home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services New Ebooks at the Health Sciences Library

New Ebooks at the Health Sciences Library

Below are a few of the books we’ve recently added to our online collection.

Have a purchase recommendation? You can request a book for your teaching or research using this form.


Ways of Living: Intervention Strategies to Enable Participation

Occupational therapy’s promotion of meaningful participation requires practitioners to have the expertise to conduct client-centered evaluations, design occupation-based interventions, and facilitate positive outcomes. Ways of Living: Intervention Strategies to Enable Participation guides students and practitioners in working with clients across the wide range of occupational therapy services to achieve improved outcomes for clients—outcomes increasingly required by health care reimbursement systems.


WAIMH Handbook of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health. Volume Two

This book focuses on cultural variations and perspectives in infant and early childhood mental health and describes parenting / caregiver-young child relationships across the globe, including countries in Europe, Asia, South America, South Africa, the Middle East, and the United States. It examines infant and early childhood assessment issues, such as infant-parent/caregiver observations that comprise an important component of assessment during the earliest years.


Clinical Analytics and Data Management for the DNP

This unique text and reference-the only book to address the full spectrum of clinical data management for the DNP student-instills a fundamental understanding of how clinical data is gathered, used, and analyzed, and how to incorporate this data into a quality DNP project.



Twice As Hard : The Stories of Black Women Who Fought to Become Physicians, from the Civil War to the 21st Century

Black women physicians’ stories have gone untold for far too long, leaving gaping holes in American medical history, in women’s history, and in black history. It’s time to set the record straight No real account of black women physicians in the US exists, and what little mention is made of these women in existing histories is often insubstantial or altogether incorrect. In this work of extensive research, Jasmine Brown offers a rich new perspective, penning the long-erased stories of nine pioneering black women physicians beginning in 1860, when a black woman first entered medical school.


Community-engaged research for resilience and health 

This research is part of a two-pronged approach to public health, intending to increase resilience and communities’ internal support while simultaneously reducing barriers to health care access. The efforts featured in Community-Engaged Research for Resilience and Health highlight community-based solutions, points of strength, and sources of resilience to help communities that are struggling to survive and thrive in the face of adversity


Hand Grasps and Manipulation Skills : Clinical Perspective of Development and Function 

Expertly designed and logically organized text that provides an accurate and clear depiction of the development of hand grasps and the taxonomy of functional hand grasp.



Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services New Ebooks at the Health Sciences Library

New Ebooks at the Health Sciences Library

Below are a few of the books we’ve recently added to our online collection.

Have a purchase recommendation? You can request a book for your teaching or research using this form.


Exploring the U.S. Healthcare System

This open educational resource (OER) introduces students to foundational characteristics of the U.S. healthcare system. It begins with an overview of the healthcare system that includes a brief history and a description of the current state of health in the U.S.


Translational Sports Medicine

Translational Sports Medicine covers the principles of evidence-based medicine and applies these principles to the design of translational investigations. This title is an indispensable tool in grant writing and funding efforts with its practical, straightforward approach that will help aspiring investigators navigate challenging considerations in study design and implementation


Sleep Medicine : a Comprehensive Guide for Transitioning Pediatric to Adult Care

Many fields of medicine have looked at the issue of transitioning care from pediatrics to adults. This book focuses on that transition within the field of sleep medicine. This book gathers and presents in volume information that will assist practitioners to transition the care of their pediatric patients suffering from sleep disorders.




Advocacy Practice for Social Justice

This text provides extensive information on the value base for advocacy; an examination of why people get involved in advocacy; and step-by-step instructions for social workers and others who want to impact laws, regulations, and policies at any level. Bearing in mind the National Association of Social Workers’ Code of Ethics’ requirements to advocate on behalf of vulnerable populations, readers learn that advocacy is a problem-solving technique similar to that used in social work practice of all types.



A Guide to Managing Atypical Communication in Healthcare

This book presents a supportive and practical guide for healthcare professionals and trainees in a way that considers a wide spectrum of atypical communication conditions, their impact on everyday healthcare interactions, and the social and cultural contexts in which interactions with atypical communicators take place.




