home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Special Spaces in Mizzou Libraries: Prayer Hall

Special Spaces in Mizzou Libraries: Prayer Hall

An interfaith meditation and prayer space is designated for use at the southeast corner of the first floor that offers a secluded space in Ellis library.

We’ve placed signage in the area that requests respect for those engaged in meditation or prayer. In less busy times, you might be able to reserve an open study room for a more private space.

The Division of Inclusion, Diversity & Equity maintains a list of spaces on campus that can be used for meditation and prayer.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services New MU Authored Trending Article in PubMed

New MU Authored Trending Article in PubMed

This week’s trending article in PubMed is “Associations between rurality and regional differences in sociodemographic factors and the 1918-20 influenza and 2020-21 COVID-19 pandemics in Missouri counties: An ecological study,” co-authored by Lisa SattenspielCarolyn Orbann, Hailey Ramirez, Sean Pirrone, Jane A McElroy, and Christopher K Wikle from the University of Missouri.

The article was published in PLoS ONE (impact factor 3.7).

What is a PubMed trending article?

Trending articles is a marker of increased interest in a PubMed abstract. Trending articles are those with a significant increase in daily PubMed views in the past two days as compared to the previous baseline period, which is approximately a week.

You can see the full list of trending articles here.

Interested in tracking the impact of your articles after they are published? Email asklibrary@health.missouri.edu to learn how we can help.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services The Little Ice Cream Book Now Available on Digital Library

The Little Ice Cream Book Now Available on Digital Library

Calling all ice cream lovers! How much do you know about MU’s favorite ice cream shop?

Located on the south side of Eckles Hall, Buck’s Ice Cream has been a favorite among Mizzou students since opening in 1989. Buck’s ice cream is produced with the help of the College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources and allows students to learn about the manufacturing and maintenance of ice cream. Beyond serving tasty treats on campus, Buck’s is a vital component of many Mizzou students’ education, but likely would have never opened without the support of two MU graduates. 

Determined to spread their love of ice cream to their alma mater, Wendell and Ruth Arbuckle established an endowment to support ice cream research at Mizzou in 1987. With the advancement of on-campus ice cream research, Buck’s was able to open its doors only two years later!

Well before the shop’s opening, Wendell Arbuckle wanted another way to share his love of ice cream with people of all ages. In 1981, Arbuckle decided to write a book answering every question he often received about the dessert and titled it The Little Ice Cream Book.

Recently digitized by MU’s Digital Initiatives department, Wendell Arbuckle’s The Little Ice Cream Book is now available on MU’s Digital Library. This book includes content such as the history of ice cream, famous recipes, and many fun facts and hand-drawn illustrations. If you are interested in this unique piece of Mizzou’s history, you can view The Little Ice Cream Book here

For more information on Buck’s Ice Cream, visit the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources site for its location, flavors, and additional history.

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Special Spaces in Mizzou Libraries: Sensory and Color Accessible Maps

Special Spaces in Mizzou Libraries: Sensory and Color Accessible Maps

Finding the perfect study spot can be difficult in Ellis Library. Some days you need quiet and other days you want to be alone. In order to make finding these spaces easier, we’ve created some sensory maps and color accessible maps.

The color coded sensory maps show where in Ellis Library you can find quiet space, uncrowded spaces, and spaces with natural light on every floor of Ellis Library.

The color accessible maps highlight all the seating options in Ellis Library: regular seating, high/stand up seating, soft seating. It also shows you were the restrooms are located on each floor.

You can access the maps here or you can find them under maps and floorplans on the main library website.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Resources and Services New and Improved Individual Study Rooms in Ellis Library

New and Improved Individual Study Rooms in Ellis Library

This summer we closed our individual study rooms for an update. We got rid of the old tables and shelves to make them more spacious.

There’s brand new paint, carpet, and door handles for a fresh look. We also added in new adjustable desk to each room. These desks are fully adjustable making it easier to fit the study area to your preference, making them more accessible to all of our students.

The improvements were paid with funds from the Enhance Mizzou Fee.

You can reserve an individual study room here.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Resources and Services, Special Collections and Archives Now online: tutorials on finding materials in Special Collections

Now online: tutorials on finding materials in Special Collections

Materials in Special Collections and University Archives are catalogued, arranged, and stored in different ways. Some are discoverable through the library catalog, while others can be located through inventories or finding aids. Learn more about how to find materials in Special Collections and Archives through our tutorials:

Using the library catalog

Using finding aids

We’re always happy to make tutorials on specific topics as well. Let us know how we can help!

