home Staff news Welcome to Peter Kouba

Welcome to Peter Kouba

Peter Kouba has started as a Library Information Assistant in Circulation Reserve. His first day was Thursday, August 24.

home Staff news Celebration of Life for Debbie Melvin

Celebration of Life for Debbie Melvin

A Celebration of Life for Debbie Melvin will be held at Living Faith Church in Ashland on Saturday, September 2, 11am. The family has requested that attendees do not wear black. An obituary for Debbie will run in this Sunday’s (8/27) Tribune.

Living Faith Church
7991 E. Route Y

Ashland, MO 65010

home Staff news Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

The Libraries have several positions available. To review open positions, please visit http://library.missouri.edu/about/employment/employopp/.

  • Engineering Librarian – 22811
  • Assistant or Associate Director for Special Collections, Archives, and Rare Books (SCARaB) – 22743
  • Maintenance Services Attendant (part time) – 24000
  • Library Specialist – 24069
home Staff news New MUSE Posts

New MUSE Posts

Web tip of the week, August 21, 2017

Webinar with Documentarian Ken Burns on new Vietnam War series

Recipe of the Week: Pumpkin Spice Chex Mix

home Resources and Services Warning About Fake Library Email Messages

Warning About Fake Library Email Messages

We have reports that some students have received email messages that appear to be from the University of Missouri Libraries. The messages ask recipients to click on a link to reactivate their library accounts. These messages do not come from the Libraries. DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK. If you have questions, you may contact a librarian at libraryanswers.missouri.edu/.

Below is a sample of the fake email message.

Dear User,
Your access to your library account is expiring soon due to inactivity. To continue to have access to the library services, you must reactivate your account. 
For this purpose, click the web address below. A successful login will activate your account and you will be redirected to a database as random.Click here.

If you are not able to login, please contact Susan Jackson at jacksonsu@missouri.edu for immediate assistance.
Susan Jackson
University of Missouri

Library Services 
T: 573-882-2469


home Resources and Services Possible Technology Interruptions During Eclipse

Possible Technology Interruptions During Eclipse

As Mizzou prepares to celebrate the solar eclipse on Monday, Aug. 21, students, faculty and staff should anticipate possible interruptions in some technology services. While we do not expect operations to be impacted severely, we should be prepared for some challenges due to the combined effects of the first day of classes plus visitors, both on-campus and in the surrounding community.

During times of peak demand, students, faculty, staff, and visitors may experience:

  • Overloaded cellular service, which could cause calls to fail and/or text messaging delays, along with the loss of data services;
  • Problems accessing TigerWifi and TigerWifi-Guest due to excessive load; less impact would be seen on wired connections;
  • Possible problems logging into University resources;
  • Slower commercial internet connectivity in the Columbia area. Users could experience delays or difficulty reaching websites or other resources;

Remote workers and learners also may be affected by strain on commercial internet providers and campus resources such as VPN services.

We appreciate your patience as we anticipate this once-in-a-lifetime event. If you have any questions, please contact our help desk at (573) 882-5000.


Gary Allen
UM Vice President Information Technology and MU Chief Information Officer

home Staff news Voicemail Tip

Voicemail Tip

With our new phone system, the email and phone voicemail are integrated. This means that if you delete the voicemail from you email, it will no longer be available on your phone. Also, if you listen to the voicemail on your phone, it will no longer show up in your email. Let us know if you have any other tips about using the new phones that you would like to share.

–Libraries Administration

home Staff news Retirements


Best wishes to our upcoming retirees!

  • Alla Barabtarlo, Head of Special Collections and Rare Books. Her last day will be August 18, 2017.
  • Geoffrey Preckshot, Library Specialist – UMLD. His last day will be September 7, 2017.
  • Barb Jones, NNLM Library Advocacy and Missouri Coordinator. Her last day will be September 30, 2017.
home Staff news Goodbye to Tammie Busch

Goodbye to Tammie Busch

Tammie Busch will be leaving the Libraries for a new position with the State Library. Her last day will be August 31, 2017.

home Staff news NEH Award for Vetusta Monumenta

NEH Award for Vetusta Monumenta

Dear Friends,

Many of you have been helping with this project in one way or another for years, so I wanted to be sure to let you know that my co-editor (and former PhD student) Crystal Lake and I received a three-year NEH Scholarly Editions grant to complete our digital edition of Vetusta Monumenta. So many librarians have generously helped us with this project since 2012. (The librarians are Anne Barker, Kelli Hansen, Alla Barabtarlo, and Michael Holland.)

So far at MU only my department has taken notice of this publicly:


Crystal’s university published a really nice piece, however:


And the most important link of all: http://vetustamonumenta.org

We look forward to three more years of collaboration on this project!

All best, Noah Heringman