Chat With the Librarians Wherever You Are

Need research help? Working on a paper or project? You can ask a librarian for help using our chat service– almost 24 hours a day.

During the day you can chat with Mizzou librarians and library staff. At night, we offer access to a chat reference service called ChatStaff. They will be able to answer most research questions, except for some that are Mizzou-specific.

To access the chat service and see what hours chat reference is available, visit

Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Ellis Library, Engineering Library, Journalism Library, Resources and Services Special Spaces in Mizzou Libraries: All Gender Restrooms

Special Spaces in Mizzou Libraries: All Gender Restrooms

Did you know both Ellis Library has all-gender restrooms? And for our other libraries that don’t, there are several all-gender restrooms located near them.

We want Mizzou Libraries to be a welcoming space for students of all gender identities and expressions. 

Ellis Library: Rooms 203 & 412

Engineering Library (Lafferre Hall): Room C1211

Geology Library (Geological Sciences Building): Rooms 16, 212A & 315A

Journalism Library (Neff Addition & Neff Hall): Rooms 061, 137D & 106

Math Library Mathematical Sciences Building): Room 332

You can find the full list of all gendered restrooms on campus here.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

Finding the Best Study Space

We have spaces for everyone. If you prefer silence, check out rooms 201 and 202 in Ellis Library. Check out this Ellis Library floorplan to see all the quiet spots. Journalism also has four private personal study pods on the bottom floor that are first come, first served.

If you don’t prefer complete silence, try the Information Commons (the first floor of Ellis Library). Or the Bookmark Café on the ground floor for coffee and conversation. You can always take a look at the Ellis Library sensory map to find the best study space for you.

If it’s a group study spot you are searching for, try to reserve one of the group study rooms in either Ellis, Engineering, or Journalism. They can be reserved for up to two hours for each group. Some also have Solstice monitors to help groups studying together share information with one another. Whatever you need, make sure and plan ahead, as rooms fill up quickly! Currently, the Health Sciences Library is under renovation.

Remember, if your program has its own library, be sure to check out those spaces, as they are often designated specifically for you!


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

New Database: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global

MU Libraries is pleased to provide reinstated access to ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.

Comprehensive curated collection of multi-disciplinary dissertations and theses from around the world, offering over 5 million citations and 3 million full-text works from thousands of universities.

Access provided by the University of Missouri Graduate School.

If you have questions about the database or how to use it, contact your librarian at


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Databases & Electronic Resources, Ellis Library, Journalism Library New Database: Early American Newspapers Series II

New Database: Early American Newspapers Series II

MU Libraries is pleased to provide access to Early American Newspapers Series II.

Early American Newspapers Series II adds coverage our existing access and now covers 1690-1900. Images and full-content access to historic newspapers from the 18th to mid-19th Century, based on the collections of the American Antiquarian Society, the Wisconsin Historical Society, and 90 other institutions, from every region of the United States.

If you have questions about the database or how to use it, contact your librarian at



Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Databases & Electronic Resources, Ellis Library, Journalism Library New Database: ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Chicago Defender

New Database: ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Chicago Defender

MU Libraries is pleased to provide access to ProQuest Historical Newspapers Chicago Defender 1909-2010.

ProQuest Historical Newspapers Chicago Defender 1909-2010 adds coverage for 1976-2010 to our existing access to The Chicago Defender (1910-1975). Offers full page and article images with searchable full text back to the first issue. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue.

If you have questions about the database or how to use it, contact your librarian at



Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Cycle of Success, Engineering Library, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Journalism Library, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library Christina Pryor Appointed Director of Health Sciences Library and Associate University Librarian for Specialized Libraries

Christina Pryor Appointed Director of Health Sciences Library and Associate University Librarian for Specialized Libraries

Christina Pryor has been appointed Director of Health Sciences Library and Associate University Librarian for Specialized Libraries, effective June 1, 2022. She has served admirably in her interim roles at the University of Missouri, and we welcome her permanent status at the Libraries. Chris joined the Libraries in 2018 as the Missouri Coordinator for the Network of the National Library of Medicine, and she began overseeing Health Sciences Library operations in December, 2019.

This position is a leadership role within the University Libraries, including oversight for libraries in the Colleges of Arts & Sciences, Engineering, Veterinary Medicine, and the Missouri School of Journalism. As an AUL, she also serves as a member of the Libraries Management Team.

Chris brings excellent experience and skills to this position. She came to the University of Missouri in 2018 from the University of Washington Health Sciences Library in Seattle, where she served as the assistant director and community health education coordinator. Her previous positions include consulting and education services manager for Amigos Library Services, reference manager for the St. Louis County Library System, and medical research librarian for Covidien/Mallinckrodt. Over her entire career, she has worked to emphasize the importance of health information to a wide variety of constituents. She has a Master of Library and Information Science from the University of Missouri and a Bachelor of Journalism from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.

Pryor is active in state, regional and national professional organizations. She is currently serving as President of the Reference and User Services Association, a division of ALA.

home Events and Exhibits, Journalism Library Finals Fun at the Journalism Library

Finals Fun at the Journalism Library

It’s been a hectic semester and now finals are upon us.  It’s enough to stress anyone out! The folks at the Journalism Library want to make your week a little better.

There will be a trail mix bar Tuesday May 10th, 10am-12pm. 

We hope this gives you the chance to take a break and give you much needed energy. Good luck, Tigers!


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Gateway Carousel Journalism, Journalism Library New to MU? Check out the FAQs about the Journalism Library

New to MU? Check out the FAQs about the Journalism Library


We hope everyone has stayed well and for those of you who are new to MU welcome! We hope you have a great semester and that you use the MU Libraries.  Here is a quick guide to let you know important things about using the Journalism Library.

Schuermann, Sue

I am the Senior Library Specialist at the Journalism Library. I have over 28 years experience helping patrons with research, technology and outreach.

home Journalism Library Missourian Newspaper Library Staff Move to Journalism Library; Historic Clip Files Move to Boone County Historical Society

Missourian Newspaper Library Staff Move to Journalism Library; Historic Clip Files Move to Boone County Historical Society

The Missourian Newspaper Library moved to Lee Hills Hall in 1995 with the Columbia Missourian and has served the faculty and students at the University of Missouri and the community in some capacity since 1908. The School of Journalism is reconstructing the current newsrooms and offices in Lee Hills Hall to accommodate a new converged newsroom, which will include all j-school media outlets. In May of 2021, the physical Missourian Newspaper library space was closed due to space constraints, but the Journalism and Digital Access Librarian and staff are now in the journalism library.

The Missourian Library contained thousands of clip files (articles from the newspaper that were cut out and filed) arranged by subject, business, organization, events and location. They were mainly collected in the 1980s and 1990s from the Columbia Missourian and the Columbia Tribune. There are separate file cabinets which hold biographical files of people in and around Columbia and were collected as far back as the 1920s. These files were integral to the mission of the library in providing historical information about Columbia and Boone County to the university and the community. These clip archives have been donated to the Boone County Historical Society. After learning about the files, they were enthusiastic about saving this portion of history.

The Journalism Library will continue to support researchers with access to the Missourian through microfilm (from 1908 to present) and online archives. Please contact the Journalism Library for assistance.