home Resources and Services Countdown to Finals: Supplies in the Library

Countdown to Finals: Supplies in the Library

Short on supplies? Mizzou Libraries is here for you!

Need a phone charger or whiteboard markers? Go to the Checkout & Information Desk. Need a place to store your belongings AND charge your devices? Personal storage lockers with USB chargers are now available in Ellis Library, next to the elevators on the main floor. These lockers are free to use, but a Mizzou Tiger Card (MU ID) is required for access.

Need pens, pencils, bluebooks, flash drives, or sticky notes? Checkout the supplies vending machine inside the north entrance of Ellis Library. This is stocked and maintained by the Mizzou Store. If what you are looking for is not in the vending machine, checkout the Mizzou Store. The vending machine accepts fresh bills, coins and student charge with student ID cards. If you have issues with the machine, please fill out a question/problem form (located on the vending machine) and give to the Check Out and Information desk staff.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Resources and Services Countdown to Finals: Library Account Status

Countdown to Finals: Library Account Status

Every student at Mizzou has many accounts they need to keep track of, and some of those accounts can help you out at the Mizzou Libraries!

Know the status of your Print Quota. Make sure you have money left if you still need to do a lot of printing! If you go over your semester allowance, you can add money to your Tiger card account to pay for additional printing. Unfortunately, student charge is no longer available for this service, so make sure and check your account regularly. To check the status of your Print Quota, click the link and log in with your username and password. You can also request refunds from this site if your print didn’t come out correctly. While you’re at it, make sure to download PrintAnywhere if you haven’t already. If you’ll be in the library, install those printers on your device now to save yourself time.

Another account to keep in mind is your MU Libraries account. This is the account that keeps track of all the books and materials you have checked out from the Mizzou Libraries. For MOBIUS items, check your MOBIUS account. If you have anything checked out through Interlibrary Loan, you can see that information by logging into your separate ILL Account

Additionally, something else you always want to bring with you to the Mizzou Libraries is your Student ID (either your physical ID or your Mobile ID). After 10 pm this is how you are granted access into Ellis Library, and this is also how you check out supplies (i.e., chargers, whiteboard markers, etc.) or use available lockers during all hours that library services are open.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Overview of Recent University of Missouri Publications in Medicine and Related Fields: October 2023

Overview of Recent University of Missouri Publications in Medicine and Related Fields: October 2023

Each month we provide an overview of University of Missouri School of Medicine faculty-authored articles in medicine and related fields as well as a featured article with the highest journal impact factor.

This month’s featured article, “PPP1R12C Promotes Atrial Hypocontractility in Atrial Fibrillation”, was co-authored by Dr. Laurin Hanft and Dr. Kerry McDonald of the Department of Medical Pharmacology and Physiology . The article was published in Circulation Research  (impact factor of 20.1 in 2022).

See the list of publications in medicine and related fields we retrieved for this month: https://library.muhealth.org/facpubmonthlyresult/?Month=October&Year=2023

home Resources and Services Countdown to Finals: Study Spaces

Countdown to Finals: Study Spaces

Before those long hours of studying during finals week, find a study spot at Mizzou Libraries. We have spaces for everyone.

If you prefer silence, check out rooms 201 and 202 in Ellis Library. Check out this Ellis Library floorplan to see all the quiet spots. Journalism also has four private personal study pods on the bottom floor that are first come, first served.

If you don’t prefer complete silence, try the Information Commons (or the first main floor of Ellis Library). Or the Bookmark Café on the ground floor for coffee and conversation. You can always take a look at the Ellis Library sensory map to find the best study space for you.

We also have new maps that help you search by type of seating by floor in Ellis Library. If you are interested in soft seating vs. tall seating, this is the map for you.

If it’s a group study spot you are searching for, try to reserve one of the group study rooms in either Ellis, Engineering, or Journalism. They can be reserved for up to two hours for each group. Some also have Solstice monitors to help groups studying together share information with one another. Whatever you need, make sure and plan ahead, as rooms fill up quickly!

Remember, if your program has its own library, be sure to check out those spaces, as they are often designated specifically for you!


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Peer Navigator Corner: Finding a Specific Book

Peer Navigator Corner: Finding a Specific Book

Written by: Sophie Lanzone

If you are looking to find a specific book when you know the title, first go to the bottom of the Mizzou Libraries homepage and the Looking For section.

Under this heading there are specific links to help find a specific database, article, journal, or book.

Click on the link that says A specific book. This will take you to a new page where you will enter the title of the book you’re looking to find. If there are multiple editions, or versions with that title, you’ll be prompted with a link that says Proceed to Discover@MU to see all the options.


