home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services New Ebooks at the Heath Sciences Library

New Ebooks at the Heath Sciences Library

Below are a few of the books we’ve recently to our online collection.

Have a purchase recommendation? You can request a book for your teaching or research using this form.

Physical therapy clinical handbook for PTAsPhysical therapy clinical handbook for PTAs 

Physical Therapy Clinical Handbook for PTAs, Fourth Edition is a concise clinical guide designed specifically to help physical therapist assistant students and practitioners easily obtain helpful evidence-based information.

Diabetes Digital Health and Telehealth

Diabetes Digital Health and Telehealth explains, from technologic, economic and sociologic standpoints how digital health and telehealth have come to dominate the management of diabetes. The book also includes information on improved telemedicine tools and platforms for communicating with patients, reviewing medical records, and interpreting data from wearable devices. In addition, evolving wearable sensors such as continuous glucose monitors, closed loop automated insulin delivery systems, cuffless blood pressure monitors, exercise monitors and smart insulin pens are covered.


Holistic Nursing : Scope and Standards of Practice, 3rd EditionHolistic nursing : scope and standards of practice 

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 3rd Edition covers the full extent of holistic nursing practice needs in any setting or role and at any level of influence and authority. This specialty’s core accountabilities illustrate that depth and breadth of practice: Safety, quality, and risk management Patient and population health advocacy Clinical care delivery and optimal patient outcomes Healthy work environments Strategic, financial, and human resource management Legal and regulatory compliance Networking, partnering, and collaborating Accountability/advocacy for their employees The publication also addresses 17 updated national standards, which offer a framework for evaluating practice outcomes and goals, as well as for what is expected of all gerontology nurses, and its scope of practice specifies the who, what, where, when, why, and how of their practice.

Neurology of vision and visual disordersNeurology of vision and visual disorders 

Neurology of Vision and Visual Disorders, Volume 178 in the Handbooks of Neurology series provides comprehensive summaries of recent research on the brain and nervous system. This volume reviews alterations in vision that stem from the retina to the cortex. Coverage includes content on vision and driving derived from the large amount of time devoted in clinics to determining who is safe to drive, along with research on the interplay between visual loss, attention and strategic compensations that may determine driving suitability.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Hours Ellis Library Open Extended Hours for Finals Study

Ellis Library Open Extended Hours for Finals Study

Starting at noon on Sunday, November 27, Ellis Library will be open for 24 hours every day until 7 p.m on Friday, December 16.

For a complete listing of hours, including for all specialized libraries, visit library.missouri.edu/hours.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Resources and Services PowerNotes Available for MU Faculty and Students

PowerNotes Available for MU Faculty and Students

The MU Libraries and Campus Writing Program, with support from the Provost’s Office, are excited to announce that campus now has access to PowerNotes. This new tool is both a browser extension and outline creator that conceptually bridges the gap between research and writing.

PowerNotes is designed to “address the challenges inherent to source-based writing in the digital environment.” The extension allows you to automatically save text, take notes, and capture both citations and URLs all in one click, without ever leaving the article, PDF, e-book or website you’re currently reading. Highlighted quotes and accompanying details are saved as tiles or notecards in a outline that evolves as you research, which can be shared with collaborators and exported into Word, or just as the bibliography.

If you’re interested in learning more, the workshop on PowerNotes is available through the Libraries YouTube channel, and provides an in-depth demonstration in addition to discussing instruction applications. You can also check out the PowerNotes website for short video tutorials on specific features and educator resources.

Contact Kimberly Moeller for any questions, or if your department would like to schedule a presentation!

Funding for PowerNotes provided by the University of Missouri Libraries, the Campus Writing Program, and the Provost Strategic Initiative Fund.

home Cycle of Success Research and Reviews with MU Libraries

Research and Reviews with MU Libraries

Written by Ashlynn Perez

In 2016, Cassie Boness, a graduate student in the Department of Psychological Sciences, set out to research and analyze the numerous causes of alcohol use disorder. The project was enormous, eventually amounting to nearly five years worth of work. With the long road to publication ahead of her, Boness contacted MU Libraries for help.

“They put me in contact with Kimberly who was so wonderful and patient in our massive undertaking,” Boness said. “I really felt more confident in the work knowing we had her expertise on board.”

Moeller, an instructional service and social science librarian and co-author of the review, first connected with Boness in 2016 when she was contemplating the project. What started as a few brainstorming emails quickly became monthly meetings and continual communication between the two when in September 2017, Boness secured grant funding and the road toward publication began.

Boness and Moeller’s review, entitled, “The Etiologic, Theory-Based, Ontogenetic Hierarchical Framework of Alcohol Use Disorder: A Translational Systematic Review of Reviews,” was written to look into the many causes of alcohol use disorder by summarizing and interpreting data from more specific reviews to make a broader conclusion about the field.

