Celebrate Open Access Week: How to Increase Your Research Impact

Every year we celebrate a week of open access to encourage the sharing of research in an open and impactful way. This year, the theme “Community over Commercialization” focuses on just that. This year encourages us to have a candid conversation about which approaches to open scholarship prioritize the best interests of the public and the academic community—and which do not.

Celebrate Open Access Week with us by reviewing the Open Access Library Guide and attending a virtual workshop:

And if you have some additional time, be sure to check out some of our other blog posts about the different facets to consider when making your research open:

Want to lean more? Talk with your Subject Specialist about open access in your area or request a Zoom workshop for your department, team or lab. 

home Gateway Carousel HSL, Gateway Carousel Journalism, Gateway Carousel Zalk Veterinary Medical Library, Resources and Services Publish For Free (Or for a Discounted Price) in These Journals and Keep Your Author Rights

Publish For Free (Or for a Discounted Price) in These Journals and Keep Your Author Rights

Mizzou Libraries has agreements with several publishers to offer discounts and author processing charge support for the following journals.

Want to lean more? Talk with your Subject Specialist about open access in your area.

American Chemical Society (ACS) Journals
The American Chemical Society offers a discounted open access fee to MU affiliates since MU is a Subscribing Institution. Members of ACS receive an additional discount. ACS Open Access Fee Chart

Astronomy & Astrophysics: A European Journal
Starting in 2022,  the EDP Sciences journal Astronomy & Astrophysics will be published under the Subscribe to Open (S20) model.  MU affiliated corresponding authors can publish their articles Open Access without paying APC’s (article processing charges) as long as the University of Missouri Libraries continue to

Cambridge University Press Journals
NOTE: All waivers for the 2023 calendar year have been exhausted.
MU Libraries has entered into a transformational “Read and Publish” agreement with Cambridge University Press. This agreement greatly expands electronic access to Cambridge University Press journals and provides 10 APC waivers for MU corresponding authors to publish their work OA.

Because of the limited number of waivers available with this agreement, MU Libraries has decided to support authors on a first come, first served basis. If there are remaining waivers at the end of the year, MU Libraries can retroactively make other articles OA with the approval of the author.

BMJ Case Reports
The Health Sciences Library subscription to BMJ Case Reports includes a waiver of the individual membership fee of £273 normally required to publish cases. Submission instructions.

Company of Biologists
From 2023 through 2025 MU is participating in the Company of Biologist’s Read & Publish Open Access Initiative. MU authors can publish OA at no charge. Some of the journals Company of Biologists publishes include Development, Journal of Cell Science, and Journal of Experimental Biology.

Electrochemical Society (ECS) Journals
MU is a subscriber to ECS Plus, an agreement that allows MU faculty to publish their articles in Electrochemical Society (ECS) journals (Journal of the Electrochemical Society and ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology) as Open Access with no charge to the author. There are no limits on the number of papers that can be published in any given subscription year. Find out more.

Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development
The University of Missouri has joined the shareholder consortium of the Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. This open-access journal features interdisciplinary academic research and practice articles on all things food systems. The shareholder membership, good through April 2024, covers the University of Missouri-Columbia, including MU Extension. This membership waives the typical Article Processing Charge for publishing in this journal.

Proceedings of the National Academies of Science of the United States of America (PNAS)
MU researchers publishing articles in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) receive a discounted open access fee of $2,000, compared to the regular fee of $2,500, to make their papers immediately free online. Find out more.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services New Ebooks at the Health Sciences Library

New Ebooks at the Health Sciences Library

Below are a few of the books we’ve recently added to our online collection.

Have a purchase recommendation? You can request a book for your teaching or research using this form.


Professional Competencies in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology

Professional Competencies in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology

Being a Professional: Professional Competencies in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology is designed for the professional issues course at the graduate level in a speech-language pathology or audiology program.


Genomic and Precision Medicine : Oncology

Genomic and Precision Medicine: Oncology

Each chapter is organized to cover the application of genomics and personalized medicine tools and technologies to a) Risk Assessment and Susceptibility, b) Diagnosis and Prognosis, c) Pharmacogenomics and Precision Therapeutics, and d) Emerging and Future Opportunities in the field. Provides a comprehensive volume written and edited by oncology genomic specialists for oncology health providers Includes succinct commentary and key learning points that will assist providers with their local needs for implementation of genomic and personalized medicine into practice.


Benirschke's Pathology of the Human Placenta

Benirschke’s Pathology of the Human Placenta 

It aims to help readers gain a broad understanding of how placental architecture is shaped during normal development, with a view to appreciating how this may be perturbed in complications of pregnancy.




