home Ellis Library, Resources and Services Digital Media Lab in Ellis Library

Digital Media Lab in Ellis Library

The Digital Media and Innovation Lab (DMiL) in Ellis Library provides innovative technology and resources for your creative projects.  The DMiL has an Audio Recording Booth, Digital Art Tools, and 3D Scanners in Room 156; interview recording room in Room 157, and a film studio in Room 3E21.

The DMiL is complemented by the Information Commons computers and equipment checkout at the checkout & information desk.  The DMiL is available to students for class or personal projects.

You can make a reservation and check-in or stop by for a consultation in Room 153.

Monday: 1:00pm – 7:00pm
Tuesday – Thursday: 10:00am – 7:00pm
Friday: 10:00am – 3:00pm

Questions & Consultation email: ellisdml@missouri.edu

home Resources and Services Free Equipment Checkout

Free Equipment Checkout

Did you leave your laptop at home? Forgot your phone charger? Need a camera? The Checkout Desk at your library can help you out! Check out the available equipment here. All equipment is available with your student ID. Materials can be renewed in person at the desk. But be careful! There is a $2 fine for every hour it is returned late.

So, the next time you are studying all day at the library and your phone dies, don’t worry! Just head over to the Checkout Desk at your library.

home Resources and Services Fall 2023 Theses and Dissertations Now on MOspace

Fall 2023 Theses and Dissertations Now on MOspace

Fall 2023 theses and dissertations are now freely available to view on MOspace. MOspace is an online repository that permanently houses all theses and dissertations written by MU students. The full collection highlights student research back to 1896.

This batch adds 25 theses and 32 dissertations to our expanding collection, with an additional 42 items embargoed until December 2024.

View the full collection on MOspace.

home Cycle of Success Marie Concannon Receives American Library Association Award

Marie Concannon Receives American Library Association Award

Marie Concannon, head of government information and data archive at the MU Libraries, is the recipient of the 2024 James Bennett Childs Award. This honor, which is awarded by the Government Documents Round Table of the American Library Association, is a tribute to an individual who has made a lifetime and significant contribution to the field of documents librarianship. Concannon received the award at the American Library Association Conference this summer in San Diego, California.

From the award letter: “The Awards Committee noted that the support letters for your nomination focused on your dedication to the profession and your lifetime of service. Your role in Government Documents practice has been exemplary. Your work with Prices and Wages by Decade has been beneficial not only to the government information community, but to the wider community as well. It is a privilege to honor you with this award for your years of dedication and service to Government Information.”

home Uncategorized Books to Read on the Beach (or Couch!) This Spring Break

Books to Read on the Beach (or Couch!) This Spring Break

How about some FUN reading for your Spring Break entertainment? If you want time away from your textbooks, look over the leisure reading materials on the in the Ellis Library Information Commons. These materials — compliments of the Daniel Boone Regional Library — include novels, magazines, graphic novels and more. These materials are available for you to take, read and then return at your leisure! No need to check them out and no due dates!

Materials will be changed on the first Tuesday of most months, so come back again to see what is new. These items are not part of our collection, so you will not locate them in the library catalog. Take a book and relish the reading!

The MU Libraries wish you a great Spring Break!

home Cycle of Success MU Libraries Integral to Research on Kafka

MU Libraries Integral to Research on Kafka

Assisted by the MU Libraries, humanities researcher Carsten Strathausen is constructing a comprehensive visual database encompassing all adaptations of Franz Kafka’s “The Trial.” This resource aims to serve scholars and students for years to come.

Research Librarian Anne Barker consulted with Carsten on the project by identifying and acquiring materials, suggesting strategies for gathering data, and pointing him to other library staff who could assist. Seth Huber, head of cataloging acquisitions and collection development,
searched for and downloaded the catalog records of versions and translations of “The Trial.”
In addition, Steven Pryor, director of digital initiatives, developed a Python web-crawler to gather metadata on these resources and played a key role in organizing the dataset. He also helped to created an Excel sheet containing vital information to track advancements, which will be useful to continue these research endeavors.

