home Staff news LMT Information and Action Items, 8/8/17

LMT Information and Action Items, 8/8/17


LMT Cancelled 8.15.17

All Staff Meeting: 8.17.17             2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.                     Ellis Auditorium

Attendees: Ann Campion Riley, Deb Ward, Kathy Peters, Anselm Huelsbergen, Ernest Shaw, Pat Jones, Jeannette Pierce, Jacqueline Rash, Shannon Cary, Sheryl Cullina

Agenda Items:

United Way Campaign

  • HR wants to change from fundraising all semester to a two-week period to which each college/department agrees.
  • Our committee would like to nominate new appointees to coordinate the campaign for the Libraries.

Decision: Will determine date for Libraries at a future time.

ACRL Diversity Alliance

  • University Libraries will be a supporting member of this initiative.
  • Must commit to hire one person and follow the 5 principles outlined in distributed attachment from ACRL.
  • We hope to obtain funding from other University offices.

Ithaka Surveys

  • It is recommended that LMT members review the Ithaka survey questions have been sent through email on behalf of Assessment Committee.
  • Discussion ensued regarding implementing Ithaka Surveys for faculty and graduate / professional students on our campus.
  • We have a small pool of money that can start the project but we will need to obtain outside funds and Provost support.
  • The results of these surveys will guide our strategic leadership and future proposals to the University.

Action: Jeannette will ask if, considering the timeline, we can still join for this fall.

Strategic Plan Development for MU, UMKC, S&T and UMSL

  • The System drafted new Vision statements and Compacts and included deadlines for these objectives as outlined in accompanying packet.
  • We will need to have a library plan to accompany the campus plan.

    • Ithaka Surveys will be helpful to inform our input for the MU strategic plan.

Salary and wage guidelines

  • Guidelines were distributed.
  • Raises can only be offered to select individuals that have documented exceptional performance, where market and retention is a concern, and funding is available. All raises will have to be approved by Vice Chancellor for Finance and Chancellor Cartwright.
  • Student raises were discussed.

Action: We will write up a student worker recommendation.

CSC Update

  • Since there is no reprieve on the collections budget, CSC recommended that we break Oxford, Chicago, Wiley, Springer and Elsevier including the Freedom Collection as well as the book budget for humanities and social science disciplines.

    • This is an over-cut totaling $2.5 million. Then we will reallocate the difference of the required $1.3 million cut; allowing Selectors to choose titles individually.
    • Corrie will negotiate with each vendor individually.

Decision: LMT supports CSC’s forced decisions to break these packages.

Travel Request Form

  • The travel form is being adjusted to accommodate additional questions that will help in determining to whom travel will be awarded.
  • It was proposed that MULAC review the document before LMT approves.
  • The deadline to submit travel requests was moved from September 1st to September 15th

New Items:

Sign update

  • New Library signage has been ordered.Installation will need to be scheduled.
  • The goal is to get this done by the start of the fall semester.


  • The libraries will remain open during the eclipse

    • Details on how librarians and library staff can still see the eclipse were discussed

Depository Study

  • Attention was drawn to the 3rd page of the packet noting the 3% cost escalation from the initial 2015 study numbers.

All Staff Meeting Agenda Items:

Salary and wage guideline implementation and limitations

home Staff news New MUSE Posts

New MUSE Posts

Web tip of the week, August 7, 2017

Events for the weekend ahead!

Recipe of the week: Skillet Bourbon, Peach and Blueberry Crumble!

home Staff news Healthy for Life Update

Healthy for Life Update

Don’t miss out! Tier 2 of the 2017 Wellness Incentive ends September 30.
If you’ve already completed Tier 1, make sure to finish Tier 2 of the 2017 Wellness Incentive by September 30 in order to earn $400* in your final October paycheck. Define what wellness means to you and participate in a number of eligible activities to earn 400 points. Walking, biking, yoga, community service, diversity and inclusion activities, and learning about a variety of wellness topics can earn you points and help you define what wellness means to you! For a full list of eligible activities, access the 2017 Wellness Incentive Tier 2 Activities Guide.