Aphasia and Other Acquired Neurogenic Language Disorders A Guide for Clinical Excellence

Aphasia and Other Acquired Neurogenic Language Disorders : a Guide for Clinical Excellence

This clinical guide strategically addresses scientific foundations, service delivery, international and multicultural perspectives, assessment, and treatment. Organized to maximize adult learning, the book is adaptable for multiple pedagogic methods for classroom-based courses, independent study, and online learning.



Principles of Pharmacology for Respiratory Care

Principles of Pharmacology for Respiratory Care 

An ideal resource for Respiratory Therapists to understand the role of cardiopulmonary-targeted medication therapies and the mechanism of action drugs used in the treatment of the conditions they are treating. Mode of action, clinical indications, dosages, hazards, and side effects of multiple classifications of drugs are extensively addressed.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Save a Trip to the Library: Request Scan & Deliver

Save a Trip to the Library: Request Scan & Deliver

If you need journal articles, book chapters, proceedings, technical reports, government documents, and any part of other printed publications found within the libraries, simply request that the item be scanned and delivered to you via email. This includes items in any library building, and our off-site depository.

There are many ways you can request items from the libraries:

  • In our MU Libraries catalog, you can request items we have in print using
  • When searching for articles in databases, you can request a copy throughFindit@MU
  • Fill out the blank interlibrary loan form if you already know what item you are looking for

There is no charge for MU Faculty, Staff, and Students. For more information on our Scan & Deliver service, please visit our Scan & Deliver page.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Ellis Library, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Check Out Your Books 24/7 With Our Pickup Lockers

Check Out Your Books 24/7 With Our Pickup Lockers

Did you know we have two locations on campus where you can pickup your library books 24/7?

Users can choose Ellis Locker or Lottes Locker as their pickup location when requesting MU Libraries materials. Once the item is ready, users will receive an access code to pick up their items.

Patrons who select the pickup locker location will receive an email saying they have three days to pick up their library materials. At this time, only regular library items will be included in the pickup lockers; no equipment, reserve materials or ILL materials.

The Ellis Library lockers are located inside the vestibule of the west entrance, which is near Speaker’s Circle. The Health Sciences Library Pickup lockers are located in the Medical Science Building, just across the courtyard from the Medical Annex.

Questions? Contact mulibrarycircdesk@missouri.edu.


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Overview of Recent University of Missouri Publications in Medicine and Related Fields: September 2023

Overview of Recent University of Missouri Publications in Medicine and Related Fields: September 2023

Each month we provide an overview of University of Missouri School of Medicine faculty-authored articles in medicine and related fields as well as a featured article with the highest journal impact factor.

This month’s featured article, “Safety and efficacy of arimoclomol for inclusion body myositis: a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial”, was co-authored by Dr. Richard Barohn of the Department of Neurology and Executive VC for Health Affairs & the Hugh E. & Sarah D. Stephenson Dean, School of Medicine. The article was published in The Lancet Neurology (impact factor of 48.0 in 2022).

Note that Dr. James Stevermer also had a publication in JAMA as a member of the USPSTF:

See the list of publications in medicine and related fields we retrieved for this month: https://library.muhealth.org/facpubmonthlyresult/?Month=September&Year=2023

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services New Ebooks at the Health Sciences Library

New Ebooks at the Health Sciences Library

Below are a few of the books we’ve recently added to our online collection.

Have a purchase recommendation? You can request a book for your teaching or research using this form.


Assessment of Feigned Cognitive Impairment : A Neuropsychological Perspective

Assessment of Feigned Cognitive Impairment: a Neuropsychological Perspective 

The go-to resource for clinical and forensic practice has now been significantly revised with 85% new material, reflecting the tremendous growth of the field. Leading authorities synthesize the state of the science on symptom feigning in cognitive testing and present evidence-based recommendations for distinguishing between credible and noncredible performance. A wide range of performance validity tests (PVTs) and symptom validity tests (SVTs) are critically reviewed and guidelines provided for applying them across differing cognitive domains and medical, neurological, and psychiatric conditions. The book also covers validity testing in forensic settings and with particular populations, such as ethnic and linguistic minority group members.


Tactical Medicine EssentialsTactical Medicine Essentials

Designed for EMS and medical professionals at all levels of training, Tactical Medicine Essentials, Second Edition provides the foundation needed to become a world-class tactical medical provider (TMP). Written by an experienced team of authors from diverse backgrounds, this text covers the essential curriculum of tactical medicine, including tactical patient assessment, expedient extrication and evacuation, and self-defense skills.