“It was a multi-step process,” Moeller said. “There’s already a lot of reviews out there, and we don’t need to recreate the wheel. So, we decided to review the reviews that exist.”

After the grueling, two-month process of narrowing down sources to reference in the review – an endeavor led by Moeller – came the coding of research and the extrapolation of data. While the initial research and writing of the review were time-consuming, the process of journal submission, receiving feedback, and making changes for resubmission took about half the time spent working on this project.

“Cassie, by and large, did the heavy lifting on this,” Moeller said. “She wrote at least 90% of the paper – likely even more than that – while I worked on the searches, the flowchart, and the methodology section. There was a lot of ‘in-between’ work that occurred as well, with searches added at different points to include other aspects or terminology that reviewers suggested.”

The review, pre-published in July 2021 and officially published in October 2021, has since been picked up by news organizations and created a buzz on Twitter. Boness is now a research assistant professor at the University of New Mexico.

For MU graduate students, staff and those interested in undertaking a systematic review like Boness’, Moeller recommends attending “Demystifying the Literature Review,” a workshop led by her and Christy Goldsmith from the Campus Writing Program. This workshop is offered both in-person and online, with a recording available on the MU Libraries YouTube channel for easy access, and explains both the research and writing process of compiling literature reviews. In addition, Moeller encourages researchers to talk to an MU Librarian.

“We [librarians] run these searches a lot,” Moeller said. “We’re very familiar and comfortable with which tools you might want to use, and can give suggestions to get you started. The librarian you work with can help you set up the search, run the initial search, export all of the results, and then you’re already a step ahead of the game.”

home Resources and Services Native American Heritage Month Book Recommendations

Native American Heritage Month Book Recommendations

November is National Native American Heritage Month. To celebrate at Mizzou Libraries, we’ve curated a list of books with the help of Mizzou’s Four Directions. Thank you to Four Directions for taking the time to share your expertise and recommendations.

Below are a few we have available for check out. You can view the whole list of book recommendations here.

Interested in more than books? Four Directions has compiled a list of resources including podcasts, articles, blogs, etc.

Have a purchase recommendation? Use our book recommendation form.

Rez Metal : Inside the Navajo Nation Heavy Metal Scenerez metal

Rez Metal captures the creative energy of Indigenous youth culture in the twenty-first century. Bridging communities from disparate corners of Indian Country and across generations, heavy metal has touched a collective nerve on the Navajo Reservation in Arizona in particular. Many cultural leaders—including former Navajo president Russell Begaye—have begun to recognize heavy metal’s ability to inspire Navajo communities facing chronic challenges such as poverty, depression, and addiction. Heavy metal music speaks to the frustrations, fears, trials, and hopes of living in Indian Country.



My grandfather’s knocking sticks : Ojibwe family life and labor on the reservationgrandfathers knocking sticks

Child uses her grandparents’ story as a gateway into discussion of various kinds of labor and survival in Great Lakes Ojibwe communities, from traditional ricing to opportunistic bootlegging, from healing dances to sustainable fishing. The result is a portrait of daily work and family life on reservations in the first half of the twentieth century.





Hollywood’s Indian : the portrayal of the Native American in filmhollywoods indian

The bloodthirsty savage, whooping and screaming and eager to scalp any white man who dared travel west, has been a staple of film since the earliest days of the medium. More recently, Native Americans have frequently been portrayed as environmentally aware, unburdened by the trappings of modern life, with much to teach whites. In this collection of essays, seventeen scholars explore the changing depictions of Hollywood’s Indian and how those representations have reflected larger changes in American society Offering both in-depth analyses of specific films and overviews of the industry’s output, from The Vanishing American (1926) to The Indian in the Cupboard (1995), Hollywood’s Indian provides insightful characterizations of the depiction of Native Americans in film. Taken as a whole the volume explores the many ways in which these portrayals have made an impact on our collective cultural life.


Bury My Heart at Chuck E. Cheese’s, Tiffany Midge 

Bury My Heart at Chuck E. Cheese’s is a powerful and compelling collection of Tiffany Midge’s musings on life, politics, and identity as a Native woman in America. Artfully blending sly humor, social commentary, and meditations on love and loss, Midge weaves short, standalone musings into a memoir that stares down colonialism while chastising hipsters for abusing pumpkin spice. She explains why she doesn’t like pussy hats, mercilessly dismantles pretendians, and confesses her own struggles with white-bread privilege.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Uncategorized Be An Informed Voter

Be An Informed Voter

Election Day is right around the corner: Tuesday, November 8th!

How are you supposed to know who and what you can vote for? Where can you get the information you need to make your voting choices?

