Hogarth Press


The Hogarth Press was established in 1917 by Leonard and Virginia Woolf. Unlike other private presses of the period, the Hogarth Press did not aim to produce particularly fine books. Rather, it was a literary press, the emphasis being on the quality of the content. The Press started as little more than a hobby, but owing to the success of the Press's early work, production was increasingly outsourced to commercial printers, though some Hogarth Press books continued to be printed in the Woolfs' home into the 1930s. From 1938 to 1946 the Press was run in partnership by Leonard Woolf and John Lehmann, after which it became an associate company of Chatto & Windus.

Special Collections has the following items printed at or published by the Hogarth Press:

  • Apuleius. The Golden Ass of Lucius Apuleius. New York: 1924. PA6209.M3 A4 1924
  • Cole, G. D. H. Politics and Literature. London: 1929. PR149.P6 C6 1929
  • Sansom, William. Lord Love Us. London: 1954. PR6037.A75 L6 1954