This will take you to a new page with books that have the exact title you entered. Each listing will show all the information about the book such as the title, author, number of pages, location, call number, status, etc. Once you have found the record, look at the location, call number and status. The location will tell you which library it is located at (make sure you’re in the right one!), the call number indicates which floor and shelf this book is located on, and the status indicates whether or not the book is available at the moment.

You can place a request for the book at this point, and have it brought for you to the circulation desk. This takes time though, and sometimes you can find other things you’d like if you go to the stacks yourself.

Since the call number tells you where the book can be found, make sure to save it by writing it down or taking a screen shot. You can always ask for help finding the location at the circulation or peer navigator desks, but you can also find call number locations on the Libraries main website. At the very top of the page, in the yellow bar, there is a drop-down menu that says In the Library. Click on that drop-down menu and then click Call Number. This will take you to a new page with a tab that says How to Find a Book, at the very top in yellow. This tab will bring up a list of call numbers and which floor they are located on.

Look at your call number and then find which floor and location it falls under. In this example, the call number is PS3511, meaning this book is located in 2 East.

After you have figured out which stack it is in, you can ask for directions, or follow the link at the very top of the Libraries website that says Maps and Floorplans.

Choose Ellis Library (Main Library), and you’ll see the option to click on a map of each floor. Since our example is in 2 East, that means it is on the second floor. The map shows where each stack is, and what each stack has. Since the call number for this book is PS3511, it falls under the PQ-QK stack. In this case you would take the elevator or stairs up to the second floor, take a slight right past the bathrooms and then walk down until you have reached the PQ-QK stacks. You’ll look for the P section, then the PS section, then the 3000s, and so on until you’ve run through the entire call number.

If you are wanting to go through the process yourself, those are the steps. If you run into any issues or questions, always feel free to ask the Peer Navigators and the Circulation Desk, or hop on the Libraries chat for more assistance!

home Resources and Services Which Indigenous Lands Are You On? This Map Will Show You

Which Indigenous Lands Are You On? This Map Will Show You

Native Land Digital is an interactive, global map that provides historical information about Indigenous people, territories, languages and treaties as well as linking to current tribal affiliations.

Users can click on labels across the Americas and around other parts of the globe — or type a specific city, state or zip code into the search box — to see which Indigenous tribes lived where. You can zoom in or out, as well as choose to apply “settler labels” to see how the map corresponds with contemporary state lines. Clicking on the name of each nation brings up links for related reading.

Not only can you use it for personal use, it can also be used as a teaching resource for your courses. Be sure to check out the teacher’s guide on their website. Another nice feature of this interactive map is the app version making it easy to look up what lands you are when traveling.

home Resources and Services Free Equipment Checkout

Free Equipment Checkout

Did you leave your laptop at home? Forgot your phone charger? Need a camera? The Checkout Desk at your library can help you out! Check out the available equipment here. All equipment is available with your student ID. Materials can be renewed in person at the desk. But be careful! There is a $2 fine for every hour it is returned late.

So, the next time you are studying all day at the library and your phone dies, don’t worry! Just head over to the Checkout Desk at your library.

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Digital Media Lab in Ellis Library

Digital Media Lab in Ellis Library

The Digital Media and Innovation Lab (DMiL) in Ellis Library provides innovative technology and resources for your creative projects. The DMiL has an audio recording booth, digital art tools and 3D scanners in Room 156; an interview recording room in Room 157; and a film studio in Room 3E21.

The DMiL is complemented by the Information Commons computers and equipment checkout at the checkout & information desk. The DMiL is available to students for class or personal projects.

You can make a reservation and check-in or stop by for a consultation in Room 153.

Monday – Thursday: 10:00am – 7:00pm
Friday: 10:00am – 3:00pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Questions & Consultation email: ellisdml@missouri.edu

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Peer Navigator Corner: Printing in Ellis

Peer Navigator Corner: Printing in Ellis

By: Margaret Gillam

One of Ellis Library’s many helpful features is the printing system. The building has three printing locations on the first floor, including one colored printer, and one location on the fourth floor. The Ellis 1 printers are located on the east end of the Information Commons towards Hitt Street, and toward the back right corner of the first floor if you’re facing the peer navigator desk. The Ellis 2 bank of printers and the color printer are located on the west end of the Information Commons, and right next to the writing tutors. Finally, the Ellis 3 bank of printers is in Information Commons 2, right next to the IT help desk.  Each printer is easily accessible through the printing stations around each printer, or they can be connected to a student’s personal device. To print from your personal laptop or device, see the steps below:

  1. Go to https://doit.missouri.edu
  2. Click the yellow “print anywhere” box
  3. Proceed to log in with your tiger paw print and password
  4. Click the “print anywhere” box in the top left corner of the screen
  5. Choose the operating system that is appropriate for your device
  6. Under the “category” option, choose “departments”
  7. Under the “printer” option, choose the Ellis printer of your choice
  8. Once you download the Print Anywhere software, your chosen Ellis printer will appear in your printing bank!

