home Resources and Services New Database: Black Authors,1556-1922: Imprints from the Library Company of Philadelphia

New Database: Black Authors,1556-1922: Imprints from the Library Company of Philadelphia

MU Libraries is pleased to provide access to Black Authors,1556-1922: Imprints from the Library Company of Philadelphia.

More than 550 full-text works by Black authors from the Americas, Europe and Africa, from the renowned holdings of the Library Company of Philadelphia. Works include personal narratives, autobiographies, histories, expedition reports, military reports, novels, essays, poems and musical compositions.

If you have questions about the database or how to use it, contact your librarian at ask@missouri.libanswers.com.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

All-Gender Restrooms at Mizzou Libraries

Did you know both Ellis Library and the Health Sciences Library have all-gender restrooms? And for our other libraries that don’t, there are several all-gender restrooms located near them. We want Mizzou Libraries to be a welcoming space for students of all gender identities and expressions.

Ellis Library: Rooms 203 & 412

Engineering Library (Lafferre Hall): Room C1211

Geology Library (Geological Sciences Building): Rooms 16, 212A & 315A

Health Sciences Library: Rooms 219 & 220

Journalism Library (Neff Addition & Neff Hall): Rooms 061, 137D & 106

Math Library Mathematical Sciences Building): Room 332

You can find the full list of all gendered restrooms on campus here.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Central and West Stacks Reopening in Ellis Library!

Central and West Stacks Reopening in Ellis Library!

After almost four months of public closure due to a windows replacement project, the Ellis Library Central and West Stacks are now reopen to the public! The 4,300 books stored in boxes during this time have been returned to their rightful spot on the shelves, and most of the other books that were removed to accommodate the construction workers are being returned as well. The catalog has been updated to reflect that all these books are now “available” and ready to use. Any user may now enter these areas, browse the shelves and pull books they want. Or users may continue to place online requests on any MU Libraries book for library staff to retrieve in one to two business days.

In addition, new windows have been installed that are better at protecting the books from the heat and cold of the weather. On this project we replaced 148 windows and restored 44 windows. The new aluminum windows increase energy efficiency, offer improved sound reduction and superior water resistance. We were also able to maintain the aesthetics of the original windows. There are thirty windows that now utilize Spandrel glazing, an application designed to be opaque. We appreciate the patience of our library users while this work was being done to improve Ellis Library.

Questions? Ask for help at the Ellis Library Checkout and Information Desk, which is located on the first floor next to the north entrance (close to Lowry Mall), or email us at ask@missouri.libanswers.com.

home Resources and Services, Special Collections and Archives Life Among the Shelves: A MU Libraries Podcast

Life Among the Shelves: A MU Libraries Podcast

What do you think of when you hear special collections and archives? Old books? Decades old letters? You’d be correct, but there’s so much more that happens on the 4th floor of Ellis Library!

Join Macy Love and John Henry Adams in an exploration of what we do in Special Collections, Libraries, and Archives. They showcase treasures from our collections, guide you through our services, and show you all the work it takes behind the scenes to answer all your questions.

New episodes drop every Tuesday

Episode 9: Exhibits: The Display Window
One of the ways that librarians and archivists share their collections with the public is through exhibits. In our final episode, Macy and John Henry explore the considerations and work that go into exhibit design and display. Macy interviews Gary Cox from the University Archives.

Episode 8: Preservation: Climate Control
Part of keeping rare books and archival materials safe involves keeping temperature and humidity under control. In this episode, Macy and John Henry explore the challenges of maintaining a good environment in the stacks. Macy interviews Michaelle Dorsey from Special Collections and Anselm Huelsbergen from the University Archives.

Episode 7: Stacks Projects: Everything Has To Go Somewhere 
Rare books and archival materials are kept on shelves in a special area called the stacks. In this episode, Macy and John Henry explore the work that goes on behind the scenes to organize and maintain the stacks. Macy interviews Kelli Hansen from Special Collections and Kris Anstine from the University Archives. 

Episode 6: Acquisitions: How It Gets Here
There are a lot of things in Special Collections and the University Archives. Where do they all come from? In this episode, Macy and John Henry explore how items are acquired and become part of the collection. Macy interviews Kelli Hansen from Special Collections and Anselm Huelsbergen from the University Archives. 

Episode 5: Scanning and Uploading: Digital Repositories
Thanks to the Internet, many people can use rare and archival materials without coming in to see them in person. But how are those digital copies made? In this episode, Macy and John Henry explore the question of digitization. Macy interviews Steven Pryor and Britany Saunders from Digital Services. 

Episode 4: Fixing What’s Broken: Book Repairs and Enclosures 
Repairs and maintenance are an important part of preserving rare and archival materials. In this episode, Macy and John Henry explore some of the ways in which librarians and archivists repair and protect books on the shelves. Macy interviews Michaelle Dorsey from Special Collections and Anselm Huelsbergen from the University Archives. 

Episode 3: Pay Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain: Teaching Prep
Many patrons first encounter special collections or archival materials in a classroom. In this episode, Macy and John Henry discuss the work that goes into setting up a class session. 

Episode 2: Books and Records Don’t Circulate: Running A Reading Room
Patrons at rare books libraries and archives have to use the materials in special reading rooms. In this episode, Macy and John Henry explore why reading rooms exist and how they are run. Macy interviews Kris Anstine from the University Archives and John Konzal from Special Collections.  

Episode 1: I’d Like Some Information Please: Reference Questions
In this episode, Macy and John Henry explore how librarians and archivists answer reference questions. Macy interviews Kelli Hansen from Special Collections and Gary Cox from the University Archives. 

