home Events and Exhibits Fourth Annual Cyberinfrastructure Day to Be Held on Oct. 4

Fourth Annual Cyberinfrastructure Day to Be Held on Oct. 4

Save the date! The Cyberinfrastructure Council will hold its fourth CI Day at MU at Memorial Union on Wednesday, October 4. This year’s theme is Leveraging Shared Resources for Innovation and Discovery.

CI Day fosters collaboration, networking, and collective problem-solving. Attendees will learn more about advanced computing technologies across a wide range of disciplines.

Registration is now open! Please register for the conference and make your FREE lunch selection. Lunch is generously being provided by Dell, Inc.

The keynote speakers are Irene Qualter of the National Science Foundation and Mark McIntosh the UM vice president for research and economic development. There are several other sessions featuring speakers from across the MU campus, including Anne Barker, research and instruction librarian for the University Libraries.

home Staff news Upcoming Learning Opportunities sponsored by the Division of Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity

Upcoming Learning Opportunities sponsored by the Division of Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity

Fall 2017 Workplace Diversity Series
SERIES FOCUS: Including People with Disabilities in the Workplace

The purpose of this series is to enhance the capacity of faculty and staff as they engage on their daily campus activities to understand and learn about disability as an issue of diversity rather than difference, and of strength rather than deficit.

The skills and attitudes learned in this series can be applied to the workplace, the classroom, and in interpersonal and community contexts. We hope that the participants will serve as leaders in bringing awareness about issues related to disabilities across campus and affect changes in practices and policies.

Pre-registration is required. Participants who attend all sessions will earn a certificate of completion.


Constructive Communication Across Differences Series
The purpose of this series is to enhance the capacity of faculty and staff to engage in conversations about challenging, emotionally-laden topics (i.e., race, discrimination, policy, politics, etc.). The skills learned in this series can be applied to the workplace, the classroom, and in interpersonal and community contexts. The sessions include:

Active Listening Concepts and Tools

Strategies for Navigating Emotions in Conversations

Collaborative and Deliberative Dialogue

Pre-registration is required. Participants who attend all sessions will earn a Certificate of Completion.


Islam: Dispelling Myths to Break down Barriers
Featuring keynote speaker Amer F. Ahmed

7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 3

Cornell Auditorium of the Trulaske College of Business

Event is free and open to the public

The post-9/11 era in the U.S. has exposed a significant degree of prejudice and bigotry towards Muslim people. This program will benefit participants interested in learning more about Islam and Islamophobia, providing needed context to bridge divides.

home Staff news Healthy for Life Update

Healthy for Life Update

If you’ve already completed Tier 1, make sure to finish Tier 2 of the 2017 Wellness Incentive by September 30 in order to earn $400* in your final October paycheck. Define what wellness means to you and participate in a number of eligible activities to earn 400 points. Walking, biking, yoga, community service, diversity and inclusion activities, and learning about a variety of wellness topics can earn you points and help you define what wellness means to you! For a full list of eligible activities, access the 2017 Wellness Incentive Tier 2 Activities Guide.

* Your 2017 Wellness Incentive earnings will be taxed and voluntary retirement contributions will be deducted, just like with other earnings. All may participate in the wellness program, but only some employees are able to earn the incentive; see http://umurl.us/incentive for eligibility details


Flu Shot Clinics start in October.
No appointment necessary!   Flu season is quickly approaching, so consider attending a flu shot clinics on your campus beginning in October.  Flu shots are covered for faculty, staff, dependents (12 years and older, accompanied by an adult) and retirees enrolled in a university of Missouri System (UM) medical plan.  Be sure to bring your insurance card and a completed flu shot consent form with you to the clinic.  If you are not enrolled in a UM medical plan, flu shots are $20 cash or check payable to Health for Life.

Find the schedule, a clinic near you, and the downloadable consent form by visiting  http://umurl.us/fluvax

Weight Watchers, New Session starting 9/28/17
A weight-loss plan that fits with your lifestyle.  Attending Weight Watchers meetings regularly can be a Launchpad to success.

When: Thursdays

Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm

Location: Quarterdeck Building, Room 162A

Cost: $156 for 12 weeks If you start at the beginning

Contact: Marion Spase at marion.l.spase@weightwatchers.com

Real Appeal
Real Appeal is a personalized online weight loss program available at no cost to employees and their dependents over age 18 who are enrolled in a UM-sponsored medical insurance plan, and who have a BMI of 23 or greater. Real Appeal gives you the tools, information and support you need to make smarter choices. Participants will get individualized support, including professional coaching for a full year online or on their smart phone. The best part? Results! 82% of participants who completed the program lost weight. Visit the UM System Real Appeal website at http://umissouri.realappeal.com/ for more information.

home Staff news Library Management Team Action and Information Items, 9/12/17

Library Management Team Action and Information Items, 9/12/17

LMT 09.12.17 Information and Action Items

home Staff news New MUSE Posts

New MUSE Posts

Web tip of the week, September 11, 2017

Recipe of the Week: Slow Cooker Pumpkin Pecan Pudding Cake

home Staff news Notes from the Director, 9/11/17

Notes from the Director, 9/11/17

Hello everyone,

I learned on Friday that we have approval to build the replacement for U2, the second phase of our library depository, another module of UMLD on Lemone Blvd.  It will be an extension of the current UMLD, to the south of the current building.  We will pay for it with existing funds now being spent to rent and maintain U2, the old Rust and Martin furniture store near the Midway exit off I-70, as well as additional funds we will have available, with student approval, from the Enhance Mizzou fee.  Cost is estimated at $5.2M, and campus will cover that amount and the Libraries will use our income, described above, to pay it back over a term of years.

