home Cycle of Success, Ellis Library Mathew Swan Awarded the University of Missouri Libraries Visionary Leadership Award

Mathew Swan Awarded the University of Missouri Libraries Visionary Leadership Award

Congratulations to Mathew Swan for receiving the first University of Missouri Libraries Visionary Leadership Award!

Mathew served on the University Libraries Student Advisory Council, both as a representative and ultimately, chair of the council.  With his role on the council, Mathew provided important input to the Libraries about the needs and concerns of students in regards to library spaces and services. His participation in two student vision projects, including trips to academic libraries in other states, was vital in creating student vision documents that are a guiding force for student-focused goals in the Libraries’ strategic planning.

Quoting a letter written by the previous council advisor, “in addition to his library advocacy, his work as director of Tiger Pantry has made it significantly easier for the campus community to access quality food. Through his work with the Libraries, OER, and Tiger Pantry, Matt has consistently and effectively broken down barriers in order to improve student access to resources. Often working quietly behind the scenes, students may not know just how much Matt has done for them. And, the kind of guy he is, Matt probably doesn’t mind that they don’t know.”

We are thankful for Mathew’s leadership during his time at Mizzou. We will miss him dearly and know the world will benefit from his capacity to lead from a place of empathy and dedication to equity.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Resources and Services Going up for Promotion and Tenure? Contact Your Librarian to Save you Time

Going up for Promotion and Tenure? Contact Your Librarian to Save you Time

Working on your promotion and tenure packet? Perhaps your third year review? Contact your librarian to save you time.

Your subject librarian can gather the relevant metrics to show the impact and quality of your work. These metrics can include traditional metrics like impact factor and acceptances rates, and non-traditional metrics like almetrics. (Not all journals will have impact factors, so non-traditional metrics are a good alternative to consider when establishing the quality and impact of your work.)

To get the process started, contact your subject librarian for a consultation to discuss what metrics you need for your P&T materials, as well as other services available to you.



Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Resources and Services Make Your Research Open

Make Your Research Open

At the University Libraries, we’re committed to making access to research more sustainable, affordable and open. And we need your help!

In traditional publishing models, scholars surrender their copyright to commercial publishers in order to disseminate their research findings in scholarly journals. Publishers then sell or rent that same content back to the institution through journal subscriptions—at ever increasing prices. This unsustainable practice costs institutions millions of dollars every year and creates barriers to access for many. Open Access publishing encourages scholars to retain their rights and make their work freely available online, increasing the availability and impact of research.  

What You Can Do:  

Retain Your Rights: No matter where you publish, the single most important thing you can do to make scholarly publishing more sustainable and equitable is Retain Your Rights. It’s your copyright – don’t just sign it away! Contracts are often negotiable. And read those agreements: you may have more rights to share your research than you realize.  

Know Your Options: Choose the right venue for your research and know your Open Access options. If you’re an editor or manuscript reviewer, ask about the journal’s OA options. 

Share Your Work: Deposit your research in MOspace, MU’s Digital Institutional Repository. Submitting your work to MOspace is easy. Just log in with your SSO and complete the Creative Commons license.

Learn More: Talk with your Subject Specialist about Open Access in your area or request a Zoom workshop for your department, team or lab. 

home Databases & Electronic Resources MOspace – Available 24/7 

MOspace – Available 24/7 

MOspace is an online repository for the scholarly and creative works of MU faculty, students, and staffMOspace also includes numerous University of Missouri publications from an 1857 list of library publications to the most recent copy of the Mizzou alumni magazine. Most of the resources are freely available on the web. 

Start here: 

Check these out: 

Contribute your works:


home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Health Sciences Library Delivers One Millionth Interlibrary Loan

Health Sciences Library Delivers One Millionth Interlibrary Loan

The Health Sciences Library delivered request number 1,000,000 in the University Libraries ILLiad interlibrary loan system.

The article,  Partridge T. (1991) “Animal models of muscular dystrophy–what can they teach us?Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology Oct;17(5):353-63,  was received from Indiana University and sent to a faculty member.

Remember that even though the physical library is closed at this time, you can still request articles and ebooks with Interlibrary Loan.

Here’s to the next million requests!

home Resources and Services Share Your Story with the State Historical Society: Documenting COVID-19 Pandemic in Missouri

Share Your Story with the State Historical Society: Documenting COVID-19 Pandemic in Missouri

The State Historical Society is documenting how Missourians are experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic. Please consider submitting your story, journal, poetry, artwork, photos, and video to SHSMO’s online portal so future historians, students, and other researchers will better understand this historic moment. How has the pandemic affected your life? Your job? Your school and community?