* Your 2017 Wellness Incentive earnings will be taxed and voluntary retirement contributions will be deducted, just like with other earnings. All may participate in wellness program, but only some employees are able to earn the incentive; see http://umurl.us/incentive for eligibility details.

UHC Real Appeal Presentation
Caroline Murphy, UHC Nurse Liaison, will be presenting about Real Appeal, a simple, step-by-step program designed to introduce small changes over time that lead to healthier habits and long lasting weight loss results. The program is offered at no cost to all eligible University of Missouri faculty and staff, spouses, and dependents 18+ with a UM medical plan and a BMI of 23 or greater.

Real Appeal comes with a number of complimentary tools and resources including:

  • A Personal Transformation Coach, who leads weekly online group sessions and is available to you for a full year of guidance and support
  • A Success Kit, shipped right to your door and containing step-by-step guides, workout DVDs & equipment, healthy recipes, kitchen tools including a personal blender and more
  • The Real Appeal website and Mobile App which gives you 24/7 access to tools such as trackers to monitor your food intake, activity and weight, your own personal inbox to connect directly with your coach, a library full of resources and more to keep you on the road to success

Who: Participation in the presentation is available to all faculty and staff with a UM medical plan. Covered dependents will not be able to attend the presentation, but can contact Caroline Murphy, UHC Nurse Liaison for more information about Real Appeal.

Date: 2 dates to choose from

  • August 31, 2017
  • September 28, 2017

Time: 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Location: Choose between Ellis Library or University Hall telepresence conference room

Register: Click here to register. There are 2 Columbia locations. Click on ‘Details’ to view and select either the Ellis Library or University Hall location. Space is limited.

As a Healthy for Life sponsored workshop, eligible employees may earn 25 points for participation in the presentation. There are a maximum of 100 points possible for this category. Participation in the UHC Real Appeal program is not eligible for wellness incentive points. Contact wellness@umsystem.edu with questions.

Managing Occupational Stress
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is presenting occupational stress programs on the following dates. To register, contact Torie Townsend at townsendto@umsystem.edu.

  • August 16 – Managing Work-Life Conflict
  • August 21 – Onboarding: The Principles of Organizational Socialization
  • August 28 – Managing Change: Strategies for Individuals

Help Needed for Research Studies
Research leads to important discoveries that improve our lives. You can learn more about participating in research from MU’s Institutional Review Board. Check out 2 opportunities below to participate in research at MU.

Targeting Childhood to Prevent Adult Obesity
The main purpose of the study is to determine if parental food rules and eating behaviors during childhood are predictors of adulthood dietary patterns and weight status. Participants must be 18 or older and will be asked to complete an anonymous, 10 minute survey. If you have questions, contact Kristen Herigon with the Health Services Management Graduate Program at 573-220-3709 or herigonk@health.missouri.edu.

Overnight Glucose Study – LIFE
Are you pre-diabetic or Type 2 Diabetes? Do you have high morning blood glucose levels? This study will examine your overnight and morning fasting glucose levels in response to exercise at various times of the day. The study is recruiting individuals who are:

  • Need both males and females
  • Must be 25-65 years old
  • Non-smoker, not on insulin
  • Cannot have sleep apnea
  • Not pregnant

If interested, please contact Becky Shafer, MS at 573-882-4517 or munepkanaleylab@missouri.edu. Sponsored by Nutrition & Exercise Physiology.

home Staff news Wish List Wrap Up

Wish List Wrap Up

This past spring, MU librarians created a Wish List of over 400 titles that would enhance teaching and research, but that could not be purchased due to budget limitations. The response from alumni and friends exceeded our highest expectations. Fifty-six donors purchased 105 books and electronic book collections, totaling $22,270 in gifts. The gifts generated a great deal of excitement within our library staff, so please, consider this a collective “thank you” from everyone at the library!

