home Budget, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library Zalk Library & the FY17 MU Libraries Budget

Zalk Library & the FY17 MU Libraries Budget

8 June 2016

Information on the MU Libraries FY17 budget and how these cuts will affect the veterinary collections

Summary: For the MU Libraries, the 5% campus-wide budget cut amounts to $877,000. About 70% of this cut ($627,000) will come from reductions in operational expenditures (e.g., staffing, services, etc.); 30% ($250,000) will be cut from the collections budget.

In addition to the 5% cut, the collections budget faces further and significant shortfalls due to increasing costs of materials, cuts to UM System library funds, and other funding shortages. For FY2017, the MU Libraries collection budget is facing a $1.2 million shortfall. This shortfall represents a nearly 20% cut to library collections.

Subject funds to be cut 20%: As mentioned in Ann Riley and Rabia Gregory’s communication dated May 26, subject-specific funds are facing a 20% reduction. I directly control approximately $50,000 for “veterinary” materials and will need to cut $10,000 from that fund. In order to protect online veterinary journals, I will be cutting low-use print only journals and severely curtailing book purchasing. If you need a book for your research or teaching, please let me know. Your input on book purchasing is extremely useful – I want to make sure I’m purchasing what you need and not what I think you need.

IMPORTANT: Many of the resources you use are included in our journal packages or are included in other science and biomedical subject funds. All of the science librarians will be working closely together to mitigate the impact of the severe collections cut as best we can.

Your additional feedback will be needed: Thanks for your comments on journals in our ScienceDirect and Wiley packages. This feedback is informing our negotiation process with these publishers. Over the summer, we will be soliciting feedback on additional journal titles.

Thank you: This is not an easy or pleasant task. If you have any questions or want additional detail, please contact me.

More information on the Libraries collections budget can be found at: http://library.missouri.edu/collectionsreviewupdate/

Kate Anderson
Head, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library

home Hours, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library Extended Hours for Finals: June 18 & 19

Extended Hours for Finals: June 18 & 19

We're adding some weekend hours before finals week. Finish strong, Tigers!

Saturday, June 18th: Noon – 6:00pm
Sunday, June 19th: 2:00pm – 8:00pm

Thanks for the request — we're glad to be able to accommodate!

Resources for Veterinary Genomics

Check out the guide for Dr. Amos-Landgraf's VPB 5579 course on Veterinary Genomics:  https://libraryguides.missouri.edu/vpb5579

Information Resources for VRSP

Research Guide for the Veterinary Research Summer Program (VRSP) Foundations course: https://libraryguides.missouri.edu/vrsp


home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library Dr. Booth: Rapid Alterations in Perirenal Adipose Tissue Transcriptomic Networks with Cessation of Voluntary Running (Open Access)

Dr. Booth: Rapid Alterations in Perirenal Adipose Tissue Transcriptomic Networks with Cessation of Voluntary Running (Open Access)

Dr. Frank W. Booth, PhD. is a Professor in the Department of Physiology & Pharmacology at the School of Medicine, the department of Nutrition & Exercise Physiology, and is a Research Investigator at the Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center. His research interests currently include elucidating mechanisms underlying the decreases in physical activity and gaining a better understanding of why cardiorespiratory fitness, or VO2max declines as an organism ages. Dr. Booth has published over 220 publications and has numerous national and international honor awards from exercise biology organizations. To learn more about Dr. Booth, click here.

Dr. Booth published, along with several University of Missouri doctoral students, in Public Library of Science (PLoS One), an open access journal for science and medicine.

Ruegsegger GN, Company JM, Toedebusch RG, Roberts CK, Roberts MD, Booth FW. (2015) Rapid Alterations in Perirenal Adipose Tissue Transcriptomic Networks with Cessation of Voluntary Running. PLoS ONE 10(12): e0145229. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0145229

home Budget, Resources and Services, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library Information on the Journal Review Process

Information on the Journal Review Process

Updated 4/11/2016: Thanks to everyone who provided feedback! More information on the FY17 Libraries budget and the collection review process: http://library.missouri.edu/collectionsreview/

With the prospect of a possible $1 million shortfall to the MU Libraries collection budget in FY2017, we are seeking input on some lower-use journals, particularly the titles in the bundles purchased through publishers Elsevier and Wiley.