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Resources and Services Welcome to the Mizzou Libraries

Welcome to the Mizzou Libraries

Welcome Tigers! We’re so glad you chose Mizzou, and we want to introduce you to the library resources and services that will be vital to your success at Mizzou. Visit our Welcome website to get started. We hope you have a safe and successful semester!

home Resources and Services Changes to the Library Catalog

Changes to the Library Catalog

This summer, the University of Missouri System Libraries changed the search features that affect how to search for library materials. The contract for our previous library catalog had ended, and that vendor chose not to submit a bid to renew the contract. Consequently, we had to choose a new vendor. We know that change can be disruptive, and we appreciate your patience as we all learn how to use the new catalog, which continues to evolve. Despite the changes, the MU Libraries continue to be committed to providing our faculty and students access to the library resources needed to be successful in learning, teaching and research. We hope you’ll reach out to staff for assistance as needed.

Please visit our Changes to the Catalog page, for information on how to use the new search system.

home Uncategorized Summer Showcase of Queer Texts at Mizzou Libraries

Summer Showcase of Queer Texts at Mizzou Libraries

August is Pride Month in Columbia and to celebrate, Mizzou Libraries is showcasing queer texts found in our collection. Thank you to Jeron Hicks, senior English student, who curated this display to share with the Mizzou community.

Choices for this exhibit were not made to recognize the most prestigious poetry and prose of queer writing, nor to showcase the innumerable overshadowed works compiled by history: rather, the intention is to blend these categories and recognize that the value of LGBTQ+ literature is not fashioned purely by its initial or later reception. Instead, the aim is to provide a meaningful list of authors and their works from various times and categorical convergences to be used as introduction to wide array of styles in voice, imagery, and thematic contemplation found in queer writing.

Next time in you are in Ellis Library, take some time to visit this display on the 2nd floor.

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services, Staff news Popular Reading Collection Now Available in Ellis Library

Popular Reading Collection Now Available in Ellis Library

Ellis Library isn’t just for study and work anymore. Because the Mizzou community needs leisure reading too, the MU Libraries in partnership with the Daniel Boone Regional Library (DBRL) are proud to announce the debut of a Popular Reading Collection in the Lounge, which is located on the first floor of Ellis Library in the Information Commons.

The Popular Reading Collection consists of books, magazines, comic books and some graphic novels that have been donated from DBRL. Library users may read these materials in the library or take them home. When they are finished, materials should be returned to Ellis Library, the Columbia Public Library, or dropped in any MU Libraries or DBRL bookdrop. The collection will be restocked once a month.

“We have heard from students over the years that they would like access to popular reading materials in Ellis Library. We are so grateful to the Daniel Boone Regional Library for collaborating on this project to make this material available to our users,” said Deb Ward.

The items in this collection are not part of the regular MU Libraries or DBRL circulating collection. You will not be able to search these books in either library’s catalog, and you do not need to check them out.

Follow the MU Libraries on Instagram @mizzou.libraries for updates on what is available in the collection.

home Ellis Library, Events and Exhibits Lisa Bartlett on Display in Bookmark Cafe

Lisa Bartlett on Display in Bookmark Cafe

Artwork from local artist Lisa Bartlett is currently on display in Ellis Library in the Bookmark Cafe. You can see Bartlett’s work throughout the fall semester. See Bartlett’s artist statement below.

“Being of a restless, creative nature, I generally have multiple projects going on at once. I bounce between media, and I love to experiment.

I am interested in those who have suffered and yet persevered. I like to honor cultures that have been marginalized. I do this by showing the joy and vibrancy of peoples through color and vibrant brush strokes.

Sometimes I like to paint on very large canvases and include collage and gold leaf in the composition. I also enjoy working in three dimensions using such found objects as old clock cases, broken ceramics, and Victorian hardware. My work often tells a story, since I’m fascinated by human nature and by what history has to teach us. Old photographs, old letters, and other memorabilia are major sources of inspiration.

I’m always looking for new ideas, new construction techniques, and new projects to get excited about. Anything that involves experimentation, anything complicated, and finally just the act of creation itself—that’s what I love.”

home Cycle of Success Steven Pryor Appointed Head of Digital Scholarship

Steven Pryor Appointed Head of Digital Scholarship

The MU Libraries are pleased to announce that Steven Pryor has been appointed head of Digital Scholarship. This new position will lead the newly created unit within the Research, Access and Instructional Services division. This unit will provide critical support and leadership for digital and open scholarship initiatives that advance the MU’s commitment to research excellence.

The Digital Scholarship Unit will provide leadership for developing and maintaining repository and publishing infrastructure to preserve, curate and host content created by MU scholars or owned by the MU Libraries and will be available to consult with librarians and scholars on the implementation and use of digital scholarly tools, methods and applications. In addition, the unit will work with library colleagues to advance open scholarship through advocacy and education in the areas of open access, open educational resources, research metrics and data management.

The formation of this new unit reflects our belief that digital scholarship, digital curation and preservation, and open scholarship are part of the critical infrastructure necessary to support scholarly research at a large research university.

Steven Pryor previously served at MU as digital scholarship librarian since 2018 and as the interim head of Digital Services since April 2021. Steven has a Master of Library and Information Science from the University of Washington and a Bachelor of Science in computer science from Southern Illinois University. Steven previously served as head of information and technology services (ITS) operations for the University of Washington Libraries. Before that he served as the ITS special projects librarian. Other previous positions include director of digital initiatives and technologies at Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville and technology manager for Saint Louis University Libraries.