home Resources and Services Which Indigenous Lands Are You On? This Map Will Show You

Which Indigenous Lands Are You On? This Map Will Show You

Native Land Digital is an interactive, global map that provides historical information about Indigenous people, territories, languages and treaties as well as linking to current tribal affiliations.

Users can click on labels across the Americas and around other parts of the globe — or type a specific city, state or zip code into the search box — to see which Indigenous tribes lived where. You can zoom in or out, as well as choose to apply “settler labels” to see how the map corresponds with contemporary state lines. Clicking on the name of each nation brings up links for related reading.

Not only can you use it for personal use, it can also be used as a teaching resource for your courses. Be sure to check out the teacher’s guide on their website. Another nice feature of this interactive map is the app version making it easy to look up what lands you are when traveling.

home Gateway Carousel HSL, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services New Ebook Highlight: Indigenous Public Health: Improvement Through Community-Engaged Interventions

New Ebook Highlight: Indigenous Public Health: Improvement Through Community-Engaged Interventions

We’ve recently added Indigenous Public Health: Improvement Through Community-Engaged Interventions to our online collection.

Income, education, job security, food and housing, and gender and race are all examples of the social determinants of health. These factors influence the health and well-being of patients, as well as how they interact with health care providers and receive health care, and unfortunately, certain biases can become a barrier to maintaining good health in some communities. Indigenous groups in North America and US-associated Pacific jurisdictions have been subjected to occupation and forced relocation, mandated boarding schools, and other attempts by state and federal governments to eliminate their cultural strengths and resources.

Indigenous Public Health illustrates how successful community engagement strategies, programs, and resources within Indigenous communities have resulted in diverse, successful public health programs, and helped community members overcome barriers to health. Editors Linda Burhansstipanov and Kathryn L. Braun explore the problems that impact engagement efforts, discuss public health topics, acknowledge and honor the strengths of different communities, and emphasize that collaboration and the sharing of resources can only improve lives.

You can access the book online.