We are beginning with the Elsevier and Wiley bundles (plus a few additional high cost/use journals from other publishers) because:

  •  these packages consume a large portion of the library collections budget, amounting to about $2,000,000 annually
  •  similar to a “cable tv model,” these bundles contain many titles which were never selected for our library (e.g. the package include dentistry titles that were not chosen by the Libraries)

Login here to review the list of titles
Deadline for Review: Monday, April 4, 5pm. 

When looking at the journal list, you'll likely find it easiest to sort the journals by Subject (click on the green arrow in the Subject column).

You will see only one journal in the "Veterinary Medicine" category. Please check associated categories such as Agriculture, Biology, Human Anatomy & Physiology, Medicine, and Zoology.

Submit your feedback via the online database, or email Kate Anderson directly with any questions or concerns.

Learn more about the campuswide collections review process and the reasons for it.

With subscription prices escalating annually at a rate that far exceeds inflation, MU is not the only university facing this dilemma.  Read more:

Larivière V, Haustein S, Mongeon P. (2015) The Oligopoly of Academic Publishers in the Digital Era. PLoS One.  10(6): e0127502.

Bergstrom TC, Courant PN, McAfee RP, Williams MA. (2014) Evaluating Big Deal Journal Bundles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111(26): 9425–9430

View Health Sciences Libraries Director Deb Ward’s message to department chairs and health sciences leaders.


home Resources and Services, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library Resources for Residents: Specialty Boards

Resources for Residents: Specialty Boards

Check out our new guide to the Veterinary Specialty Boards Reading Lists! https://libraryguides.missouri.edu/vetboards

The guide compiles the recommended reading lists for the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Recognized Specialty Veterinary Organizations (RSVOs) examinations. We hope you will find this information useful as you prepare for boards!

Many thanks to the Veterinary Information Resource Committee of the Veterinary Medical Library Section (Medical Library Association) for pulling all of this wonderful information together and creating templates for veterinary libraries to use. And many thanks to Sue Giger for customizing the information for the University of Missouri!

home Resources and Services, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library Resources for Veterinary Toxicology

Resources for Veterinary Toxicology

Check out our updated Guide on Veterinary & Comparative Toxicology


home Resources and Services, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library Choose the Right Journal: Think.Check.Submit

Choose the Right Journal: Think.Check.Submit


Choosing the right journal for your research can be tricky!

Think. Check. Submit.

Think. Check. Submit. is a campaign to help researchers identify trusted journals for their research and includes a simple checklist researchers can use to assess the credentials of a journal or publisher.

And, of course, you can always ask Kate!

MU Libraries December 2015 Newsletter

December 2015

Dear friends and colleagues,

As we come to the end of the year, we wish you and yours a happy and refreshing holiday and look forward to the new semester.

As you have heard, the proposed library fee did not receive the required 60% of the student vote.  We want to let you know that the Libraries have been working hard to address current budget issues.  The good news is that we are able to avoid a large journal cut this fiscal year.  A message to faculty about current and future budget expectations will be shared with faculty late January. 

There are several ways in which you can support the libraries:

We continue to celebrate the centennial of the libraries. Please join us for our rededication ceremony on January 15, 3:00-5:00, in the grand reading room. Author Steve Weinberg will give a brief presentation on his upcoming publication, A Place of Visions: 100 years of the University of Missouri Libraries.

Attention BrowZine users.  We are sorry to report that this service will be discontinued beginning January 1st.  If you have questions, please contact your subject librarian. 

We are pleased to welcome librarian Timothy Perry to Special Collections. Tim recently completed a Master of Information degree at the University of Toronto, with specializations in Library and Information Science and in Book History and Print Culture. He also holds a Bachelor’s degree in Classics and French from the University of Canterbury (New Zealand), a Master’s degree in Classics from the University of Canterbury, and a PhD in Classics from the University of Toronto.

We wish you all the best in the new year!
MU Libraries