of heart failure. This book utilizes studies in evidence based medicine to examine causes, pathophysiology, investigation, diagnosis and treatment (both pharmacological and non-pharmacological) of heart failure. The dynamic colored illustrations, electrocardiograms, electrocardiograms and radiographic images assist in understanding and make this book an interesting read. With chapters on beta blockers, inotropes, channel blockers, antiarrhythmic therapy, and management of heart failure this book is educational and interesting.
In Recognizing and Surviving Heart Attacks and Strokes: Lifesaving Advice you Need Now by Glenn O Turner and Mark Bruce Rosin, the early warning signs of a heart attack are addressed. Turner addresses the need to educate patients on how to recognize a heart attack so they can get to a hospital in time. Further, Turner reviews methods of treatment that make the most impact when time is crucial.
Check out these books and many more at the Health Sciences Library. The book display is located across from the circulation desk, to the right of the main doors.