Kelli Hansen

Kelli Hansen is head of the Special Collections and Rare Books department.

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Need Help in Ellis Library? Your Peer Navigators Can Help

Need Help in Ellis Library? Your Peer Navigators Can Help

Next time you need help when you are in Ellis Library, stop by our Ask Here desk in the colonnade on the first floor. Your Peer Navigators are there to assist you with your question whether it’s to point you to the best study space, using print anywhere, or connecting you with your librarian.

The Ask Here desk is open 12pm-10pm Sundays and 10am-10pm Mondays-Thursdays.

Need help and no one is at the desk? You can ask the librarians for help virtually. Click here to find the best way to contact your librarian. 

Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services New Ebooks at the Health Sciences Library

New Ebooks at the Health Sciences Library

Below are a few of the books we’ve recently added to our online collection.

Have a purchase recommendation? You can request a book for your teaching or research using this form.


intro to nursing research

Introduction to Nursing Research: Incorporating Evidence-Based Practice

Giving students the tools they need to become effective practitioners, this text is a comprehensive guide for integrating evidence-based practice and research into the day-to-day work of nursing. Mastery of research will allow students training to be nurses to provide quality patient care and improve healthcare outcomes overall. As in previous editions, the authors take a thoughtful and practical approach by combining research, quality improvement, and evidence-based practice. The Sixth Edition focuses on the connection between research and evidence-based practice as a foundation for safe and effective health care.


refugee mental healthRefugee Mental Health 

This book is an in-depth practical guide for mental health practitioners working across diverse theoretical orientations to provide mental health services tailored to the needs of refugees. These needs are felt more keenly than ever as displaced populations continue to grow. Refugees often experience high rates of psychological distress, and appropriate mental health care services remain severely underdeveloped. Chapters in this edited volume outline research-supported psychological interventions that can be used in a culturally sensitive manner. They cover important topics like cultural humility, issues in screening and assessments, and specific ethical dilemmas when working with refugees. The book explores the ways in which Western interventions such as cognitive behavior therapy, group therapy, expressive therapy, and school-based programs have been adapted to serve resettled refugee populations.


Making Play Just Right: Unleashing the Power of Play in Occupational TherapyMaking Play Just Right: Unleashing the Power of Play in Occupational Therapy

At the heart of Making Play Just Right: Unleashing the Power of Play in Occupational Therapy is the belief that the most effective way to ensure pediatric occupational therapy is through incorporating play. The Second Edition is a unique resource on pediatric activity and therapy analysis for occupational therapists and students. This text provides the background, history, evidence, and general knowledge needed to use a playful approach to pediatric occupational therapy, as well as the specific examples and recommendations needed to help therapists adopt these strategies.


Precision Medicine and Artificial IntelligencePrecision Medicine and Artificial Intelligence: the Perfect Fit for Autoimmunity 

Precision Medicine and Artificial Intelligence: The Perfect Fit for Autoimmunity covers background on artificial intelligence (AI), its link to precision medicine (PM), and examples of AI in healthcare, especially autoimmunity. The book highlights future perspectives and potential directions as AI has gained significant attention during the past decade. Autoimmune diseases are complex and heterogeneous conditions, but exciting new developments and implementation tactics surrounding automated systems have enabled the generation of large datasets, making autoimmunity an ideal target for AI and precision medicine.


Making Sense of Medical StatisticsMaking Sense of Medical Statistics: a Bite Sized Visual Guide 

Do you want to know what a parametric test is and when not to perform one? Do you get confused between odds ratios and relative risks? Want to understand the difference between sensitivity and specificity? Would like to find out what the fuss is about Bayes’ theorem? Then this book is for you! Physicians need to understand the principles behind medical statistics. They don’t need to learn the formula. The software knows it already! This book explains the fundamental concepts of medical statistics so that the learner will become confident in performing the most commonly used statistical tests. Each chapter is rich in anecdotes, illustrations, questions, and answers. Not enough? There is more material online with links to free statistical software, webpages, multimedia content, a practice dataset to get hands-on with data analysis, and a Single Best Answer questionnaire for the exam.

home Gateway Carousel HSL, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Summer Reads for Doctors — or Anyone Interested in the World of Medicine

Summer Reads for Doctors — or Anyone Interested in the World of Medicine

Stacy Weiner, Senior Staff Writer at the Association of American Medical Colleges recently curated a list of 9 great books for doctors or anyone interested in medicine.

