Each month we provide an overview of University of Missouri authored articles in medicine and related fields, and a featured article from a School of Medicine author with the highest journal impact factor.
Have you ever wondered about the ecosystem of healthcare informatics? How do informatics, biosurveillane and disease impact each other? Learn about application, management, retrieval and analysis of informatics in healthcare by checking out our new book display
The book display is located on the 2nd floor of the Health Sciences Library, across from the information desk.
Meagan Hicks, from St. Charles, MO, was used to her small private school, but that changed when she went to Mizzou. “I was the only person from my class to go to Mizzou, and the only person I knew at Mizzou, was my sister. It was a big adjustment.” A good adjustment it would seem.
“Mizzou really helped shape me into a more well-rounded person. While I was still able to stay in my comfort zone, I was also able to explore different aspects of campus I would not normally go for,” Hicks said.
After graduating in 2014, Hicks enrolled in the Master of Library and Information Science program, which led to her working as a graduate assistant at the Health Sciences Library. “Working for an academic library was an amazing experience, especially a specialized one. It was awesome helping students and faculty with their research, and their dedication is something I will always remember.” Hicks currently uses the skills she learned on the job to offer a rich variety of services to the Moberly, Missouri community. “As a public librarian now, I want to offer programs that inspire the next generation of Mizzou students to work hard in anything they want to do.”
Hicks says she made the right decision coming to Mizzou, and wants those considering Mizzou to know that they should “try out new things, things you may not have known you would like may become your new passion. Explore and have fun!”
October 9-11, 2017, the librarians from the Health Sciences Library hosted the Mid-Continental Chapter of the Medical Library Association (MCMLA) annual conference, at the Tiger Hotel. Some conference highlights included:
Two posters were presented by library staff, with one winning the award for Best Research Poster.
Best Research Poster: Almost One out of Five Requested Articles are Freely Available to the Public,” by Caryn Scoville, Katherine Emerson, and Caroline James.
We had two wonderful speakers who gave insights into research at Mizzou:
Rebecca Johnson, PhD, RN, FAAN, FNAP, Professor of Veterinary Medicine and Director of the Research Center for Human Animal Interaction, spoke about how health and wellness of humans and animals are connected.
Lise Saffran, MPH, MFA, Director of Mizzou’s MPH Program, spoke about how art and literature in the public health curriculum develops empathy among clinicians.
It was the 50th Anniversary so we, of course, celebrated with a photo booth and Mizzou Tigers
We recently discovered that the Ovid Ask-A-Librarian feature has not been working. Any messages sent through that feature were not being received by the libraries.
We are currently looking into the issue, but in the meantime, have rerouted those submissions to a working email. We apologize for any inconvenience.
With Dr. Choi’s recent announcement of the University of Missouri System’s recent commitment to adopt OER to reduce the cost of textbooks and course materials, the Health Sciences Library is ready to help our faculty find appropriate resources for their courses.
MedEdPortal is a good starting point for locating open educational materials in medicine and the health sciences. Reach out to Taira Meadowcroft if you are interested in incorporating OER in your courses.
This week’s open access article features Dr. Wolfgang Widermann, Assistant Professor of Educational, School & Counseling Psychology in the College of Education.His primary research interests include the development of methods for causal inference, methods to determine the direction of effects in nonexperimental studies, and methods for intensive longitudinal data in the person-oriented research setting. He currently serves as an associate editor of Behaviormetrika and the Journal of Person-Oriented Research.
Dr. Widermann, and his research team, published in the World Journal of Nephrology (WJN) in July 2017. WJN is a leading open access journal devoted to reporting the latest, cutting-edge research progress and findings of basic research and clinical practice in the field of nephrology, and is currently indexed in PubMed Central (PMC) and PubMed.
His research in Causal relationship between hypoalbuminemia and acute kidney injury is an update from a meta-analysis in 2010. Since that publication, a large volume of data from clinical studies has been published further evaluating this relationship. This article serves to reevaluate their original hypothesis that hypoalbuminemia is independently associated with increased AKI risk by looking at those newer studies.
Did you know reading crime fiction can be beneficial? The strong narrative becomes a distraction allowing patients to relate to events from a distance, with power and control over the situation. Check out Natasha Cooper’s story about a new mom whose obstetrician is murdered. Read about an ex-military sniper who becomes enthralled in the Kennedy shooting and unravels a huge conspiracy.
Visit the second floor of the Health Sciences Library to learn more about the health benefits of crime fiction or pick a Halloween read!
Each month we provide an overview of University of Missouri authored articles in medicine and related fields, and a featured article from a School of Medicine author with the highest journal impact factor.
This month’s featured article, Randomized Trial of Intelligent Sensor System for Early Illness Alerts in Senior Housing, was co-authored by faculty from a number of University of Missouri departments including Nursing, Social Work, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Health Management & Informatics, and Family & Community Medicine. School of Medicine authors include Dr. Richelle Koopman of Family & Community Medicine as well as Dr. Lanis Hicks and Dr. Chelsea Deroche from the Department of Health Management & Informatics. The article was published in Journal of the American Medical Directors Association (impact factor 5.775 in 2016).
Erin Dannecker is an Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy. Since 2004, she has been teaching Evidence-Based Practice to between 44 to 60 Doctorate of Physical Therapy students with Rebecca Graves’ assistance. “Health professionals must learn how to search literature databases quickly and efficiently because they have little time in between treating patients. Rebecca teaches our students to do just that by delivering professional lecture recordings, a guest lecture, and individual tutoring. Without Rebecca’s expert and dedicated assistance, I would have to decrease the rigor of the course’s assignments dramatically.”
Rebecca Graves Education Librarian
Rebecca has also helped Erin with her own literature searches, which Erin tells her students. “I’m always hesitant to write ‘no studies were located’ in a manuscript without using the literature searching skills I have learned from Rebecca and sometimes asking Rebecca to double check for me. It is important for our students to hear about collaboration among researchers, clinicians, patients, and academic librarians and to make the most of the amazing resources that the Health Sciences Library offers such as fast and free interlibrary loans and online and face-to-face training.”
Cycle of Success is the idea that libraries, faculty, and students are linked; for one to truly succeed, we must all succeed. The path to success is formed by the connections between University of Missouri Libraries and faculty members, between faculty members and students, and between students and the libraries that serve them. More than just success, this is also a connection of mutual respect, support, and commitment to forward-thinking research.
If you would like tosubmityour own success story about how the libraries have helped your research and/or work, please use the Cycle of Success form.