The Interlibrary Loan team played a crucial role in acquiring numerous adaptations of “The Trial” from around the globe, including artworks, films, graphic novels and more. Ivy Hui, head of the ILL Borrowing/Requesting Unit, and her dedicated team maintained regular communication with Dr. Strathausen, updating him on their progress in locating these elusive adaptations of Kafka’s text.

Dr. Stathausen is continuing his work with a grant from the MU Center for the Humanities and is organizing an international symposium on “Digital Kafka” that will take place this fall at Georgetown University.

For more information on this project and an interview with Dr. Strathausen, visit Research, Innovation and Impact.

home Resources and Services Save a Trip to the Library: Request Scan & Deliver

Save a Trip to the Library: Request Scan & Deliver

If you need journal articles, book chapters, proceedings, technical reports, government documents, and any part of other printed publications found within the libraries, simply request that the item be scanned and delivered to you via email. This includes items in any library building, and our off-site depository.

There are many ways you can request items from the libraries:

  • In our MU Libraries catalog, you can request items we have in print using
  • When searching for articles in databases, you can request a copy throughFindit@MU
  • Fill out the blank interlibrary loan form if you already know what item you are looking for

There is no charge for MU Faculty, Staff, and Students. For more information on our Scan & Deliver service, please visit our Scan & Deliver page.

home Resources and Services How to Find Ebooks at Mizzou Libraries

How to Find Ebooks at Mizzou Libraries

Mizzou Libraries has access to many ebooks and we have an easy way for you to search for them.

Go to library.missouri.edu and type out your topic or the name of the book (put the title in quotation marks for best results) you are looking for in the search box. Click the search button (see the image below for an example).

For books in health sciences, take a look at the Health Sciences Library ebook page.

For books in veterinary medicine, take a look at the Zalk Library ebook page.

For books in journalism and communication, take a look at the Journalism Library ebook page.

If you get stuck or have a question, our 24/6 chat is on the right hand side of the screen. We are here for you.

Scroll down through the search results until you see Filter by Format on the left hand side. Choose Ebook. If Ebook doesn’t show up as an option, choose Show More, then click Ebook. 


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Resources and Services Digital Media Lab in Ellis Library

Digital Media Lab in Ellis Library

The Digital Media & Innovation Lab (DMiL) in Ellis Library provides innovative technology and resources for your creative projects. The lab has an Audio Recording Booth, Digital Art Tools, and 3D Scanners in Room 156; an Interview Recording Room in Room 157, and a Film Studio in Room 3E21.

The DMiL is complemented by the Information Commons computers and equipment checkout at the Checkout & Information desk. The DMiL is available to students for class or personal projects.

You can make a reservation and check-in or stop by for a consultation in Room 156.

Monday – Thursday: 10:00am – 7:00pm
Friday: 10:00am – 3:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Questions & Consultation email: ellisdml@missouri.edu

home Events and Exhibits You Are Invited to the 5th Annual Virtual Missouri Affordable and Open Educational Resources Conference

You Are Invited to the 5th Annual Virtual Missouri Affordable and Open Educational Resources Conference

The Missouri Affordable and Open Educational Resources Conference (A&OER) planning committee invites you to the 5th annual virtual conference.

The MO A&OER Conference will be held virtually on March 7, 2024. A Creative Commons Pre-Conference Workshop will be held virtually on March 6, 2024. Registration for the virtual A&OER Conference is free to all attendees and we welcome out-of-state and international participants. Pre-conference training from Creative Commons will be limited to 50 attendees based in Missouri. Registration for both the CC Pre-Conference Workshop and the A&OER Conference is open through March 5, 2024. Limited space is available for the CC Pre-Conference Workshop so register early if you plan to attend.

The theme of this year’s conference will be “OER: A Student-Focused Innovation” and will focus on faculty/instructor/teacher experiences of adopting and adapting OER, creative uses for OER in the classroom, the impact of OER on student outcomes, open practice and pedagogy. We are excited to announce Dr. Virginia Clinton-Lisell as our keynote speaker. Her session titled “Degrees of Open: The how and why of incorporating open education into courses one step at a time” will be presented as a lunch keynote.

Visit the conference website for more details or register through Sched.