The Documenting COVID-19 in Missouri Collection will relate the experiences and observations of Missourians who are in self-isolation, working essential jobs, working from home or may have lost their job because of the pandemic. SHSMO would like to hear from those who are willing to share their personal medical experiences during this time. SHSMO wants to include stories on how families are dealing with homeschooling or teaching online and how Missourians are coping with the loss of many important and everyday activities in their lives.

Digital materials can be submitted online in a variety of formats. Writing prompts are available on the website if you need ideas on how your story can contribute to the collection. A physical mailing address is also listed for those with items they prefer to mail rather than send through the online portal. Contributors to the COVID-19 collection may remain anonymous or include their name with the material donated. They may request that their donated material be restricted from public access until a later date. Both adults and children (with parent or guardian consent) are encouraged to submit their story.

Submit to COVID-19 collection here.


home Databases & Electronic Resources How to Find ebooks at Mizzou Libraries

How to Find ebooks at Mizzou Libraries

Mizzou Libraries has access to many ebooks and we have an easy way for you to search for them.

Go to library.missouri.edu, click on the Books & Media tab above the main search box. Type out your topic or the name of the book you are looking for in the search box. Click the search ebooks button (see the image below for an example).

For books in health sciences, take a look at the Health Sciences Library ebook page.

For books in veterinary medicine, take a look at the Zalk Library ebook page.

For books in journalism and communication, take a look at the Journalism Library ebook page.

If you get stuck or have a question, our 24/6 chat is on the right hand side of the screen. We are here for you.



Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Events and Exhibits Congratulations to the 2019-2020 Undergraduate Research Contest Award Winners

Congratulations to the 2019-2020 Undergraduate Research Contest Award Winners

The University Libraries Undergraduate Research Contest seeks to recognize and reward outstanding research conducted by undergraduate students at the University of Missouri.

This year the winner of the first place prize of a $500 scholarship is Abby West, a junior studying political science. Her paper, “Saratoga Spells British Defeat,” was written for Dr. Al Zuercher Reichardt’s constitutional democracy course. Reichart stated about Abby’s paper, “Really happy to hear she submitted it to the contest! She’s a fantastic student.”

The second place winner and recipient of a $250 scholarship is Devon Terry, a sophomore in anthropology and psychology. Her paper, “Arno Breker’s Wounded Man: Capturing the Essence of Totalitarianism,” was written for an upper-level German class taught by Dr. Seth Howes and Dr. Nicole Monnier. Dr. Howes said, “My co-professor and I both thought it was an excellent paper, and excellent project, and I am thrilled to hear the committee’s in agreement with us on that front.”

Special thanks to the Friends of the University of Missouri Libraries for their support of this award.

home Resources and Services What to Do with Your Library Books

What to Do with Your Library Books

Here is updated information on dealing with library books you have checked out from the University Libraries.

  • Books do not need to be returned to the Libraries at this time and all due dates were extended until May 31 (with the possibility of further extensions).
  • If you need to return books, please place them in the book drop near the west entrance of Ellis Library (close to Speaker’s Circle). We cannot take books at any other book drops.
    • If you not on the Mizzou campus, you can mail your books to the library via USPS, UPS, or Fedex to:
      Ellis Library Circ Desk
      c/o Burt Fields
      101 Ellis Library
      1020 Lowry Mall
      University of Missouri
      Columbia, MO 65201
    • You can also return your books to any MOBIUS Library
  • Returned books will stay on the user’s account for awhile, but there will be no fines assessed for books turned in during this time.
  • Books that were checked out at campus libraries other than Ellis Library, should still be returned to Ellis.

If you have a question or concern, please e-mail Access Services at accsvc@missouri.edu.

home Resources and Services Connecting You to News from Around the World

Connecting You to News from Around the World

Access to the news is more important than ever now. You can access several newspapers through Mizzou Libraries off campus to help you keep up to date on what’s happening in the world.

For the most recent news, within the last two weeks, use Factiva or Newspaper Source. These databases include The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and many more national and international newspapers.

  • Once you log in to Factiva, go to News Pages at the top to access today’s headlines
  • To see a list of publications in Newspaper Source, go to Publications at the top of the page

For recent international news, take a look at Global Newsstream.  This database also includes archives which stretch back into the 1980s featuring newspapers, newswires, blogs, and news sites in active full- text format.

Need earlier stories? You can find those in Proquest Historical Newspapers.

Be sure to check out our Finding News guide for the many other ways you have access to the news at Mizzou.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.