Allowing donors to purchase specific items on topics of interest to them resulted in a broad range of interesting titles that will be heavily used in the years ahead. Here is just a sampling of the items that have been purchased from the Wish List:

  • Dick Toft purchased the Complete and Truly Outstanding Works by Homer for Special Collections & Rare Book
  • Ken Mares in honor of Dr. Ann Johanson purchased the American Academy of Pediatrics 2017 Frontlist E-Book Collection
  • Dedra Earl purchased Margaret Thatcher: A Life and Legacy
  • Suzanne Billhymer purchased Principles of Lightning Physics
  • Carolyn Wenneker purchased Vogue the Shoe
  • Craig Datz purchased Musical Prodigies: Interpretations from Psychology, Education, Musicology, and Ethnomusicology

As of August 1, we have officially brought the 2017 Wish List project to a close.Thankfully, our librarians are beginning to make priority purchases from our collections budget for FY2018. However, significant reductions to the collections budget over the last three years have guaranteed that many faculty requests will go unfulfilled. So, the Wish List will be back next spring, when the collections budget has been exhausted for the current fiscal year.

home Staff news Welcome to Joseph Askins

Welcome to Joseph Askins

I am pleased to remind everyone that Joseph (Joe) Askins, our new Head of Instructional Services, will begins work Wednesday, August 2nd.  Joe’s office will be in East Reference, Room 174. Joe has a Master of Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois and a Bachelor of Journalism from the University of Missouri. He is coming to us from the University of South Carolina, Columbia, where he was the Information Literacy Programs Librarian. Prior to working in South Carolina, Joe was the Assistant Librarian at Northwest Arkansas Community College in Bentonville.

home Staff news Changes in RAIS

Changes in RAIS

I am pleased to share with you that the Research and Information Services (RAIS) Division is changing our name slightly and re-organizing into three major units. Our new name is Research, Access, and Instructional Services Division. Note that we are able to keep the acronym – RAIS.

Subject librarians will report to either Research Services or Instructional Services. All subject librarians will have the same title, Research & Instructional Services Librarian. Research and Instructional Services Librarians will all continue to have liaison, collection development, reference, and instruction responsibilities regardless of whether the individual reports to Research Services or Instructional Services. Subject discipline responsibilities remain the same for individuals except that Anne Barker will be assuming responsibilities for Film Studies and Cindy Cotner will become the liaison for Digital Story Telling.

These changes are effective August 1st. Details about the new RAIS organization are below, including areas of primary responsibility for each unit. The attached organization chart will be posted on the staff web. We expect to change some office locations and will announce these in News Notes.

Please note that Special Collections and Digital Services will continue reporting to RAIS until a new division head is hired for these areas.

Special thanks to Anne, Rhonda, and Cindy for their help with planning for these changes. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Research Services – Rhonda Whithaus
Research & Instructional Services Librarians – Anne Barker, Rachel Brekhus, Janice Dysart, Gwen Gray, Noel Kopriva, Paula Roper

  • Online Information Services (EDS, Electronic Resources Administrator, Journal Linker)
  • Reference Services (desk, chat, Ask a Librarian, reference collection)
  • Liaison Services to Academic Programs (liaison communication, best practices, collection analysis)

 Access Services – Cindy Cotner, Interim Head


  • ILL Borrowing
  • ILL Lending
  • Shelving
  • Consortia Borrowing/Lending Partnerships (MOBIUS, GWLA, SEC, RAPID, CRL)

Instructional Services – Joseph Askins (starts August 2nd)
Research & Instructional Services Librarians:  Jennifer Gravley (temporary position through May 2018); Kimberly Moeller; Michael Muchow

  • Information Literacy in the curriculum
  • Teaching & learning partnerships
  • Instruction program assessment (internal)
  • Training and development (internal)

 Independent Reports:

Government Information and Data Archives Librarian – Marie Concannon

  • FDLP
  • Missouri Documents
  • Data Archives (Official ICPSR Representative, ROPER, public data sets) [Note that Sandy Schiefer is also an ICPSR representative with the status of Designated ICPSR representative.]