Take a journey through the human body, travel through time to the start of nursing, and explore the world of gene sequencing all from the comfort of your couch or hammock with this year’s list of summer reads.

The connection between molecules and madness. Preventing another catastrophe like the COVID-19 pandemic. Health inequities among Black pregnant people. Gene sequencing that helped restore vision to a boy who hadn’t seen his mother for years. This year’s crop of recently published medicine-related books covers all this and more.

Below are a few from the list that you can request from MOBIUS:


American Breakdown: Our Ailing Nation, My Body’s Revolt, and the Nineteenth-Century Woman Who Brought Me Back to Life, Jennifer Lunden, LCSW

At 21, social worker and writer Jennifer Lunden was struck by an inexplicably exhausting condition — she couldn’t even stand for a shower — that was ultimately diagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). With few resources and scant hope, she became terribly depressed. But she eventually found solace in an unusual place: 19th-century diarist Alice James, who suffered similar symptoms and was initially labeled a female hysteric. Lunden soon began digging into the science behind CFS, exploring the work of immunologists, toxicologists, and infectious disease doctors. From there, she began thinking about the broader landscape of health in the United States, including the worrisome effects of stress, dangerous exposure to chemicals, and inadequate access to health care. Now feeling better thanks to a range of treatments, Lunden recognizes that she may never be fully well. “I’m a work in progress,” she writes. “So are you; so are we all. And I, for one, will keep trying.”


Reproductive Injustice: Racism, Pregnancy, and Premature Birth, Dana-Ain Davis, PhD

In the United States, Black women are twice as likely to give birth prematurely than their White peers — and financial success offers scant protection. Anthropologist Dana-Ain Davis, PhD, spent seven years plumbing the race-related factors that fuel Black babies’ early arrivals and subsequent need for neonatal intensive care. She traces a path back to slavery and such racist tropes as the hardiness of Black women while also describing the contemporary phenomenon of stress “weathering” Black bodies. Davis’s in-depth interviews with mothers of different ages, incomes, regions, and educational levels reveal a repeated sense of being dismissed by medical personnel. Turning to possible solutions, Davis highlights prevention, including empowering people who want to use doulas and community-based birthing supports. Without such efforts, she warns, Black Americans will continue to face the often lifelong health effects of being born too soon.


The Genome Odyssey: Medical Mysteries and the Incredible Quest to Solve Them, Euan Ashley, MD, PhD

Decoding a patient’s genome — the individualized alphabet of life — once cost billions and took months, but newer methods provide the opportunity to quickly treat patients suffering from mysterious, gene-based conditions. In The Genome Odyssey, Euan Ashley, MD, PhD, describes the scientific journey behind those advances as well as the patients who have benefited from them. One is a young man who, after his vision was restored by gene therapy, asked, “Mom, is that you?” A leader in the field and a Stanford University professor of medicine and genetics, Ashley anticipates greater advances to come, partly thanks to research on people whose super-powered genomes offer extraordinary health protection. Meanwhile, Ashley says he is motivated by the many patients still in need of help. They are, he writes, “the reason I get up every morning.”


Taking Care: The Story of Nursing and Its Power to Change the World, Sarah DiGregorio

Nurses have treated enslaved people, been tried as witches, gone to jail for providing birth control, and saved lives during wars and pandemics. Journalist Sarah DiGregorio digs into this rich history while also exploring the current reach of the profession — from patient education to policy work and from neonatal care to hospice support. She also describes the sometimes sexist and racist notions surrounding the career. For one, while Florence Nightingale was hailed as the founder of modern nursing, her Jamaican-born contemporary Mary Seacole was condescendingly dubbed “the Black Nightingale.” But the book’s most compelling moments may be DiGregorio’s own experiences with nurses: those who supported her as her mother died from breast cancer, distracted her as she anxiously awaited her own biopsy results, and held her as she prepared for an emergency cesarean section. Ultimately, she asks in praise of this often-overlooked profession, “Could we be human without nursing?”

Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.