  1. This is the first election with Missouri’s new ID law. Acceptable forms of ID are:
    1. A nonexpired Missouri driver or non-driver license;
    2. A nonexpired military ID, including a veteran’s ID card;
    3. A nonexpired United States passport; or
    4. Another photo ID issued by the United States or the state of Missouri which is either not expired or expired after the date of the most recent general election.
      1. *If the driver or non-driver license has expired after the most recent general election, it is an acceptable form of voter ID.
      2. *If you do not possess any of these forms of identification, but are a registered voter, you may cast a provisional ballot.
    5. Learn more here.
  2. Find out who or what can you vote for by getting a sample ballot
  3. Research candidates and issues. There are many resources available to help with your research:
    1. Candidate websites
    2. Local news outlets. In Columbia we suggest the Columbia Missourian’s Election Coverage
    3. Voting records of the candidates
    4. Judge reviews
    5. Local groups- these might be local organizations, civic groups that organize around a cause, non-profit organizations, or community clubs.
    6. Public libraries. The Daniel Boone Regional Library in Columbia has a great election guide.
  4. Research ballot measures. Read the text of the ballot measure before election day to make sure you understand what it says, and what a YES or NO vote means. As you research the proposal, pay attention to the types of information you are reading.
  5. Ask questions about your research. When you are conducting research keep in mind where the information is coming from. Who is speaking and what are their sources? What’s the bias in the information you are reading? Who paid for this? Whose perspective is this and whose perspective is missing? Can you fact check this?
  6. Make notes and bring them with you to vote. Make sure to double check the rules at your polling place.

Visit the Mizzou Election Hub for resources available to you on campus.

Hearnes Center is a central polling location on November 8th, which means any eligible registered voter can cast their ballot there. Remember that you will need to bring an ID to vote.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Resources and Services How Do You Benefit From Open Access?

How Do You Benefit From Open Access?

International Open Access Week is October 24-30! This year’s theme is Open For Climate Justice. This year’s theme seeks to encourage connection and collaboration among the climate movement and the international open community. Sharing knowledge is a human right, and tackling the climate crisis requires the rapid exchange of knowledge across geographic, economic, and disciplinary boundaries.

So, what is Open Access? The basic idea of open access is that it makes copyrightable works available without all of the access barriers associated with the “all rights reserved” model. These can take the form of price barriers and permission barriers (1). These barriers affect communities’ abilities to produce, disseminate, and use knowledge around the world. Openness can create pathways to more equitable knowledge sharing and serve as a means to address the inequities and our response to them.

But how does Open Access benefit you?

  • More exposure for your work; wider collaboration and interdisciplinary engagement: Open Access maximizes the research visibility of your article or journal and helps disseminate your articles more quickly and widely. It makes the content available to those who can’t access research behind a paywall. Research is immediately available without any barriers, and scholars and researchers can build upon this work without any restrictions. Open access enables scholars to work on their research collaboratively on a global scale and helps researchers connect more easily with each other, leading to greater recognition.
  • Increase research impact and citations: SPARC found that there was a citation advantage to articles available through open access.
  • Maintain control: Open Access helps researchers retain the copyright to their work and at the same time ensure people worldwide can access and reuse their research for free. Click here to learn more about retaining your rights.

You are interested in publishing Open Access, but how do you start?

  • Find the open access journals in your subject area by searching the Directory of Open Access Journals. You can also contact your Subject Specialist to help identify the best open access journals in your area to save you time.
  • You can look into MU’s institutional repository, MOSpace, as a place to share your work or explore subject-oriented repositories.
  • If you are a reviewer or editor, make sure to read the Open Access policies of those journals or publishers.
  • Visit our Open Access guide for a more in depth look into the different parts of open access.

(1) Understanding Open Access: When, Why, & How to Make Your Work Openly Accessible

home Resources and Services Student Input Needed! Please Fill Out Our Survey About Ellis Library

Student Input Needed! Please Fill Out Our Survey About Ellis Library

Please fill out survey linked below by October 25 to help us make Ellis Library work for students!

Ellis Library Student Survey

home Events and Exhibits Families Welcome at Ellis Library After Homecoming Parade

Families Welcome at Ellis Library After Homecoming Parade

Visit Ellis Library immediately after the Homecoming Parade on Saturday, October 22, for refreshments and family activities. The first 100 kids will receive a free mini pumpkin. This event is free and open to the public.

home Events and Exhibits The Books of 1922 Exhibit

The Books of 1922 Exhibit

“The Books of 1922” celebrates the centennial of some notable works, including James Joyce’s Ulysses, T. S. Eliot’s The Waste Land, Virginia Woolf’s Jacob’s Room, Claude McKay’s Harlem Shadows and other books that became 20th-century standouts. The exhibit displays first edition covers and rare illustrations of Ulysses by Matisse, exploring the evolution of texts from manuscripts to beloved library copies bearing annotations by generations of students. This exhibit was created by the team of Associate Professor Frances Dickey and English major Claire Dooley.