Prehabilitation for Cancer Surgery

Prehabilitation for Cancer Surgery

Prehabilitation is a unique concept that is becoming popular day-by-day. It began from the enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) program and has found importance in almost all of the surgeries now. The book possibly being the first on prehabilitation globally introduces the concept, describes the methods of functional assessment of the patients scheduled for extensive cancer surgery, and ways of pre-optimisation.



Language and Literacy Connections : Interventions for School-Age Children and Adolescents

Language and Literacy Connections: Intervention for School-age Children and Adolescents 

Language and Literacy Connections: Intervention for School-Age Children and Adolescents takes readers on a path of knowledge steeped in principles and practical applications. This much-needed new text uniquely integrates language learning and disorders and literacy together in a coherent and cohesive narrative that covers the challenges facing school-age students from early elementary levels through high school. Using past and current research and interventions from speech-language pathology (SLP) and reading and literacy arenas, the authors present transcripts, cases, and detailed intervention sessions to provide a template for daily practice. The text raises questions relating to “why am I doing this?” and provides some answers to this most complex, yet basic, question.


Complications in Laparoscopic Surgery : A Guide to Prevention and Management

Complications in Laparoscopic Surgery: a Guide to Prevention and Management 

This book is a detailed guide to the intra- and postoperative complications that may arise during the most frequently used laparoscopic techniques, with explanation of how and at what point in time they may arise, what can be done to avoid them, and how to deal with them if they do occur. Individual chapters, each written by an expert in the area, focus on the complications associated with the creation of pneumoperitoneum, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, laparoscopic management of gastroesophageal reflux disease, colorectal laparoscopic surgery, minimally invasive spleen surgery, and laparoscopic hernia repair (TAPP and TEP).

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Banned Books Week: Let Freedom Read

Banned Books Week: Let Freedom Read

Banned Books Week, October 1-7, was launched in 1982. Typically (but not always) held during the last week of September, the annual event highlights the value of free and open access to information and brings together the entire book community — librarians, educators, authors, publishers, booksellers, and readers of all types — in shared support of the freedom to seek and to express ideas.

So what can you do to celebrate Banned Books Week?

  1. Participate in Let Freedom Read Day on October 7th
  2. Check out and/or buy a banned book
  3. Attend Banned Books Week events
  4. Join the Banned Books Week coalition for their Instagram live with 2023 Banned Books Week Honorary Chair LeVar Burton Oct. 4th

“Books bring us together. They teach us about the world and each other. The ability to read and access books is a fundamental right and a necessity for life-long success,” says Burton. “But books are under attack. They’re being removed from libraries and schools. Shelves have been emptied because of a small number of people and their misguided efforts toward censorship. Public advocacy campaigns like Banned Books Week are essential to helping people understand the scope of book censorship and what they can do to fight it. I’m honored to lead Banned Books Week 2023,” Levar Burton.

Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

How to Find Ebooks at Mizzou Libraries

Mizzou Libraries has access to many ebooks and we have an easy way for you to search for them.

Go to library.missouri.edu and type out your topic or the name of the book (put the title in quotation marks for best results) you are looking for in the search box. Click the search button (see the image below for an example).

For books in health sciences, take a look at the Health Sciences Library ebook page.

For books in veterinary medicine, take a look at the Zalk Library ebook page.

For books in journalism and communication, take a look at the Journalism Library ebook page.

If you get stuck or have a question, our 24/6 chat is on the right hand side of the screen. We are here for you.

Scroll down through the search results until you see Filter by Format on the left hand side. Choose Ebook. If Ebook doesn’t show up as an option, choose Show More, then click Ebook. 


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Lockers with Chargers Available in Ellis Library

Lockers with Chargers Available in Ellis Library

Looking for a place to store your items and charge your phone? Personal storage lockers with USB chargers are available in Ellis Library, next to the elevators on the main floor.

These lockers are free to use, but a Mizzou TigerCard (MU ID) is required for access. These lockers were purchased with funds from the Enhance Mizzou student fee.

Spacesaver Lockers

  • There are two USB charger ports to charge electronic devices in each locker. Chargers are available at the Check Out and Information Desk.
  • You can only use one locker at a time.
  • Lockers can only be used for one day at a time. Any items left in the lockers overnight will be taken to Lost and Found at the Ellis Library West Entrance Desk.


  • Push on the door to open the locker door. Available lockers have a green light on the numbered panel. Occupied lockers have a red light.
  • Put Items in the locker.Charge electronic devices by plugging into USB charger ports.
  • Close locker door. Press your Mizzou TigerCard against the numbered panel to lock the door. The light will turn red. Remember your locker number.
  • Open the locked door by pressing your Mizzou TigerCard against the numbered panel. The light will turn green and the door will open.

Contact the Ellis Safety Team at the West or North entrance if you have any problems using the lockers.

Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.