home Ellis Library, Events and Exhibits THERAPY DOGS FOR FINALS


Yes, it’s that time of the semester again. You’re studying, you’re researching, you’re writing, you’re living on coffee and no sleep…but look, a fluffy puff of pure love and joy! These calm, cheerful, trained therapy dogs are here to give you a break and put a smile on your face 🙂

Come to Ellis Library on the 1st floor by the North Doors / checkout desk. There will be therapy dogs Dec. 9-12 during these hours:

  • Sunday 1-5pm
  • Monday 7-9pm
  • Tuesday 7-9pm
  • Wednesday 7-9pm

Check out the full list of stress relief activities happening at your libraries too!

Thanks to Ann Gafke’s Teacher’s Pet for coordinating all the dogs and owners who help us de-stress during finals!

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Ellis Library Extended Hours for Finals

Ellis Library Extended Hours for Finals

Ellis Library will be open continuously until Friday, December 14 at 7 pm. For additional information about service hours and specialized library hours, visit library.missouri.edu/hours.

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Ellis Library Open on November 26

Ellis Library Open on November 26

Ellis Library will be open for study space in the morning on Monday, November 26. Please use the west entrance (by Speaker’s Circle) to enter the building. For research help, virtual chat will be available. All other services, such as in-person research help and check-out, will be available at noon. All specialized libraries will open at noon.

home Ellis Library, Hours, Staff news Thanksgiving Hours at Ellis Library

Thanksgiving Hours at Ellis Library

Ellis Library will have limited hours during the Thanksgiving Break. For a complete list of the hours of Ellis Library and the specialized hours, visit library.missouri.edu/hours.

The Bookmark Cafe, which is run by Campus Dining Services, will be closed from November 17 to 25. For a complete list of hours for Campus Dining Services locations, visit dining.missouri.edu/hours.

Ellis Library Hours, November 17 to 25

Saturday (Nov. 17)…..10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Sunday (Nov. 18)……Closed

Monday (Nov. 19)…..7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Tues (Nov. 20)…..7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Wed (Nov. 21)…..7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Thurs (Nov. 22)……Closed

Fri (Nov. 23)…..Closed

Sat (Nov. 24)…..10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Sun (Nov. 25)…..Noon to 12 a.m. (Return to 24 hour schedule)

home Ellis Library, Events and Exhibits “Provenance and Possibility” Student Showcase on Display in Ellis Library

“Provenance and Possibility” Student Showcase on Display in Ellis Library

Provenance and Possibility
Ellis Library Colonnade
November and December 2018

“Provenance and Possibility” is a student showcase exhibiting creative works completed by students enrolled in the Honors Tutorial during Fall 2018, GN_HON 1050H, “Get Real, Go Places! Let Objects Take You There.” The eight-week course takes as its focus the study of material culture, specifically the opportunities for research that objects and artifacts make possible. Students are introduced to the practice of interpreting, inspecting, and writing about objects through regular use of a sketchbook journal and weekly syntheses shared with classmates. The course is taught by Dr. Sarah Buchanan of the iSchool at the University of Missouri (in the College of Education) and by gallery, library, archive, and museum professionals based on the Mizzou campus who belong to the Material Culture Studies Group, established in 2014.

Our student showcase features 49 art objects created by 14 undergraduate students, each based on the class visit to a particular collection on the Columbia campus. Students created weekly syntheses reflecting on their visit and a culminating analysis of specific objects appealing to students’ future academic interests.

On display here are embroidery inspired by Native American designs at the Museum of Anthropology, calligraphy and poetry based on Leonardo da Vinci’s typographic letters in Special Collections and Rare Books, origami and an architectural room model inspired by John Schneider’s recent “Battle Folds” thesis exhibition in the Bingham Art Gallery, a photograph compilation of the Mizzou Botanic Garden and the work of Sustain Mizzou Beekeeping, and drawing inspired by Rose O’Neill’s (1874-1994) famous Kewpies in the State Historical Society of Missouri, among others. Complementing the student work is a 1960s vinyl skirt from the Missouri Historic Costume and Textile Collection. For their contributions to the success of the course we gratefully thank: Catherine Armbrust, Alex Barker, Cathy Callaway, Blair Crosby and Buck’s Ice Cream, Chris Daniggelis, John Fifield, Kelli Hansen, Nicole Johnston, John Konzal, Maggie Mayhan, Pete Millier, Candace Sall, John Schneider, Karlan Seville and Joan Stack.

The course will next be offered in Fall 2019 – join us!

home Cycle of Success, Ellis Library, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library An Open Education Pioneer Continues Helping Students

An Open Education Pioneer Continues Helping Students

To Dr. William Krause, education needs to be open and without borders. “We should share information. Not hold it for a select few to access.”

Since the beginning of his Mizzou career in 1971, Dr. Krause has been a proponent of helping students learn and giving them the resources they need. “I’ve always felt very strongly that any student, under my tutelage, should have all their materials provided for them.” He even went as far as writing a couple of textbooks, streamlining them to fit the educational needs of the medical students and taking the extra step to find a publisher to make the textbooks as cheap as possible.

