home Staff news Lykins Publishes on Teaching With Primary Sources Collective

Lykins Publishes on Teaching With Primary Sources Collective

“Tales Out of School: Special Collection Instruction in Middle School Field Trips”
TPS Collective, January 2, 2025

home Staff news April Student Archivists Newsletter

April Student Archivists Newsletter

The first newsletter with the 2024 Officers of the Society of American Archivists Mizzou Student Chapter (SAAMUSC) was recently published. Amanda May, a library information specialist in Ellis Library circulation, is the president of the chapter.

Volume 35 Society of American Archivists

home Staff news Barb Jones Co-Author of Two Publications

Barb Jones Co-Author of Two Publications

Barb Jones is a co-author in the following publications:

Zipperer, L., Jones, B., Esparza, J and J. Wahr.  “Evidence, Information and Knowledge: The Basic Elements of Safe Surgical Care” Surgical Patient Safety: A Case-Based Approach. P. Shahel, editor.  2017.

Mark L. Graber*, Diana Rusz, Melissa L. Jones, Diana Farm-Franks, Barbara Jones, Jeannine Cyr Gluck, Dana B. Thomas, Kelly Gleason, Kathy Welte, Jennifer Abfalter, Kathleen Westerhaus, Ginny Adams, Michael Laposata, Quentin Eichbaum, Tina Nabatchi and Margaret Compton.  “The New Diagnostic Team”  Diagnosis 2017  (accepted for publication September 8, 2017)