Landscapes of Care: Immigration and Health in Rural America

This insightful work on rural health in the United States examines the ways immigrants, mainly from Latin America and the Caribbean, navigate the health care system in the United States. Since 1990, immigration to the United States has risen sharply, and rural areas have seen the highest increases.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services New Ebooks at the Health Sciences Library

New Ebooks at the Health Sciences Library

Below are a few of the books we’ve recently added to our online collection.

Have a purchase recommendation? You can request a book for your teaching or research using this form.


Assessment of Feigned Cognitive Impairment : A Neuropsychological Perspective

Assessment of Feigned Cognitive Impairment: a Neuropsychological Perspective 

The go-to resource for clinical and forensic practice has now been significantly revised with 85% new material, reflecting the tremendous growth of the field. Leading authorities synthesize the state of the science on symptom feigning in cognitive testing and present evidence-based recommendations for distinguishing between credible and noncredible performance. A wide range of performance validity tests (PVTs) and symptom validity tests (SVTs) are critically reviewed and guidelines provided for applying them across differing cognitive domains and medical, neurological, and psychiatric conditions. The book also covers validity testing in forensic settings and with particular populations, such as ethnic and linguistic minority group members.


Tactical Medicine EssentialsTactical Medicine Essentials

Designed for EMS and medical professionals at all levels of training, Tactical Medicine Essentials, Second Edition provides the foundation needed to become a world-class tactical medical provider (TMP). Written by an experienced team of authors from diverse backgrounds, this text covers the essential curriculum of tactical medicine, including tactical patient assessment, expedient extrication and evacuation, and self-defense skills.



Prehabilitation for Cancer Surgery

Prehabilitation for Cancer Surgery

Prehabilitation is a unique concept that is becoming popular day-by-day. It began from the enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) program and has found importance in almost all of the surgeries now. The book possibly being the first on prehabilitation globally introduces the concept, describes the methods of functional assessment of the patients scheduled for extensive cancer surgery, and ways of pre-optimisation.



Language and Literacy Connections : Interventions for School-Age Children and Adolescents

Language and Literacy Connections: Intervention for School-age Children and Adolescents 

Language and Literacy Connections: Intervention for School-Age Children and Adolescents takes readers on a path of knowledge steeped in principles and practical applications. This much-needed new text uniquely integrates language learning and disorders and literacy together in a coherent and cohesive narrative that covers the challenges facing school-age students from early elementary levels through high school. Using past and current research and interventions from speech-language pathology (SLP) and reading and literacy arenas, the authors present transcripts, cases, and detailed intervention sessions to provide a template for daily practice. The text raises questions relating to “why am I doing this?” and provides some answers to this most complex, yet basic, question.


Complications in Laparoscopic Surgery : A Guide to Prevention and Management

Complications in Laparoscopic Surgery: a Guide to Prevention and Management 

This book is a detailed guide to the intra- and postoperative complications that may arise during the most frequently used laparoscopic techniques, with explanation of how and at what point in time they may arise, what can be done to avoid them, and how to deal with them if they do occur. Individual chapters, each written by an expert in the area, focus on the complications associated with the creation of pneumoperitoneum, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, laparoscopic management of gastroesophageal reflux disease, colorectal laparoscopic surgery, minimally invasive spleen surgery, and laparoscopic hernia repair (TAPP and TEP).

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services New Ebooks at the Health Sciences Library

New Ebooks at the Health Sciences Library

Below are a few of the books we’ve recently added to our online collection.

Have a purchase recommendation? You can request a book for your teaching or research using this form.


Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Practice Guidelines

Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Practice Guidelines 

In quick-reference format, this system-based text describes more than 90 common conditions health providers are likely to see in their acute care practice. In this interprofessionally contributed text, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, and physician authors provide expert insight into each condition, enabling readers to categorize symptoms, be alert to the distinguishing features of disease symptoms and clusters, and find associated diagnoses. Comprehensive descriptions of conditions encompass definitions, incidence, pathophysiology, common signs and symptoms, vital subjective and pertinent physical exam data, differential diagnoses, diagnostic tests, and evaluation and management plans.


