home Budget Collections Budget Update with Cancellation Lists

Collections Budget Update with Cancellation Lists

Thank you to faculty, students, and staff who contributed to the difficult process of reducing our collections spending in FY17. We have completed the process for this fiscal year.

  • You may review lists of journals cancelled.
  • We stopped ordering books on April 1 and will resume after July 1. Please let your subject librarian know of materials you will need for the summer and early fall as soon as you can.
  • Please be aware especially of how these budget cuts may impact your students as they must rely more on interlibrary loan and MOBIUS for materials. These impacts include:

    • waiting for delivery of articles and books from other libraries;
    • shorter loan periods; and
    • stricter overdue fines from other libraries.
  • Although it’s tempting to use informal methods (I can haz pdf, SciHub, etc.) to obtain articles, be aware that these often involve violations of copyright and license agreements, can pose online security issues, and prevent us from knowing what you need. We will deliver materials via interlibrary loan as quickly as possible—and use request data to make future budget decisions.
  • Help us be more aware of what materials are used: please link to articles and other online materials rather than reposting pdfs.
  • Please do not reshelve materials used in the libraries. Just leave them on a table or reshelving area, so we can register that they’ve been used.

Our budget for FY18 is not yet final, but we will be reducing our collections spending again. Our first project towards this reduction will be to review the titles in our package of journals published by the University of Chicago Press (Chicago Complete). To contribute your feedback on these titles, please review the list posted on our Collections Review page. Please contribute feedback by May 30th.

home Events and Exhibits Black History Month 2017

Black History Month 2017

During February, the University of Missouri celebrates black history and culture. This year's theme is Focus on Black Education. For more information about events, scroll the Black History Month 2017 Calendar: missouri.edu/blackhistory/

Black History Trivia FUNraiser



Join your friends at Ellis Library for an evening of fun, facts, food and friendly competition, at the third annual Black History Month Trivia Night. Form a team, choose a local charity to support, prepare to show what you know, and come out enriched with more knowledge. 

Suggested donation is $20 per team member, $10 for students/low income, donated at the event.



Also, don't forget to check out our MU Libraries Twitter feed for daily #OnThisDay tweets about black history that occurred across decades during the month of February: twitter.com/MULibraries

home Events and Exhibits University Libraries Undergraduate Research Contest Call for Submissions

University Libraries Undergraduate Research Contest Call for Submissions

Fast Facts:

  • All undergraduates are invited to submit a class research project from 2016.
  • Prizes: One $500 scholarship for first prize and one $250 scholarship for second prize will be awarded to an individual or group project. The winners will have their projects archived in MOspace, MU’s digital repository, and will have the opportunity to participate in a research presentation session at Ellis Library.

Acceptable research project formats include:

Traditional research papers · Musical compositions  · Works of art 
Videos · Websites  ·  Other creative works  

Submissions must have been researched using the resources of the MU Libraries.

The project will be judged primarily on sophistication of the research process and the materials used as documented by a Research Process Statement and a Faculty Support Statement. More information is available at https://libraryguides.missouri.edu/researchcontest/.

The deadline for submission of all materials is March 13, 2017.

Contest winners will be notified by April 3.

home Events and Exhibits Grand Reopening of Bookmark Cafe, Feb. 7

Grand Reopening of Bookmark Cafe, Feb. 7

Join us from 10 to 11:30 am on Feb. 7 for the Grand Reopening of Bookmark Cafe in Ellis Library. Over the winter break, the Bookmark Cafe was renovated thanks to funding provided by the Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee. Come check out the new seating and outlets available for your study needs. In addition, the Cafe now features Harold's Doughnuts! During this event there will be free coffee and samples of Harold's Doughnuts.

home Events and Exhibits This Week in Black History, Woolworth Sit-In

This Week in Black History, Woolworth Sit-In

On February 1, 1960, four black students from the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University went to the segregated lunch counter at the Woolworth Store in Greensboro, North Carolina where they responded to being denied service by remaining at the counter until closing. The sit-in grew in size and scope eventually leading to the official desegregation of Woolworth lunch counters throughout the South, making it one of the most memorable and impactful efforts of the Civil Rights Movement.

The theme for this year's Black History Month at MU is Focus on Black Education. This year's calendar has many great events including a lecture and discussion with Keeanga-Yamatta Taylor on February 8th at Ellis Library, a concert by the LBC Gospel Choir and the Oakwood University Aeolians on February 17th, and an event on February 24th celebrating Monica Hand and Nina Simone. More details on events are included on the 2017 Black History Month calendar. For more information contact the Department of Black Studies at blackstudies@missouri.edu.

home Resources and Services MU Libraries by the Numbers

MU Libraries by the Numbers

home Government Information 2016 Tax Information Is Now Available

2016 Tax Information Is Now Available

2016 tax information is available at libraryguides.missouri.edu/tax. The deadline for filing is Tuesday, April 18, 2017.

home Events and Exhibits Black History FUNRaiser on Febuary 28

Black History FUNRaiser on Febuary 28

The Black History Month Trivia FUNRaiser, which has become a tradition at Mizzou, caps the events of February. From 6 to 9 p.m. on February 28 in Ellis Library’s room 114A, teams will compete for prizes, which include donations to the charities of their choice. 

You do not have to be a black history expert to enjoy the the evening's activities, which include comradery, friendly competition and refreshments, and you will definitely learn something! However, attending some of the events on the Black History Month Calendar will be an advantage since one category of questions is always developed relevant to these scheduled presentations.

The FUNRaiser’s coordinators cordially invite you to form a team of five to eight members. If you register your team by January 31, you can also suggest questions for the event. Follow the link http://libcal.missouri.edu/event/3091394 to register and see details specific to the FUNRaiser including which charities are eligible for consideration.

Please include the FUNRaiser on your calendar and we look forward to seeing you on February 28.

home Hours Bookmark Cafe Closes at 8 pm, Jan. 17-27

Bookmark Cafe Closes at 8 pm, Jan. 17-27

The Bookmark Cafe will close at 8pm for the first two weeks of Spring Semester. More hours can be found at library.missouri.edu/hours.

home Ellis Library, Hours Ellis Library Closed Due to Weather on January 13 & 14

Ellis Library Closed Due to Weather on January 13 & 14

Elllis Library will be closed on January 13 and 14 due to adverse weather conditions that have been predicted. The specialized libraries will also be closed.

University Libraries were previously scheduled to be close on January 15 and 16 for observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.

The MU Campus will be closed on Friday, Jan. 13. More information can be found at MU Alert.