home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Peer Navigator Corner: Writing Tutors

Peer Navigator Corner: Writing Tutors

Written by: Sophie Lanzone

There are many different resources located in Ellis Library, but one of the most helpful resources in my opinion are the writing tutors located on the first floor. The Writing Center has been supporting students at the University of Missouri for over 45 years. These tutors are available for anyone with a current pawprint, including faculty, postdocs, and distanced students at Mizzou. The Writing Center offers free in person appointments on campus, zoom appointments, and asynchronous responses through the Online Writery. What’s great about the Writing Center is that you can receive detailed feedback and revisions for any stage of the writing process, regardless of where you are in a certain assignment.

The Writing Center is staffed with 50 to 100 wonderful tutors during any given semester. This includes a combination of undergrads, graduates and post-graduate writers. Each tutor has undergone formal training and on top of that must attend regular training workshops throughout their employment. They can help with any writing project, including all course-related assignments, personal statements, cover letters, scholarship essays, creative writing pieces, or anything else you may need help with. All of this is done with support from an advisory board of faculty and staff from across campus that focus on specific majors.

If you are interested in making an appointment, you can go directly to the Writing Center’s website or you can go through the Libraries homepage and click on the dropdown menu, “In the Library.” Under that menu, click on “Writing Tutors,” go to appointments, and click the “Make An Appointment” tab. Each appointment can be up to 50 minutes and will help assist you at any stage of your project. If you are just looking for feedback or don’t want a face-to-face interaction, you can share an online submission to the Online Writery. This service is offered 24/7, is free, and follows the same steps as mentioned earlier just clicking on ‘The Online Writery’ instead of ‘Appointments.’ The writing tutors are wonderful resources offered here at Mizzou, and I encourage all of you to utilize them as much as you can!

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Writing Tutors in Ellis Library

Writing Tutors in Ellis Library

Tutors from the Writing Center will be offering one-on-one writing support in Ellis Library again this fall. All Mizzou students can take advantage of this service. Tutors can help with all stages of the writing process: brainstorming, revising and polishing a final draft. They are familiar with a variety of writing styles and formats.

Writing Tutors’ Schedule
Ellis Library, Room 151-E
Fall 2018

Saturday, August 26 through Finals Week
(no tutors during Thanksgiving Week)

Sunday 4 – 9 pm

Monday to Thursday 11 am – 9 pm

Sign up for appointments on the sign-up sheet which will be posted on the door to Room 151-E at the start of tutoring hours that day. Appointments are for fifty minutes.

Visit the Writing Center’s website to find out more about the writing assistance they offer.

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services #TipTuesday: Need Writing Help?

#TipTuesday: Need Writing Help?

You know the writing tutors in Ellis Library can help with papers for your classes, but what if you need help with other kinds of writing?

You’re in luck–writing tutors can help with:

  • creative writing
  • scholarship essays
  • personal statements
  • cover letters
  • and more

Check this semester’s hours and instructions so you’re ready for your appointment.

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Writing Tutors in Ellis Library

Writing Tutors in Ellis Library

Tutors from the Writing Center offer one-on-one writing support in Ellis Library. All Mizzou students can take advantage of this service. Tutors can help with all stages of the writing process: brainstorming, revising, polishing a final draft. They are familiar with a variety of writing styles and formats.

Writing Tutors’ Schedule
Ellis Library, Room 151-E
Spring 2018

Tuesday, January 16 through Finals Week
(no tutors during Spring Break)

Sunday 4:00 – 9:00 pm

Monday 11:00 am – 9:00 pm

Tuesday 11:00 am – 9:00 pm

Wednesday 11:00 am – 9:00 pm

Thursday 11:00 am – 9:00 pm

Sign up for appointments on the sign-up sheet which will be posted on the door to Room 151-E at the start of tutoring hours that day. Appointments are for fifty minutes.

Visit the Writing Center’s website to find out more about the writing assistance they offer.