For several years, Dr. Krause taught 96 medical students anatomy and histology. “It was very difficult for me to rotate to all the groups in the labs and answer their questions about the slides. [They] would get frustrated waiting to get my help,” says Dr. Krause. Wanting to make sure his students received the help they needed, he applied for and was awarded a grant to work with a multi-headed microscope for help sessions. With this new equipment, he could easily show this large group the slides. “After three or four years of doing this, even those sessions became too crowded. Everyone wanted the extra help.” Dr. Krause knew he had to find a better way to help his students. When a new chair of the department came on board, Dr. Krause took the opportunity to pitch the chair his new idea.

Screenshot of Dr. Krause’s Blood and Bone Marrow Video

“I wanted to place a camera in the eye piece of the microscope and record me narrating and using the electronic pointer in real time.” The new chair was sold on the idea and gave him the go ahead to buy and use any equipment he needed to create these videos. Dr. Krause developed a set of 24 video tutorials and provided DVD copies for each medical student. That’s a total of 2,304 DVDs per year, mostly out of his own pocket. Eventually, it became too expensive to continue making copies, not to mention the DVDs would damage over time. Dr. Krause turned to the library and asked how could he still provide access to these videos while finding cheaper means of doing so.

Diane Johnson at the Health Sciences Library suggested adding them to Google as it was new and could handle 96 students watching 24 videos. Once placed on Google, Dr. Krause started receiving notes of gratitude not only from his students, but from students all over the world thanking him for sharing his knowledge. After a few years, Google wanted Dr. Krause to shorten the videos. Dr. Krause felt that shortening them would make the videos less helpful. Once again, he turned to the library.

Wanting to keep the integrity of the videos, while still keeping freely available, Dr. Krause consulted with Diane Johnson about how best to proceed. She suggested the new repository the library was managing: MOSpace. Following her advice, Dr. Krause added the videos, along with accompanying educational pdfs, to MOSpace. “I was happy to add to MOSpace. It gives the opportunity for people to tap into information from anywhere and makes it more universal,” explains Dr. Krause.

Top Countries by Downloads from April 2018-October 2018

Dr. Krause, while retired now, still continues to help students here at Mizzou and all over the world. With a total of 4,053 views for the videos and close to 19,000 views for the educational pdfs, users are still finding Dr. Krause’s collection. During the month of September 2018, his videos were downloaded over 800 times.

Dr. Krause cannot be more excited about the open education movement at Mizzou. He may have missed the initiative by three years, but he is happy to know that things are changing on campus. “I am delighted I’ve been able to help so many people from so many areas. This is such a tremendous avenue to make material available in the easiest format possible for our students at [little to] no cost.”

Dr. Krause’s videos, blogs and textbooks are found in MOSpace, where they are free to view and download.

Cycle of Success is the idea that libraries, faculty, and students are linked; for one to truly succeed, we must all succeed. The path to success is formed by the connections between University of Missouri Libraries and faculty members, between faculty members and students, and between students and the libraries that serve them. More than just success, this is also a connection of mutual respect, support, and commitment to forward-thinking research.

If you would like to submit your own success story about how the libraries have helped your research and/or work, please use the Cycle of Success form.

home Ellis Library, Events and Exhibits Open Access Week 2018: Documentary Film Screening in Ellis Library

Open Access Week 2018: Documentary Film Screening in Ellis Library

Join us for an Open Access Week screening of the documentary film Paywall: The Business of Scholarship.

Tuesday, October 23
Ellis Library room 114A
2 to 3:15 pm

Paywall: The Business of Scholarship is a documentary film on scientific publishing business and on the need for open science. It reports on the huge profit margins of the big publishing companies, like Elsevier, Springer and Wiley and the challenges for open science to change the situation. Scientists, science administration, librarians, editors of scientific journals, open access-activists, representatives of scientific publishing houses and the founder of Academia.edu give their opinions on the matter. This film focuses on the need for Open Access in research and science. There will be a 15 minute post-screening discussion for anyone who would like to stay after the viewing.

What is Open Access?
Open Access is a growing international movement that uses the Internet to throw open the locked doors that once hid knowledge. Encouraging the unrestricted sharing of research results with everyone, the Open Access movement is gaining ever more momentum around the world as research funders and policy makers put their weight behind it.

For more University Libraries’ Open Access Week events, check out this post.

home Ellis Library, Events and Exhibits Hadara Bar-Nadav: A Reading and Book Signing, Oct. 11

Hadara Bar-Nadav: A Reading and Book Signing, Oct. 11

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Digital Media Lab Now Available to Students

Digital Media Lab Now Available to Students

Ellis Library’s Digital Media Lab is now available for student use by appointment.The Digital Media Lab in Room 153 provides a recording booth with various software, a 3D scanner (Structure Sensor), art tablets and virtual reality goggles. The Digital Media Commons also has the film studio in 3E21. Students can request an appointment through the Digital Media Commons website at library.missouri.edu/dmc. The Digital Media Lab is open between the hours of 10 am and 3 pm, Monday through Friday. Feel free to stop by or make an appointment to see all we have to offer.

home Ellis Library, Events and Exhibits Families Welcome at Ellis Library Open House After the Homecoming Parade

Families Welcome at Ellis Library Open House After the Homecoming Parade

Visit Ellis Library immediately after the Homecoming Parade on Saturday, Oct. 20 for refreshments and family activities.The first 100 kids will receive a free mini pumpkin. This event is free and open to the public.