Darreon Carbin: When Day Breaks and Night Falls

Artist Statement

When Day Breaks and Night Falls is a set of collages that explores how I relate to day and night. Following the passing of my father, I feel that the pressures of life don’t allow me to just exist. During the day, I often feel that I am being pulled in every direction and that my life is filled with obligation without choice. My energy often runs low, and my emotions are high, but many don’t see. I keep a straight face and continue to give my energy and fulfill my obligations.

While life does not stop, the night offers peace. I am free of any obligation, and I can be alone and regain anything lost during the day. Most importantly, I can feel. Night is when I am free.

With this project, I wanted to provide a visual representation of the dichotomy of my experiences through symbolism and highlight themes of stagnation, selflessness, sacrifice, peace, liberty, and duality.

About the Project

  • Title of Work: When Day Breaks and Night Falls
  • Medium: Two 30" x 44" digital collages
  • Student's Name: Darreon Carbin
  • Major: Art
  • Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2023
  • Hometown: St. Louis, MO, USA
  • Student's Mentor: Joe Johnson
  • Mentor's Department: Photography


Darlene Davis

This is outstanding Dee. I could not be a more proud grandmother. It is wonderful to see how you have grown and your art has evolved.

Danielle Redden

Absolutely heartwarming and breathtaking! 

Jordan Redden

Very nice

Centronella Duff-Reed

Brilliant!  I am so very proud of you!  Praying for your continued success.

Kobe Redden


Isaac Redden

Great job

Cory Redden

So proud

Margaret Williams

My heart and mind are touched by your art. You retouched my heart when I read and listened to your presentation. 

Be blessed Precious Saint of God.

Continue to allow God to lead you and allow you to express yourself in your own unique ways.

Much love and blessings be with you now and forever. 

Mrs. Margaret Williams 

Karen Phillips


You continue to impress me and allow me to feel pride and love for being family. Your artistic expressions are spot on and showcase your gift and maturity. I'm so proud of you and happy for your accomplishments at such a young age. Continue to soar and make Dad and all of us proud!

Cousin Karen

Paula Wills

I absolutely love it and can really relate to the theme. I have similar feelings of being pulled in many directions and meeting demands of others during my day. I look forward to the peace at night. One of my sayings to my children is there must be peace in my home. I love how I'm able to connect with this also in thinking about the loss of my husband in 2015. Thank you for sharing your gift and being vulnerable!!!! 

Faye Young

Great job Darreon!!

Rosalind Denson

Love it!

Jackie Crawford

Yes, I can identify with each theme.

Day Breaks has 'Thought provoking realities"

Arms and hands reaching inward ..... while touching others outwardly ... Feet standing on many possibilities are limitless

The face and eyes express inclusivity...seeing various colors, sizes and shapes - we are multidimensional ... sometimes viewed as unremarkable fruit, although we accept our inner self as just being fragile ...we are strong, yet delicate. We make a difference!

Night falls... The ebb and flow of life experiences

Night may fall, but light has the potential to pierce the darkness as we allow a steady stream of peaceful connections and outlets to abide in us.

Well crafted artistry, comprehensive and impactful.

Be blessed,

Jackie Hill Crawford 

Portia Dunn


Susan Dunn

Awesome job Darreon

Faye Young

Great!! Fantastic!! Good job Darreon!!

Devin King

Darreon Carbin


What a dynamic piece of artwork.



Kriseda Young

I absolutely love this! It's so relatable. The way it was written, you can't help but to understand where the author is coming from, and in some cases thinking "that's me, too".

Shirley Jones

So very proud of you.  Keep up the good work.

Dennisha carbin

U work is unmatched Dee!! This is beautiful I'm so proud of you. Keep going baby, sky is the limit !❤️

Dennisha carbin

Very impressive!

Leon little

Voting for Darreon Carbin