Nutrition and Functional Foods in Boosting Digestion, Metabolism and Immune Health

Nutrition and Functional Foods in Boosting Digestion, Metabolism and Immune Health 

The book addresses salient gastrointestinal features involved in healthy digestion pathophysiology, including coverage of the enzyme-microbiome connection and linkage, features of indigestion problems, roles of traditional and conventional ethnic foods, structurally diverse digestive enzymes, drugs, nutraceuticals and novel digestive formulations. In addition, the book addresses technological breakthroughs that have led to recent, novel discoveries and outlines nutritional guidelines and recommendations to achieve healthy digestion. This book is a useful resource for nutrition researchers, nutritionists, physicians working in the field of digestive health, pharmacists, food experts, health professionals, nurses and general practitioners, public health officials and those teaching or studying related fields.


Essentials of Public Health Research Methods

Essentials of Public Health Research Methods 

Essentials of Public Health Research Methods is specifically written for undergraduate students studying public health who want to fully understand the range of research methods as applied to public health. Using the circular model of public health research as an overarching framework, Essentials of Public Health Research Methods provides a clear, time-tested methodology that leads students step-by-step through the research process — from framing the questions, identifying the study design and choosing methodology to collecting and analyzing data, and disseminating research findings. By following this process, students learn about various facets of public health, while also learning how to select and apply various research methodologies.


Crowley's an Introduction to Human Disease: Pathology and Pathophysiology Correlations : Pathology and Pathophysiology Correlations

Crowley’s an Introduction to Human Disease: Pathology and Pathophysiology Correlations 

Updated to keep pace with the many changes in the field, Crowley’s An Introduction to Human Disease: Pathology and Pathophysiology Correlations, Eleventh Edition provides readers with a clear, well-illustrated explanation of the structural and functional changes associated with disease, the clinical manifestations of disease, and how to determine treatment. It reflects current information on the parthenogenesis of infectious disease and how changes in the genome are expressed as disease. The first chapters of the text discuss general concepts and diseases affecting the body as a whole. Later chapters consider the various organ systems and their diseases.


Reconnecting After Isolation: Aoping with Anxiety, Depression, Grief, PTSD, and More Reconnecting after Isolation Coping with Anxiety, Depression, Grief, PTSD, and More

Although spending time alone for short periods may be restorative and helpful, unintentional or involuntary isolation can have profound detrimental effects on emotional and physical health. We all need social interaction and meaningful relationships in our lives to be well and thrive. Without them, we flounder. In Reconnecting after Isolation, Dr. Susan J. Noonan draws on our collective experience of the COVID-19 pandemic to help readers deal with the emotional impact of social isolation. Speaking as both a provider and recipient of mental health care services, Noonan combines her professional and personal experiences in an evidence- based and practical guide. Drawing on meticulous research and interviews with four psychologists, she outlines steps to overcome the emotional trauma of isolation.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services New Ebooks at the Health Sciences Library

New Ebooks at the Health Sciences Library

Below are a few of the books we’ve recently added to our online collection.

Have a purchase recommendation? You can request a book for your teaching or research using this form.


intro to nursing research

Introduction to Nursing Research: Incorporating Evidence-Based Practice

Giving students the tools they need to become effective practitioners, this text is a comprehensive guide for integrating evidence-based practice and research into the day-to-day work of nursing. Mastery of research will allow students training to be nurses to provide quality patient care and improve healthcare outcomes overall. As in previous editions, the authors take a thoughtful and practical approach by combining research, quality improvement, and evidence-based practice. The Sixth Edition focuses on the connection between research and evidence-based practice as a foundation for safe and effective health care.


refugee mental healthRefugee Mental Health 

This book is an in-depth practical guide for mental health practitioners working across diverse theoretical orientations to provide mental health services tailored to the needs of refugees. These needs are felt more keenly than ever as displaced populations continue to grow. Refugees often experience high rates of psychological distress, and appropriate mental health care services remain severely underdeveloped. Chapters in this edited volume outline research-supported psychological interventions that can be used in a culturally sensitive manner. They cover important topics like cultural humility, issues in screening and assessments, and specific ethical dilemmas when working with refugees. The book explores the ways in which Western interventions such as cognitive behavior therapy, group therapy, expressive therapy, and school-based programs have been adapted to serve resettled refugee populations.


