“Mizzou celebrates reopening of the J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library”
Show Me Mizzou, Feb. 14, 2025
health sciences library
Retirement Announcement for Rich Rexroat
I’m writing to ensure that everyone is aware that Rich Rexroat, Assistant Director for Technical Services and Circulation at HSL, will retire at the end of November. Rich has worked for the Libraries since 1979, and he has made many positive contributions to the Health Sciences Library.
Ann and I have been talking about the staffing needs of the Health Sciences Library over time, and we have believed during all of this time that we have a desperate need for a research-focused librarian who can provide support for our research faculty and students. It is a tough call, when there are so many needs everywhere, but this gap in our staffing is glaring. Therefore, we will be seeking a public services librarian for the vacant position instead of a technical services librarian. The person in the new position, which we hope to post as a Research Support Librarian, will report to Diane Johnson.
Beginning in December, Amanda Sprochi will continue to work with Corrie Hutchinson to help cover cataloging needs across the library system. She will continue to work at the HSL, and report to me regarding the HSL collection. Terri Hall will once again report to me as she did for many years, since we already work closely on our most difficult issues. Diane Johnson will continue to take care of collection development, which she has done since Shelley Worden retired. Renita Richmond will continue to report to Amanda, assisting in technical services, with no substantive change in her duties.
Rich has asked that we not have a system-wide retirement event for him. He prefers a low-key approach to his big day. We are honoring his wishes, and I hope that you will send him a note or give him a call as you would like.
Deborah Ward
Health Sciences Library Phone Number Change
The Health Sciences Library is moving to a single service desk, and we’ve consolidated our phone numbers. To contact both the circulation desk and the information desk, please call 573-882-4153. This switch has been changed in libanswers, libguides and the contact us pages.
Sign Up Now for Reverse Trick-or-Treating
Start preparing your Halloween costumes and getting your treats together, because it’s time for reverse trick-or-treating at Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Last year the libraries participated and it was a wonderful time. We delivered goody bags that had coloring books, playdoh, toys, etc.
Reverse trick-or-treating will begin at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 31. If you are interested in participating, either by donating items or joining for the actual event, please email Taira Meadowcroft meadowcroftt@health.missouri.edu
Things to consider for items you want to buy for the kids: “Candy is allowed, but there is a possibility some patients may have restricted diets, so sugar-free candy or toys are also welcome. Suggested treats include stickers, pencils, costume jewelry, toy cars, bouncy balls, key chains, coloring books, Play-Doh and items appropriate for teenagers. Because of latex allergies and choking hazards, no latex balloons are allowed.”
Barb Jones Co-Author of Two Publications
Barb Jones is a co-author in the following publications:
Zipperer, L., Jones, B., Esparza, J and J. Wahr. “Evidence, Information and Knowledge: The Basic Elements of Safe Surgical Care” Surgical Patient Safety: A Case-Based Approach. P. Shahel, editor. 2017.
Mark L. Graber*, Diana Rusz, Melissa L. Jones, Diana Farm-Franks, Barbara Jones, Jeannine Cyr Gluck, Dana B. Thomas, Kelly Gleason, Kathy Welte, Jennifer Abfalter, Kathleen Westerhaus, Ginny Adams, Michael Laposata, Quentin Eichbaum, Tina Nabatchi and Margaret Compton. “The New Diagnostic Team” Diagnosis 2017 (accepted for publication September 8, 2017)
Final impact on the Health Sciences Library of the 1.2 million dollar collections cut

As previously announced, as part of the University Libraries $1.2 million collections cut currently underway, the “big deal” journal packages from Elsevier, Wiley, Springer, and Sage were evaluated and renegotiated.
That work is now complete, achieving an additional savings of about $588,000 to count toward the collections cut. This is the latest is a series of cuts affecting the Health Sciences Library collections.
What do these cuts mean for the health sciences?
Delayed access for articles in over 200 journals
As a result of these cuts, instant article access will not be available for over $300,000 in health sciences journals from Wiley, Springer and Sage. While we will retain online access to back issues for the cancelled titles, articles from 2017 forward will need to be requested via Interlibrary loan. Most articles arrive within two business days.
Pay more, keep less
Instant access will be maintained to all of the Elsevier titles. However, in order to balance the budget, 90 titles are being converted from purchase to rental access. Seven of these titles are health sciences journals.
Despite the loss of permanent archival access to articles in these 90 journals from 2017 forward, the total cost of the Elsevier package is still over $1 million dollars a year, and will continue to increase by $50,000+ per year for each of the next 3 years under the terms of the new contract.
Alternate online access
Despite being removed from their respective packages, we will maintain complete online access to current issues for the following titles through alternate routes:
Clinical Rehabilitation (Sage)
Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics (Wiley)
What can you do?
Hang on to your author rights when you publish. YOU could be our organization’s best defense against a publishing model in which university faculty give away their work over free, or even pay to have it published, and the libraries must then purchase it back from them at ever-increasing prices.