 User Engagement Librarian – Cindy Cotner

  • Non-curricular outreach & programming (Coordinate activities with International Center, Disability Center, Counseling Center, Career Center, Finals Week, etc.)

E-learning Librarian and Interim Web Administrator – Navadeep Khanal

  • E-learning initiatives (assessing needs of e-learners; introducing and providing support for new & emerging technologies that support student learning)
  • Manager of E-learning Lab
  • Liaison to ET@MO
  • Web Administrator (Web Team, LibGuide admin,  LibX, SharePoint)
  • Liaison to University Web support

Digital Curator for Journalism (shared position with Reynolds Journalism Institute) – Edward McCain

  • Journalism Digital News Archive (JDNA)
  • National Dodging the Memory Hole conversation
  • Contribute to digital curation of Columbia Missourian and other MU media outlets
  • Partner with Head of the Journalism Library to support student/faculty outreach in support of personal digital archiving
home Staff news The Gathering, Fall 2017

The Gathering, Fall 2017

Every summer departments from across campus get together to share information about the upcoming academic year at a meeting called The Gathering. Notes from the July meeting are now available.

home Staff news New MUSE Posts

New MUSE Posts

Web tip of the week, July 31, 2017

Events for the weekend: Kid Disco! Back to school fairs and SLIME!

Recipe of the Week: BBQ Chicken Tostadas

home Support the Libraries Friends of the Libraries Hold Successful “Evening at the Library” Fundraiser

Friends of the Libraries Hold Successful “Evening at the Library” Fundraiser

On Friday, June 16, 2017, over 70 library supporters gathered for an event sponsored by the Friends of the University of Missouri Libraries. The event included drinks, hors d’doeuvres, a library scavenger hunt, and a silent auction.

The program included a talk from local authors Jill Orr and Alex George. Jill, an MU alum, writes humor essays about parenting on her blog, An Exercise in Narcissism, and published her first novel, The Gold Byline, in April. Alex is the author of the national and international bestseller, A Good American. He is also the founder and director of the Unbound Books Festival, and is a member of the Friends of the University Libraries Council. Attendees also heard remarks, from Ann Riley, vice provost for libraries and university librarian, and Kelli Hansen, special collections librarian.

The event raised around $9,000, which will be used to support the digitization of unique materials from Special Collections & Rare Books. Materials chosen for digitization will be uploaded to the HathiTrust Digital Library–a partnership of major research institutions and libraries working to ensure the cultural record is preserved and accessible.

Thank you to everyone who attended the event or gave a donation! Friends of the Libraries events are a lot of fun and a great way to support our libraries. We hope you’ll join us for our next event.

home Support the Libraries Library donor James B. Nutter dies at age 89

Library donor James B. Nutter dies at age 89

James B. Nutter, Sr., the founder of James B. Nutter & Co., passed away on July 7, 2017, at his Kansas City home. Nutter graduated from the University of Missouri with a Bachelor’s degree in 1949. Along with creating one of the largest privately owned mortgage banking firms in the nation, he was generous with his time and money, giving away much of his wealth to charities and causes, including libraries.

Nutter once stated that he was inspired by his father’s appreciation of libraries, “My interest in libraries comes from my father, who felt that libraries are one of the most important things our country could have. So when I had an opportunity to make an improvement in the MU Libraries, I wanted to do so.”

Nutter was one of the early donors to MU’s first major fundraising campaign, For All We Call Mizzou, donating $1.25 million to the Libraries for an information commons.

The James B. Nutter Family Information Commons opened in the fall of 2004. The space immediately had a huge impact on the MU student body, which continues to this day. The Information Commons provides individual and group study space and integrates the latest online information resources and the expertise of library staff. The 25,000 square foot facility features comfortable seating for more than 300 people, and 100 fixed computer workstations. Any day during the school year, the space is full of students studying and doing research.

Nutter was married to Annabel Fisher Nutter for nearly 63 years. She survives along with his son, James B. Nutter Jr., who is president and chief executive of James B. Nutter & Co. He was preceded in death by his daughter, Nancy Ann Moore, who died of breast cancer in 2003.