Making Play Just Right: Unleashing the Power of Play in Occupational TherapyMaking Play Just Right: Unleashing the Power of Play in Occupational Therapy

At the heart of Making Play Just Right: Unleashing the Power of Play in Occupational Therapy is the belief that the most effective way to ensure pediatric occupational therapy is through incorporating play. The Second Edition is a unique resource on pediatric activity and therapy analysis for occupational therapists and students. This text provides the background, history, evidence, and general knowledge needed to use a playful approach to pediatric occupational therapy, as well as the specific examples and recommendations needed to help therapists adopt these strategies.


Precision Medicine and Artificial IntelligencePrecision Medicine and Artificial Intelligence: the Perfect Fit for Autoimmunity 

Precision Medicine and Artificial Intelligence: The Perfect Fit for Autoimmunity covers background on artificial intelligence (AI), its link to precision medicine (PM), and examples of AI in healthcare, especially autoimmunity. The book highlights future perspectives and potential directions as AI has gained significant attention during the past decade. Autoimmune diseases are complex and heterogeneous conditions, but exciting new developments and implementation tactics surrounding automated systems have enabled the generation of large datasets, making autoimmunity an ideal target for AI and precision medicine.


Making Sense of Medical StatisticsMaking Sense of Medical Statistics: a Bite Sized Visual Guide 

Do you want to know what a parametric test is and when not to perform one? Do you get confused between odds ratios and relative risks? Want to understand the difference between sensitivity and specificity? Would like to find out what the fuss is about Bayes’ theorem? Then this book is for you! Physicians need to understand the principles behind medical statistics. They don’t need to learn the formula. The software knows it already! This book explains the fundamental concepts of medical statistics so that the learner will become confident in performing the most commonly used statistical tests. Each chapter is rich in anecdotes, illustrations, questions, and answers. Not enough? There is more material online with links to free statistical software, webpages, multimedia content, a practice dataset to get hands-on with data analysis, and a Single Best Answer questionnaire for the exam.

New Ebooks at the Health Sciences Library

Below are a few of the books we’ve recently to our online collection.

Have a purchase recommendation? You can request a book for your teaching or research using this form.

Culture and medicine : critical readings in the health and medical humanities Culture and Medicine Critical Readings in the Health and Medical Humanities

Charting shared advances across the emerging fields of medical humanities and health humanities, this book engages with the question of how biomedical knowledge is constructed, negotiated, and circulated as a cultural practice. The volume is composed of a series of pathbreaking inter-disciplinary essays that bring sociocultural habits of mind and modes of thought to the study of medicine, health and patients. These juxtapositions create new forms of knowledge, while emphasizing the vulnerability of human bodies, anti-essentialist approaches to biology, a sensitivity to language and rhetoric, and an attention to social justice. These essays dissect the ways that cultural practices define the limits of health and the body: from the body’s place and trajectory in the world to how bodies relate to one another, from questions about ageing and sex to what counts as health and illness.


Essentials of health, culture, and diversity : understanding people, reducing disparities Essentials of Health, Culture, and Diversity

With diversity, including cultural diversity, increasingly become the norm, it has become even more essential for students and those planning to work in public health to have more than a cursory understanding of the important cultural dimension of the human societies and groups with whom they’ll be partners. Essentials of Health, Culture, and Diversity: Understanding People, Reducing Disparities examines what is meant by culture and the ways which culture intersects with health issues, and explores how public health efforts can benefit by understanding and working with cultural processes.


Health Literacy A to Z

Health Literacy from A to Z: Practical Ways to Communicate Your Health Message, Third Edition is written for professionals, students, and others who care a lot about clearly communicating health messages. It also is for people who have multiple projects competing for time and attention. In other words, this book is written for you. Intended as an easy-to-use guide, this book is written in a way to inform and inspire you without being overwhelming.



Incredible consequences of brain injury : the ways your brain can break Incredible consequences of brain injury the ways your brain can break

Incredible Consequences of Brain Injury: The Ways your Brain can Break explains the acquired brain disorders that can suddenly change a person’s life. Underlining the intricate workings of the human brain and the amazing things it does every day, this book examines what happens when the brain stops functioning as it should.\



Psychiatric-mental health nursing : scope and standards of practice 

The Scope and Standards Revision Joint Task Force, composed of members from the American Psychiatric Nurses Association and the International Society for Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing, has revised and updated all sections of the document, including the definition of psychiatric-mental health (PMH) nursing, reorganization and expansion of the scope of practice section, and creation of a new Standard on Cultural Humility.