Next week I meet with Heiddi Davis, from Facilities, and we will start working on the bid process and details.  Because we are building on university-owned land, and already have an architect’s plan, we hope to move as quickly as possible and be in by next summer.

This is amazingly good news, and I hope to have more details to share with you soon.

Besides that, I want to remind you all that the Campus Climate Survey results, from the survey we took last fall, will be presented at two campus open forums in Jesse Auditorium.  The first one is tomorrow at 3:30, and the second one is Wed., also in Jesse, at 12:30 pm.  All are encouraged to attend.  The survey is nationally normed, and MU has done it several times before. It was done all across the system, and UMKC got their results today.  MU is always looking to improve climate and morale for all, and create a supportive, inclusive environment for our students, faculty and staff.  Getting survey data on how things are helps us know how to improve, so we can’t be afraid of these surveys.  Improving communication improves every organization, and I hope we can continue to work on making the Libraries an even better organization.




home Staff news Staff Advisory Group Notes, 9/7/17

Staff Advisory Group Notes, 9/7/17


  • General announcements & introductions: Kevin McFillen

Internal Speaker: Grace Atkins presenting on OERs

  • Vice Provost’s report: Ann Campion Riley

We hope to receive approval soon from the Provost for the new $5 million depository.  The Campus will loan us the money and we will make installments until it is paid off.  Since the other system campuses have found other avenues for depository materials, this is slated as a campus proposal instead of a system proposal such as the current depository was built.  Once built, we will then relinquish our rented space for UMLD II.

Provost Stokes has indicated that she will restore $1 million of the funds lost in the campus cuts for our Libraries collections.  This will allow us to keep our packages with our large vendors.  We can share this information with our stakeholders and interested parties.

The State Historical Society is looking at moving Dec. 2019.  Renovations could start in Jan. 2020.  The Provost’s office has indicated that the Libraries will have first dibs on the space.  Our ideas include Archives moving over, disabilities services, Student Success Center tutoring space.  Jim Spain, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies, has offered some funds for part of the renovations relating to the space planned for the Student Success Center.

We still hope for an additional expansion to the South.  We will look at drawing up plans to share with donors, Chancellor and System President in the near future.

We are pleased to welcome the Council of Deans and Chancellor’s Staff meeting in 114A on Monday mornings for a few months this semester.

  • Submitted Question: How is the water being filtered? Is the water safe to drink following the boil advisory?

Drinking Fountains are filtered from sediment and lime.  The bottle filling stations are set up with our filters that last longer.  Consequently, the “bottles saved” indicator is inactive.  The filters are all on an annual replacement program.  It does not filter for taste.  Jimmy from campus facilities confirmed that the water is safe to drink after the recent precautionary boil advisories.

  • HR Updates, upcoming events: Sheryl Cullina

Clarification about the organizational tree changes as mentioned in the past LMT minutes:  We are currently considered one department by the campus, but we do not operate or consider ourselves as such.  We are applying our current org charts to PeopleSoft.

Engineering Librarian and SCARAB positions are open and accepting applications. Sr. Library Specialist – Digital Services and part time Maintenance Services Attendant are the open staff positions at this time.


Division of Inclusion, Diversity and Equity upcoming training dates and details are being worked out.

Mizzou One Read: Infamy

Sep. 25, 1:00 pm: Experience of Puerto Rican Citizenship

Oct. 6, 12:30 pm: Rights of Guantanamo detainees

Oc.t 18, 5:00 pm: faculty panel about ideas the book raises.

Public library one read, small book display: The Turner House

  • Tribute to Debbie Melvin – Kathy Peters

Many library staff members attended Debbie Melvin’s Celebration of Life this past weekend.  Delightful stories about Debbie were shared, followed by a picnic lunch.  Debbie wanted to be remembered in this joyous manner.

  • Guest Speaker: Grace Atkins – Outreach Librarian

SAC: Website will show what organizations are involved in Joint Council with the Student Advisory Committee that has been responsible for facilitating the Student Enhancement Fee passage.  SAC is meeting 6 times this semester to keep up with their student vision for the Student Enhancement Fee.  They are excited to hear that we want to expand to the South.

OER: Open and Affordable Educational Resources Taskforce has identified their goals and mission.  Grace serves on two subcommittees for the OAER Taskforce.  UMKC librarian is on the other subcommittees, so we have a librarian represented on all subcommittees.  The goal is to educate faculty on what we have already.  The focus is on adopting open textbooks that have already been written.

MOBIUS and Open Textbook Network: Sep 27 is the kickoff webinar to explain the partnership.  Trains people how to lead reviewed textbook workshops. They hope to have a librarian at every campus to lead such workshops for faculty.

  • Chair closing remarks: Kevin McFillen

Staff Advisory Group: Tuesday, Oct. 10th, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 p.m

home Staff news Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

The Libraries have immediate openings for the following positions:

  • Library Specialist – Digital Services (part time) – 24241
  • Library Specialist – Government Information and Ellis Library Borrowing (internal only) – 24238

For additional information, including the job description, salary, and shift, please visit the Libraries webpage at http://library.missouri.edu/about/employment/employopp/#staff_job_openings.


home Staff news New MUSE Posts

New MUSE Posts

Web tip of the week, September 4th 2018

Recipe of the week: Mayonnaise Banana Bread

home Staff news Marketing Highlights

Marketing Highlights

We sent out the first electronic version of Library Connections a couple of weeks ago. Staff should have also received the newsletter. We received positive feedback from our donors. We send out two paper copies of Library Connections, our donor newsletter, a year. We hope to continue to send out regular electronic editions of the newsletter and occasional engaging emails to our supporters throughout the year.