Each black and white page costs $0.05 to print, and students can access and add to their printing funds through their Tiger Card Manager. Visitors or those who may not have a pawprint or student account can print and pay in cash at the Checkout & Information desk located on the 1st floor of Ellis Library.

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services, Uncategorized Peer Navigator Corner: Library of Congress vs. Dewey Decimal System

Peer Navigator Corner: Library of Congress vs. Dewey Decimal System

By: Lorelai Clubb

Moving from your high school or public library is already a challenge due to the amazing size of the building and the resources available at MU, but there is another new factor to consider when looking for books at Ellis Library. The University of Missouri Libraries uses the Library of Congress (LoC) classification system, which is very different from the Dewey Decimal System (DDS) you are likely used to. But don’t worry! Understanding how to navigate LoC is easy!

What is the LoC System and Why do we use it?

Firstly, academic libraries use the Library of Congress system because it allows for more items to be cataloged in more specific ways. Each LoC call number is directly attached to a specific resource (i.e. a book) to allow for you to find that resource easier. The LoC system is better for organizing a large number of resources centered around a specific subject. Since we have so many amazing materials here at Ellis, LoC allows us to group subjects easier and make it simpler for you to find the resources you need. The LoC system has 21 different main classes based on letters and then thousands based on numbers, while DDS only has 10 classes based on numbers alone. 

(Source: High Point University Libraries – https://www.highpoint.edu/library/2022/01/25/smith-library-begins-transitioning-book-collection-to-library-of-congress-classification/)

So, what is the Dewey Decimal System then?

The Dewey Decimal System classification system is typically used at public and school libraries because it’s a smaller and more general system, which is better for smaller collections of books. While DDS can be helpful in smaller libraries, it has several flaws that make it more challenging to use in our giant academic library collections. For one, fewer category options leads to diverse topics being squished under one umbrella, making them more challenging to find. Additionally, DDS classifies topics in a somewhat confusing way. For example, if you were looking for a book about human anatomy, you would need to look under the “Technology” section, NOT the “Science” section. Other topics that don’t seem to really belong in “Technology” can also be found there, such as “Public Relations” and “Accounting.” The LoC system removes this confusing problem. 

(Source – Saline County Libraries: https://www.salinecountylibrary.org/dewey-do-not-phasing-out-the-dewey-decimal-system/)


Breaking Down the LoC System Call Numbers

A Library of Congress call number is comprised of 4 parts:

  1. Class/Subclass
  2. Topic
  3. Cutter Number
  4. Publication Date

For example, this call number: HV4708 .R83 2011 is one we have at Ellis Library. Let’s break down the number to figure out what book this is about!

  1. Class/Subclass – “HV”
    The class/subclass refers to the first one to two letters of the call number. The first letter, “H” is the “social sciences” class. “HV” is the subclass of “H” that refers specifically to “social welfare”.
  2. Topic – “4708”
    Now that we know our class is in “social welfare,” we can use the number provided to find the specific topic section. By looking at the LoC classification system, we can see that the 4700s refers to Animal Welfare. Now we know what topic our book is based purely on a few numbers and letters. Isn’t that cool?
  3. Cutting Number – “.R83”
    The “cutter number” refers to the author of the material. The name “cutter” doesn’t actually refer to something being “cut”, it is named after its creator, Charles Cutter. The cutter number is a letter followed by two numbers. The first letter, “R” in this case, is the first name of our author. The “8” and “3” are the next two letters of the author’s name, but numbers are used in place of more letters. Understanding this part is a little more complicated, but the Library of Congress website has a handy table for us to use to decipher what the two numbers mean:

    (Source – Library of Congress: https://www.loc.gov/aba/pcc/053/table.html)
  4. Publication Date – “2011”
    This part is the easiest part of the LoC call number. The “2011” refers to when the book was published.

Now we know this book is about animal welfare, written by someone with a last name beginning with “Rud”, and the book was published in 2011. The book in question is Loving Animals: Toward a New Animal Advocacy by Kathy Rudy. 


While it might seem complicated, the Library of Congress classification system allows for us at Mizzou and other academic libraries to hold more resources and makes it much easier to locate materials on certain subjects. If you are having trouble navigating the library and finding a book, no fear! Just stop by the “Ask Here” desk on the first floor directly up the stairs of the West Entrance (Speaker’s Circle entrance) and to the right. Our “Ask Here” desk is staffed by students just like you who understand how daunting the Ellis Library can be at times. No question is too silly or too small, stop by and ask for directions and help 10am to 10pm Monday through Thursday, and noon to 10 pm on Sundays.