Pharmacology made incredibly easy!

Offering clear, concise descriptions of crucial nursing pharmacology concepts and procedures, this easy-to-follow, colorfully illustrated guide offers step-by-step guidance so to can grasp the fundamentals in enjoyable Incredibly Easy style. From initial assessment to safe medication administration and patient care plans, this is the perfect supplement to class materials, offering solid preparation for NCLEX®, as well as a handy refresher for experienced nurses.


Telehealth and occupational therapy in early intervention Telehealth and Occupational Therapy in Early Intervention

During the COVID-19 pandemic, occupational therapy’s transition to telehealth service delivery for families of children in early intervention (EI) highlighted the strengths and distinct contribution of the profession during unprecedented times. It is more important than ever that occupational therapy demonstrates its distinct value in providing EI services through telehealth. This text acknowledges that telehealth is a critical part of occupational therapy within EI systems and draws on the expertise of researchers and practitioners to offer evidence-based, practical methods to engage in assessment and intervention planning with families served in EI.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

New Ebooks at the Heath Sciences Library

Below are a few of the books we’ve recently to our online collection.

Have a purchase recommendation? You can request a book for your teaching or research using this form.

PeriAnesthesia Nursing Core Curriculum E-Book : Preprocedure, Phase I and Phase II PACU Nursing

Prepare to succeed on the CPAN®and CAPA®exams with this authoritative guide from ASPAN! PeriAnesthesia Nursing Core Curriculum, 4th Edition is a comprehensive reference that helps you care for patients before and after anesthesia in all types of settings. Coverage of the full scope of perianesthesia nursing makes it an ideal resource for both inpatient and outpatient care.


Applying Conceptual Models of Nursing : Quality Improvement, Research, and Practice

This practical resource for nursing students, educators, researchers, and practitioners provides content about the conceptual models of nursing that are used as organizing frameworks for nursing practice, quality improvement projects, and research




Brain Injury Medicine, Third Edition : Principles and Practice

Universally praised as the gold standard text and go-to clinical reference, the book covers the entire continuum of care from early diagnosis and assessment through acute management, rehabilitation, associated medical and quality of life issues, and functional outcomes.




Self-Management in Chronic Illness : Principles, Practice, and Empowerment Strategies for Better Health

This book, consisting of three parts, provides insights into the aspects of self-management as it relates to its definition and application. It highlights how self-management can be applied to various long-term health conditions, for different populations or target groups and in different contexts.





Breastfeeding and Human Lactation

Breastfeeding and Human Lactation, Sixth Edition is the ultimate reference for the latest clinical techniques and research findings that direct evidence-based clinical practice for lactation consultants and specialists. It contains everything a nurse, lactation consultant, midwife, women’s health nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or Ob/Gyn needs to know about the subject.




Acute Care Physical Therapy : A Clinician’s Guide, Second Edition

The goal of Acute Care Physical Therapy: A Clinician’s Guide, Second Edition is to provide the acute care practitioner with the necessary knowledge to improve patients’ structural impairments and activity limitations so they can more successfully participate in life. I


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Gateway Carousel HSL, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services New Ebook Highlight: Indigenous Public Health: Improvement Through Community-Engaged Interventions

New Ebook Highlight: Indigenous Public Health: Improvement Through Community-Engaged Interventions

We’ve recently added Indigenous Public Health: Improvement Through Community-Engaged Interventions to our online collection.

Income, education, job security, food and housing, and gender and race are all examples of the social determinants of health. These factors influence the health and well-being of patients, as well as how they interact with health care providers and receive health care, and unfortunately, certain biases can become a barrier to maintaining good health in some communities. Indigenous groups in North America and US-associated Pacific jurisdictions have been subjected to occupation and forced relocation, mandated boarding schools, and other attempts by state and federal governments to eliminate their cultural strengths and resources.

Indigenous Public Health illustrates how successful community engagement strategies, programs, and resources within Indigenous communities have resulted in diverse, successful public health programs, and helped community members overcome barriers to health. Editors Linda Burhansstipanov and Kathryn L. Braun explore the problems that impact engagement efforts, discuss public health topics, acknowledge and honor the strengths of different communities, and emphasize that collaboration and the sharing of resources can only improve lives.

You can access the book online.